May, 2000
No. 85 (5)



Human herpesvirus 6 in hematologic diseases in China (184 Online Views)

XT Ma, YH Song, DM Lu, GF Mu, G Li, LX Ji, RC Yang, KF Wu

Geographic distribution of CDA-II: did a founder effect operate in Southern Italy? (396 Online Views)

A Iolascon, V Servedio, R Carbone, A Totaro, M Carella, S Perrotta, SN Wickramasinghe, J Delaunay, H Heimpel, P Gasparini

Detection of inv(16) and t(16;16) by fluorescence in situ hybridization in acute myeloid leukemia M4Eo (344 Online Views)

JM Hernandez, MB Gonzalez, I Granada, N Gutierrez, C Chillon, F Ramos, JM Ribera, M Gonzalez, E Feliu, J San Miguel

Dose-intensive melphalan with stem cell support (CM regimen) is effective and well tolerated in elderly myeloma patients (256 Online Views)

A Palumbo, S Triolo, L Baldini, V Callea, A Capaldi, V De Stefano, M Grasso, M Liberati, C Lotesoriere, R Marceno, F Marmont, P Musto, MT Petrucci, M Spriano, A Pileri, M Boccadoro

Letters to the Editor

CD79b expression in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (217 Online Views)

G D'Arena, N Cascavilla, P Musto, R Colella Bisogno, G Pistolese, M Carotenuto


Case Reports

Coexistence of two distinct cell populations (CD56(+)TcRgammadelta(+) and CD56(+)TcRgammadelta(-)) in a case of aggressive CD56(+) lymphoma/leukemia (398 Online Views)

A Camera, L Pezzullo, MR Villa, L Luciano, F Pane, B Izzo, P Boccuni, R Di Noto, L Del Vecchio, F Salvatore, B Rotoli

Clinical Trial

Phase II study of 3-hour infusion of high dose paclitaxel in refractory and relapsed aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte (153 Online Views)

RO Casasnovas, C Haioun, C Dumontet, J Gabarre, B Richard, P Lederlin, D Caillot, A Stamatoullas, P Morel, B Quesnel, JY Blay, K Bouabdallah, C Gisselbrecht

Comparative Studies

Role of hepatocyte growth factor in the development of dendritic cells from CD34+ bone marrow cells (224 Online Views)

E Ovali, S Ratip, A Kibaroglu, Y Tekelioglu, M Cetiner, S Karti, F Aydin, M Bayik, T Akoglu