July, 2000
No. 85 (7)


Folate status in Italian blood donors: relation to gender and smoking (231 Online Views)

A Cafolla, F Dragoni, G Girelli, ME Tosti, A Costante, D Pastorelli, G Bedogni, S Scott

Efficacy of the VBM regimen in the treatment of elderly patients with Hodgkin's disease (424 Online Views)

PL Zinzani, M Magagnoli, M Bendandi, E Barbieri, A Galuppi, F Gherlinzoni, M Tani, P Albertini, V Stefoni, L Babini, S Tura

Letters to the Editor

Donor lymphocyte infusion for post-transplant relapse of Hodgkin's lymphoma (286 Online Views)

G De Rosa, L Pezzullo, N Scarpato, C Selleri, A Lucania, B Rotoli


Case Reports

Cutaneous promyelocytic sarcoma at sites of vascular access and marrow aspiration. A characteristic localization of chloromas in acute promyelocytic leukemia? (159 Online Views)

MA Sanz, L Larrea, G Sanz, G Martin, A Sempere, F Gomis, J Martinez, A Regadera, S Saavedra, I Jarque, C Jimenez, J Cervera, J de La Rubia

Difficulties in the diagnosis of primary cardiac lymphomas (119 Online Views)

P Carfagna, A Redondi, F Taglietti, M Battista, G d'Amati, C Brandimarte

Clinical Trial

Lomustine and melphalan cannot be replaced by cyclophosphamide and etoposide without reducing efficacy in MOPPEBVCAD chemotherapy for advanced Hodgkin's disease (219 Online Views)

PG Gobbi, C Broglia, R Berte, MP Petrilli, S Molica, F Angrilli, E Iannitto, ML Ghirardelli, N Di Renzo, L Cavanna, E Ascari

Comparative Studies

Clinical significance of P-glycoprotein expression and function for response to induction chemotherapy, relapse rate and overall survival in acute leukemia (279 Online Views)

C Wuchter, K Leonid, V Ruppert, M Schrappe, T Buchner, C Schoch, T Haferlach, J Harbott, R Ratei, B Dorken, WD Ludwig