A case of Di Guglielmo's syndrome passed through the three stages of chronic erythromyelosis, erythroleukemia and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). According to the FAB classification the subsequent stages of this syndrome were refractory anemia (RA), RA with excess of blasts (RAEB), AML-M6, AML-M2 and undifferentiated AML-MO as the end-stage disease. Light- and electronmicroscopice findings on peripheral blood and bone marrow slides showed a pronounced trilineage myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) during the RA, RAEB, AML-M6 and M2 phases of the disease, i.e. dysplastic erythropoiesis with PAS-positive erythroblasts, agranular and hypogranular neutrophils and dysplastic megakaryocytes. It is concluded that this case of Di Guglielmo's syndrome with chronic erythromyelosis, erythroleukemia and AML appears to be a continuum of trilineage MDS, AML-M6 and M2 with dyserythropoiesis which evolved into AML-M0.
Vol. 82 No. 4 (1997): July, 1997 : Case Reports
Published By
Ferrata Storti Foundation, Pavia, Italy
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