July, 1999
No. 84 (7)



Frequent mutation of bcl-6 proto-oncogene in high grade, but not low grade, MALT lymphomas of the gastrointestinal tract (179 Online Views)

G Gaidano, D Capello, A Gloghini, L Fassone, D Vivenza, C Ariatti, A Migliazza, G Saglio, A Carbone

13q14 deletion in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: correlation with clinicopathologic features (440 Online Views)

A Cuneo, R Bigoni, GM Rigolin, MG Roberti, A Bardi, D Campioni, C Minotto, P Agostini, R Milani, F Bullrich, M Negrini, C Croce, G Castoldi

Secondary chromosome changes in mantle cell lymphoma (187 Online Views)

I Wlodarska, S Pittaluga, A Hagemeijer, C De Wolf-Peeters, H Van Den Berghe

Core needle biopsy is effective in the initial diagnosis of mediastinal lymphoma (226 Online Views)

PL Zinzani, G Corneli, A Cancellieri, M Magagnoli, N Lacava, F Gherlinzoni, M Bendandi, P Albertini, G Baruzzi, S Tura, M Boaron

Diagnostic role of gallium scanning in the management of lymphoma with mediastinal involvement (392 Online Views)

PL Zinzani, M Magagnoli, R Franchi, M Zompatori, G Frezza, R Galassi, F Gherlinzoni, M Bendandi, P Albertini, N Monetti, S Tura

Serum phospholipids are the main environmental determinants of activated factor VII in the most common FVII genotype. European Union Concerted Action "Clotart" (191 Online Views)

G Mariani, F Bernardi, R Bertina, VV Vicente, H Prydz, M Samama, PM Sandset, GD Di Nucci, MG Testa, B Bendz, F Chiarotti, MV Ciarla, R Strom

The belgian experience in unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation: identification of center experience as an important prognostic factor (229 Online Views)

MF Dresse, M Boogaerts, C Vermylen, L Noens, A Ferrant, R Schots, C Doyen, D Bron, Z Berneman, A Ferster, Y Benoit, H Demuynck, Y Beguin

Letters to the Editor

Case Reports

Anticoagulant pseudothrombocytopenia with platelet satellitism (171 Online Views)

M Morselli, G Longo, G Bonacorsi, L Potenza, G Emilia, G Torelli

4.2 Nippon mutation in a non-Japanese patient with hereditary spherocytosis (175 Online Views)

S Perrotta, A Iolascon, R Polito, G d'Urzo, ML Conte, E Miraglia del Giudice

Intrauterine anemia due to parvovirus B19: successful treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins (166 Online Views)

S Rugolotto, EM Padovani, A Sanna, GP Chiaffoni, PL Marradi, C Borgna-Pignatti

Leukemoid reaction preceding the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma by four years (527 Online Views)

A Ferrer, F Cervantes, JC Hernandez-Boluda, A Alvarez, E Montserrat

Comparative Studies