March, 2007
No. 92 (3)



Using quantification of the PML-RARα transcript to stratify the risk of relapse in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (1954 Online Views)

Carlos Santamaría, Maria Carmen Chillón, Carina Fernández, Patricia Martín-Jiménez, Ana Balanzategui, Ramón García Sanz, Jesús F. San Miguel, Marcos-Gonzalez González

Absence of prognostic impact of CD13 and/or CD33 antigen expression in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Results of the GIMEMA ALL 0496 trial (1536 Online Views)

Antonella Vitale, Anna Guarini, Cristina Ariola, Giovanna Meloni, Omar Perbellini, Michele Pizzuti, Cinzia De Gregoris, Vincenzo Mettivier, Alessandro Pastorini, Giovanni Pizzolo, Marco Vignetti, Franco Mandelli, Robin Foà

Autologous stem cell transplantation after complete remission and first consolidation in acute myeloid leukemia patients aged 61–70 years: results of the prospective EORTC–GIMEMA AML–13 study (1145 Online Views)

Xavier Thomas, Stefan Suciu, Bernard Rio, Giuseppe Leone, Giorgio Broccia, George Fillet, Ulrich Jehn, Walter Feremans, Giovanna Meloni, Marco Vignetti, Theo de Witte, Sergio Amadori

Immunosuppressive therapy with anti-thymocyte globulin and cyclosporine A in selected children with hypoplastic refractory cytopenia (832 Online Views)

Ayami Yoshimi, Irith Baumann, Monika Führer, Eva Bergsträsser, Ulrich Göbel, Karl-Walter Sykora, Thomas Klingebiel, Ute Gross-Wieltsch, Marry M van den Heuvel-Eibrink, Alexandra Fischer, Peter Nöllke, Charlotte Niemeyer

Brief Reports

Resistance to dasatinib in Philadelphia-positive leukemia patients and the presence or the selection of mutations at residues 315 and 317 in the BCR-ABL kinase domain (2229 Online Views)

Simona Soverini, Sabrina Colarossi, Alessandra Gnani, Fausto Castagnetti, Gianantonio Rosti, Costanza Bosi, Stefania Paolini, Michela Rondoni, Pier Paolo Piccaluga, Francesca Palandri, Panagiota Giannoulia, Giulia Marzocchi, Simona Luatti, Nicoletta Testoni, Ilaria Iacobucci, Daniela Cilloni, Giuseppe Saglio, Michele Baccarani, Giovanni Martinelli

The translocations t(6;18;11)(q24;q21;q21) and t(11;14;18)(q21;q32;q21) lead to a fusion of the API2 and MALT1 genes and occur in MALT lymphomas (897 Online Views)

Eva M. Murga Penas, Evelyne Callet-Bauchu, Hongtao Ye, Kristina Hinz, Nadine Albert, Christiane Copie-Bergman, Sophie Gazzo, Françoise Berger, Gilles Salles, Carsten Bokemeyer, Ming-Qing Du, Judith Dierlamm

Deferral of assessment of pulmonary embolism (457 Online Views)

Sergio Siragusa, Alessandra Malato, Francesco Falaschi, Fernando Porro, Raffaela Anastasio, Antonino Giarratano, Lucio Lo Coco, Maria Cristina Buonanno, Elena Maggi, Maria Antonietta Bressan, Guglielmo Mariani

Reduced intensity stem cell transplantation for advanced soft tissue sarcomas in adults: a retrospective analysis of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (640 Online Views)

Simona Secondino, Matteo G. Carrabba, Paolo Pedrazzoli, Luca Castagna, Francesco Spina, Federica Grosso, Alexia Bertuzzi, Jacques-Olivier Bay, Salvatore Siena, Paolo Corradini, Dietger Niederwieser, Taner Demirer

Letters to the Editor

Steroid treatment in children with sickle-cell disease (2226 Online Views)

Sonia Couillard, Malika Benkerrou, Robert Girot, Valentine Brousse, Alicia Ferster, Brigitte Bader-Meunier

JAK2V617F detection and dosage of serum erythropoietin: first steps of the diagnostic work-up for patients consulting for elevated hematocrit (1301 Online Views)

François Girodon, Eric Lippert, Pascal Mossuz, Irène Dobo, Nathalie Boiret-Dupré, Jean-François Lesesve, Sylvie Hermouet, Vincent Praloran

Online Only Articles

Primary T-cell lymphoma of the thyroid gland with chemokine receptors of Th1 phenotype complicating autoimmune thyroiditis (633 Online Views)

S. Koida, K. Tsukasaki, T. Tsuchiya, H. Harasawa, T. Fukushima, Y. Yamada, K. Ohshima, S. Kamihira, M. Kikuchi, M. Tomonaga

Large granular lymphocyte proliferation and revertant mosaicism: two rare events in a Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome patient (472 Online Views)

K. Boztug, U. Baumann, M. Ballmaier, D. Webster, I. Sandrock, R. Jacobs, T. Lion, S. Preuner, M. Germeshausen, G. Hansen, K. Welte, C. Klein

Progress in Hematology

Chimeric T-cell receptors: new challenges for targeted immunotherapy in hematologic malignancies (840 Online Views)

Ettore Biagi, Virna Marin, Greta Maria Paola Giordano Attianese, Erica Dander, Giovanna D’Amico, Andrea Biondi

Research Papers

Arsenic but not all-trans retinoic acid overcomes the aberrant stem cell capacity of PML/RARα-positive leukemic stem cells (857 Online Views)

Xiaomin Zheng, Anita Seshire, Brigitte Rüster, Gesine Bug, Tim Beissert, Elena Puccetti, Dieter Hoelzer, Reinhard Henschler, Martin Ruthardt

The prognostic role of CXCR3 expression by chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells (651 Online Views)

Esther Ocaña, Luis Delgado-Pérez, Antonio Campos-Caro, Juan Muñóz, Antonio Paz, Rafael Franco, José A. Brieva

High prevalence of bleeders of unknown cause among patients with inherited mucocutaneous bleeding. A prospective study of 280 patients and 299 controls (2002 Online Views)

Teresa Quiroga, Manuela Goycoolea, Olga Panes, Eduardo Aranda, Carlos Martínez, Sabine Belmont, Blanca Muñoz, Pamela Zúñiga, Jaime Pereira, Diego Mezzano

Surgical bleeding after pre-operative unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparin for coronary bypass surgery (2187 Online Views)

Giulia Renda, Raffaele Di Pillo, Alberto D’Alleva, Adolfo Sciartilli, Marco Zimarino, Erica De Candia, Raffaele Landolfi, Gabriele Di Giammarco, Antonio Calafiore, Raffaele De Caterina

Venous thromboembolism – a manifestation of the metabolic syndrome (1482 Online Views)

Cihan Ay, Theres Tengler, Rainer Vormittag, Ralph Simanek, Wolfgang Dorda, Thomas Vukovich, Ingrid Pabinger