December, 2020
No. 105 (12)

About the Cover


Convalescent plasma for administration of passive antibodies against viral agents (838 Online Views)

Giovanni Di Minno, Pier Mannuccio Mannucci, James W. Ironside, Carlo Federico Perno, Lutz Gürtler, Louis Aledort

Centenary Review

Review Articles



Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells use podosomes to transcellularly cross the bone marrow endothelium (2374 Online Views)

Timo Rademakers, Marieke Goedhart, Mark Hoogenboezem, Alexander García Ponce, Jos van Rijssel, Maryna Samus, Michael Schnoor, Stefan Butz, Stephan Huveneers, Dietmar Vestweber, Martijn A. Nolte, Carlijn Voermans, Jaap D. van Buul


Somatic mutations and T-cell clonality in patients with immunodeficiency (4215 Online Views)

Paula Savola, Timi Martelius, Matti Kankainen, Jani Huuhtanen, Sofie Lundgren, Yrjö Koski, Samuli Eldfors, Tiina Kelkka, Mikko A.I. Keränen, Pekka Ellonen, Panu E. Kovanen, Soili Kytölä, Janna Saarela, Harri Lähdesmäki, Mikko R.J. Seppänen, Satu Mustjoki

Red Cell Biology & its Disorders

No evidence of hemoglobin damage by SARS-CoV-2 infection (6379 Online Views)

Anthony W. DeMartino, Jason J. Rose, Matthew B. Amdahl, Matthew R. Dent, Faraaz A. Shah, William Bain, Bryan J. McVerry, Georgios D. Kitsios, Jesús Tejero, Mark T. Gladwin

Distal and proximal hypoxia response elements cooperate to regulate organ-specific erythropoietin gene expression (4039 Online Views)

Ilaria M.C. Orlando, Véronique N. Lafleur, Federica Storti, Patrick Spielmann, Lisa Crowther, Sara Santambrogio, Johannes Schödel, David Hoogewijs, David R. Mole, Roland H. Wenger

Myelodysplastic Syndromes

Eltrombopag monotherapy can improve hematopoiesis in patients with low to intermediate risk-1 myelodysplastic syndrome (8757 Online Views)

Alana Vicente, Bhavisha A. Patel, Fernanda Gutierrez-Rodrigues, Emma Groarke, Valentina Giudice, Jennifer Lotter, Xingmin Feng, Sachiko Kajigaya, Barbara Weinstein, Evette Barranta, Matthew J. Olnes, Ankur R. Parikh, Maher Albitar, Colin O. Wu, Ruba Shalhoub, Katherine R. Calvo, Danielle M. Townsley, Phillip Scheinberg, Cynthia E. Dunbar, Neal S. Young, Thomas Winkler

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Dasatinib response in acute myeloid leukemia is correlated with FLT3/ITD, PTPN11 mutations and a unique gene expression signature (4109 Online Views)

Sigal Tavor, Tali Shalit, Noa Chapal Ilani, Yoni Moskovitz, Nir Livnat, Yoram Groner, Haim Barr, Mark D. Minden, Alexander Plotnikov, Michael W. Deininger, Nathali Kaushansky, Liran I. Shlush

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Treatment of patients with MYC rearrangement positive large B-cell lymphoma with R-CHOP plus lenalidomide: results of a multicenter HOVON phase II trial (4098 Online Views)

Martine E.D. Chamuleau, Coreline N. Burggraaff, Marcel Nijland, Katerina Bakunina, Rogier Mous, Pieternella J. Lugtenburg, Daan Dierickx, Gustaaf W. van Imhoff, Joost S.P. Vermaat, Erik A.F. Marijt, Otto Visser, Caroline Mandigers, Yavuz M. Bilgin, Aart Beeker, Mark F. Durian, Bas van Rees, Lara H. Bohmer, Lidwine W. Tick, Rinske S. Boersma, Tjeerd J.F. Snijders, Harry C. Schouten, Harry R. Koene, Eva de Jongh, Nathalie Hijmering, Arjan Diepstra, Anke van den Berg, Anne I.J. Arens, Julia Huijbregts, Otto Hoekstra, Josee M. Zijlstra, Daphne de Jong, Marie José Kersten

Plasma Cell Disorders


Tranfusion Medicine

Mortality reduction in 46 severe Covid-19 patients treated with hyperimmune plasma. A proof of concept single arm multicenter trial (18731 Online Views)

Cesare Perotti, Fausto Baldanti, Raffaele Bruno, Claudia Del Fante, Elena Seminari, Salvatore Casari, Elena Percivalle, Claudia Glingani, Valeria Musella, Mirko Belliato, Martina Garuti, Federica Meloni, Marilena Frigato, Antonio Di Sabatino, Catherine Klersy, Giuseppe De Donno, Massimo Franchini, Covid-19 plasma task force

Letters to the Editor

Perforin gene variant A91V in young patients with severe COVID-19 (1887 Online Views)

Oscar Cabrera-Marante, Edgard Rodríguez de Frías, Daniel E. Pleguezuelo, Luis M. Allende, Antonio Serrano, Rocío Laguna-Goya, María Esther Mancebo, Paloma Talayero, Luis Álvarez-Vallina, Pablo Morales, Maria José Castro-Panete, Estela Paz-Artal

Complement C5 inhibition in patients with COVID-19 - a promising target? (2811 Online Views)

