June, 2000
No. 85 (6)



Danazol treatment of idiopathic myelofibrosis with severe anemia (593 Online Views)

F Cervantes, JC Hernandez-Boluda, A Alvarez, E Nadal, E Montserrat

Prevalence and clinical significance of antiprothrombin antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus or with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (248 Online Views)

FJ Munoz-Rodriguez, JC Reverter, J Font, D Tassies, R Cervera, G Espinosa, F Carmona, J Balasch, A Ordinas, M Ingelmo

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in childhood: report from the bone marrow transplantation group of the Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica (AIEOP) (224 Online Views)

A Pession, R Rondelli, P Paolucci, G Pastore, G Dini, F Bonetti, E Madon, F Mandelli, L Zanesco, C Uderzo, A Prete, M Rabusin, A Ugazio, P Di Bartolomeo, C Favre, L Bojd-Faulkner, V Poggi, R Luksch, A Donfrancesco, F Argiolu, G La Nasa, A Amici, F Locatelli

Letters to the Editor

Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the vagina (121 Online Views)

F Raspagliesi, A Ditto, R Fontanelli, G Gallino, PB Massone, G De Palo

Case Reports

Mitosis in peripheral blood in prematurity (156 Online Views)

J Ferrer-Canabate, R Ros-Bullon, J Majado-Martinez

Homozygous Constant Spring: the first case described in the west (213 Online Views)

NI Noguera, FA Gonzalez, P Ropero, E Anguita, AC Milani, A Villegas

Liver nodular regenerative hyperplasia after bone marrow transplant (159 Online Views)

L Pezzullo, P Muretto, G De Rosa, M Picardi, A Lucania, B Rotoli

Clinical Trial

Comparative Studies

Application of cross-species color banding (RxFISH) in the study of T-prolymphocytic leukemia (358 Online Views)

B Espinet, F Sole, M Salido, E Lloveras, E Abella, C Besses, S Serrano, S Woessner, L Florensa