July, 1997
No. 82 (4)


Measurement of catecholamines in mouse bone marrow by means of HPLC with electrochemical detection (238 Online Views)

F Marino, M Cosentino, R Bombelli, M Ferrari, GJ Maestroni, A Conti, S Lecchini, G Frigo

Parvovirus B19 infections in patients with chronic anemia (305 Online Views)

ED Heegaard, J Myhre, A Hornsleth, M Gundestrup, H Boye

Serum erythropoietin in the diagnosis of polycythemia vera. A follow-up study (416 Online Views)

AF Remacha, I Montserrat, A Santamaria, A Oliver, MJ Barcelo, M Parellada

Superoxide release by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the presence of deferoxamine (221 Online Views)

M Iacobini, G Palumbo, F Cassiani, FM Perla, B Werner, A Menichelli, D Del Principe

Bacteremia in patients with hematological malignancies. Analysis of risk factors, etiological agents and prognostic indicators (278 Online Views)

L Pagano, E Tacconelli, M Tumbarello, L Laurenti, E Ortu-La Barbera, A Antinori, S Caponera, R Cauda, G Leone

Natural and acquired inhibitors of hemostasis in selected symptomatic outpatients with venous thromboembolic disease (370 Online Views)

M Bazzan, G Tamponi, A Vaccarino, B Montaruli, E Aluffi, P Schinco, A Pannocchia, A Borchiellini, C Rabbia, A Pileri

The clinical course of deep-vein thrombosis. Prospective long-term follow-up of 528 symptomatic patients (569 Online Views)

P Prandoni, S Villalta, P Bagatella, L Rossi, A Marchiori, A Piccioli, E Bernardi, B Girolami, P Simioni, A Girolami

Localized orbital lymphoma (216 Online Views)

P Galieni, E Polito, A Leccisotti, G Marotta, S Lasi, C Bigazzi, A Bucalossi, G Frezza, F Lauria

Molecular heterogeneity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) variants in Italy (533 Online Views)

F Martinez di Montemuros, C Dotti, D Tavazzi, G Fiorelli, MD Cappellini

New insights in biology and current therapeutic options for patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (389 Online Views)

AM Carella, F Frassoni, J Melo, C Sawyers, C Eaves, A Eaves, J Apperley, S Tura, R Hehlmann, J Reiffers, E Lerma, J Goldman

Letters to the Editor


Case Reports

Long-lasting effect of cyclosporin-A on anemia associated with idiopathic myelofibrosis (196 Online Views)

D Pietrasanta, M Clavio, E Vallebella, G Beltrami, M Cavaliere, M Gobbi

An unexpected diagnosis (129 Online Views)

K Chemlal, V Andrieu-Beautru, MJ Grange

Clinical Trial

Comparative Studies