Regis Peffault de Latour, Anne Bergeron, Etienne Lengline, Thibault Dupont, Armance Marchal, Lionel Galicier, Nathalie de Castro, Louise Bondeelle, Michael Darmon, Clairelyne Dupin, Guillaume Dumas, Pierre Leguen, Isabelle Madelaine, Sylvie Chevret, Jean-Michel Molina, Elie Azoulay, Veronique Fremeaux-Bacchi, CORE GROUP

The proteome of neutrophils in sickle cell disease reveals an unexpected activation of interferon alpha signaling pathway (1542 Online Views)

Patricia Hermand, Slim Azouzi, Emilie-Fleur Gautier, François Guillonneau, Vincent Bondet, Darragh Duffy, Sebastien Dechavanne, Pierre-Louis Tharaux, Patrick Mayeux, Caroline Le Van Kim, Berengere Koehl

Plasticity in growth behavior of patients' acute myeloid leukemia stem cells growing in mice (2038 Online Views)

Sarah Ebinger, Christina Zeller, Michela Carlet, Daniela Senft, Johannes W. Bagnoli, Wen-Hsin Liu, Maja Rothenberg-Thurley, Wolfgang Enard, Klaus H. Metzeler, Tobias Herold, Karsten Spiekermann, Binje Vick, Irmela Jeremias

Donor cell leukemia: reappearance of gene mutations in donor cells - more than an incidental phenomenon? (1553 Online Views)

Tal Shahar Gabay, Noa Chapal-Ilani, Yoni Moskovitz, Tamir Biezuner, Barak Oron, Yardena Brilon, Anna Fridman-Dror, Rawan Sabah, Ran Balicer, Amos Tanay, Netta Mendelson-Cohen, Eldad J. Dann, Riva Fineman, Nathali Kaushansky, Shlomit Yehudai-Reshef, Tsila Zuckerman, Liran I. Shlush

Chronic lymphocytic leukemias with trisomy 12 show a distinct DNA methylation profile linked to altered chromatin activation (1370 Online Views)

Maria Tsagiopoulou, Vicente Chapaprieta, Martí Duran-Ferrer, Theodoros Moysiadis, Fotis Psomopoulos, Panagoula Kollia, Nikos Papakonstantinou, Elias Campo, Kostas Stamatopoulos, Jose I. Martin-Subero

Lenalidomide, dexamethasone and alemtuzumab or ofatumumab in high-risk chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: final results of the NCRI CLL210 trial (1389 Online Views)

Andrew R. Pettitt, Richard Jackson, Silvia Cicconi, Fotis Polydoros, Christina Yap, James Dodd, Matthew Bickerstaff, Michael Stackpoole, Umair T. Khan, Stacey Carruthers, Melanie Oates, Ke Lin, Sarah E. Coupland, Geetha Menon, Nagesh Kalakonda, Helen McCarthy, Adrian Bloor, Anna Schuh, Andrew Duncombe, Claire Dearden, Christopher Fegan, Ben Kennedy, Renata Walewska, Scott Marshall, Christopher P. Fox, Peter Hillmen

Clinical characteristics and outcome of multiple myeloma patients with concomitant COVID-19 at Comprehensive Cancer Centers in Germany (2810 Online Views)

Monika Engelhardt, Khalid Shoumariyeh, Amelie Rösner, Gabriele Ihorst, Francesca Biavasco, Katharina Meckel, Ivana von Metzler, Sebastian Treurich, Holger Hebart, Matthias Grube, Miriam Kull, Florian Bassermann, Kerstin Schäfer-Eckart, Anette Hoferer, Hermann Einsele, Leo Rasche, Ralph Wäsch

Ixazomib-Thalidomide-low dose dexamethasone induction followed by maintenance therapy with ixazomib or placebo in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients not eligible for autologous stem cell transplantation; results from the randomized phase II HOVON-126/NMSG 21.13 trial (2687 Online Views)

Sonja Zweegman, Claudia A.M. Stege, Einar Haukas, Fredrik H. Schjesvold, Mark-David Levin, Anders Waage, Rineke B.L. Leys, Saskia K. Klein, Damian Szatkowski, Per Axelsson, Trung Hieu Do, Dorota Knut-Bojanowska, Ellen van der Spek, Asta Svirskaite, Anja Klostergaard, Morten Salomo, Celine Blimark, Paula F. Ypma, Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist, Pino J. Poddighe, Marian Stevens-Kroef, Niels W.C.J. van de Donk, Pieter Sonneveld, Markus Hansson, Bronno van der Holt, Niels Abildgaard


Case Reports

Apparent recessive inheritance of sideroblastic anemia type 2 due to uniparental isodisomy at the SLC25A38 locus (1156 Online Views)

Immacolata Andolfo, Stefania Martone, Michela Ribersani, Simona Bianchi, Francesco Manna, Rita Genesio, Antonella Gambale, Piero Pignataro, Anna Maria Testi, Achille Iolascon, Roberta Russo

Eculizumab for complement mediated thrombotic microangiopathy in sickle cell disease (3484 Online Views)

Satheesh Chonat, Sara Graciaa, H. Stella Shin, Joanna G. Newton, Maa-Ohui Quarmyne, Jeanne Boudreaux, Amy Tang, Patricia E. Zerra, Margo R. Rollins, Cassandra D. Josephson, Clark Brown, Clinton H. Joiner, Ross M. Fasano, Sean R. Stowell