June, 2009
No. 94 (6)


Review Articles

Matriptase-2 (TMPRSS6): a proteolytic regulator of iron homeostasis (3584 Online Views)

Andrew J. Ramsay, John D. Hooper, Alicia R. Folgueras, Gloria Velasco, Carlos López-Otín



Activated macrophages induce hepcidin expression in HuH7 hepatoma cells (1785 Online Views)

Pavle Matak, Timothy B. Chaston, Bomee Chung, Surjit Kaila Srai, Andrew T. McKie, Paul A. Sharp


A simplified minimal residual disease polymerase chain reaction method at early treatment points can stratify children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia into good and poor outcome groups (859 Online Views)

Carlos A. Scrideli, Juliana G. Assumpção, Mônica A. Ganazza, Marcela Araújo, Silvia R. Toledo, Maria Lúcia M. Lee, Elisabete Delbuono, Antonio S. Petrilli, Rosane P. Queiróz, Andrea Biondi, Marcos B. Viana, José A. Yunes, Silvia R. Brandalise, Luiz G. Tone


Gene expression profiling reveals differences in microenvironment interaction between patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia expressing high versus low ZAP70 mRNA (2575 Online Views)

Basile Stamatopoulos, Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Carole Equeter, Nathalie Meuleman, Anne Sorée, Cécile De Bruyn, Delphine Hanosset, Dominique Bron, Philippe Martiat, Laurence Lagneaux


Intrinsic impaired proplatelet formation and microtubule coil assembly of megakaryocytes in a mouse model of Bernard-Soulier syndrome (1121 Online Views)

Catherine Strassel, Anita Eckly, Catherine Léon, Claire Petitjean, Monique Freund, Jean-Pierre Cazenave, Christian Gachet, François Lanza


Impact of hematopoietic chimerism at day +14 on engraftment after unrelated donor umbilical cord blood transplantation for hematologic malignancies (789 Online Views)

Federico Moscardó, Jaime Sanz, Leonor Senent, Susana Cantero, Javier de la Rubia, Pau Montesinos, Dolores Planelles, Ignacio Lorenzo, Jose Cervera, Javier Palau, Miguel A. Sanz, Guillermo F. Sanz


Brief Reports

Angiotensin-(1–7) stimulates hematopoietic progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo (1284 Online Views)

Silvia Heringer-Walther, Klaus Eckert, Sarah-Mai Schumacher, Lutz Uharek, Annika Wulf-Goldenberg, Florian Gembardt, Iduna Fichtner, Heinz-Peter Schultheiss, Kathy Rodgers, Thomas Walther


The level of BCR-ABL1 kinase activity before treatment does not identify chronic myeloid leukemia patients who fail to achieve a complete cytogenetic response on imatinib (1034 Online Views)

Jamshid Sorouri Khorashad, Simon Wagner, Liat Greener, David Marin, Alistair Reid, Dragana Milojkovic, Hetal Patel, Shaun Willimott, Katy Rezvani, Gareth Gerrard, Sandra Loaiza, John Davis, John Goldman, Junia Melo, Jane Apperley, Letizia Foroni


Significant increase in the apparent incidence of essential thrombocythemia related to new WHO diagnostic criteria: a population-based study (883 Online Views)

François Girodon, Gilles Bonicelli, Céline Schaeffer, Morgane Mounier, Serge Carillo, Ingrid Lafon, Paule Marie Carli, Inès Janoray, Emmanuelle Ferrant, Marc Maynadié


Establishment and validation of a standard protocol for the detection of minimal residual disease in B lineage childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia by flow cytometry in a multi-center setting; (1550 Online Views)

Julie Irving, Jenny Jesson, Paul Virgo, Marian Case, Lynne Minto, Lisa Eyre, Nigel Noel, Ulrika Johansson, Marion Macey, Linda Knotts, Margaret Helliwell, Paul Davies, Liam Whitby, David Barnett, Jeremy Hancock, Nick Goulden, Sarah Lawson


CD4 counts and the risk of systemic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in individuals with HIV in the UK (1643 Online Views)

Mark Bower, Martin Fisher, Teresa Hill, Iain Reeves, John Walsh, Chloe Orkin, Andrew N. Phillips, Loveleen Bansi, Richard Gilson, Philippa Easterbrook, Margaret Johnson, Brian Gazzard, Clifford Leen, Deenan Pillay, Achim Schwenk, Jane Anderson, Kholoud Porter, Mark Gompels, Caroline A. Sabin, for the UK CHIC Steering Committee


Letters to the Editor

Regulation of serum hepcidin levels in sickle cell disease (419 Online Views)

Joyce J.C. Kroot, Coby M.M. Laarakkers, Erwin H.J.M. Kemna, Bart J. Biemond, Dorine W. Swinkels


Decision Making and Problem Solving