September, 1997
No. 82 (5)


Phenotypes of individuals with a beta thal classical allele associated either with a beta thal silent allele or with alpha globin gene triplication (265 Online Views)

I Bianco, M Lerone, E Foglietta, G Deidda, MP Cappabianca, L Morlupi, D Ponzini, P Grisanti, P Di Biagio, A Amato, M Mezzabotta, B Graziani

Clinical and biological characteristics of myelodysplastic syndromes with nulisomy Y by fish (290 Online Views)

M Garcia-Isidoro, MD Tabernero, ML Najera, JL Garcia, JM Hernandez, A Duran, JF San Miguel, A Orfao

The patterns of IL2, IFN-gamma, IL4 and IL5 gene expression in Hodgkin's disease and reactive lymph nodes are similar (388 Online Views)

D Serrano, F Ghiotto, S Roncella, I Airoldi, G Cutrona, M Truini, VL Burgio, CD Baroni, M Ferrarini, V Pistoia

Mutational analysis of p53 in 16 cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and Burkitt's lymphoma (515 Online Views)

JF Nomdedeu, I Lete, M Baiget, A Lasa, C Estivill, E Rubiol, I Badell, N Pardo, J Cubells, R Mateu, S Brunet, R Bordes, J Soler

The in vitro cytotoxic effect of mitoxantrone in combination with fludarabine or pentostatin in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (231 Online Views)

F Morabito, I Callea, G Console, C Stelitano, G Sculli, M Filangeri, B Oliva, C Musolino, P Iacopino, M Brugiatelli

Chimerism analysis in long-term survivor patients after bone marrow transplantation for severe aplastic anemia (371 Online Views)

Gomez, MJ Garcia, J Serrano, J Sanchez, M Falcon, JA Castillejo, JA Navarro, C Martin, A Torres

Letters to the Editor

Desferrioxamine in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes (102 Online Views)

J Del Rio Garma, C Fernandez Lago, FJ Batlle Fonrodona

Case Reports

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura secondary to endometriosis (221 Online Views)

ML Amigo, MD Caballero, L Vazquez, T Flores, A Lopez, JF San Miguel

Clinical Trial

Comparative Studies


In Vitro