February, 2007
No. 92 (2)



Low frequency maintenance therapy with imiglucerase in adult type I Gaucher disease: a prospective randomized controlled trial (1336 Online Views)

Maaike de Fost, Johannes M.F.G. Aerts, Johanna E.M. Groener, Mario Maas, Erik M. Akkerman, Maaike G. Wiersma, Carla E.M. Hollak


The relationship between ABO groups and subgroups, factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (1275 Online Views)

Norma Cristina Sousa, Joyce Maria Anicchino-Bizzacchi, Maria Fátima Locatelli, Vagner Castro, Maria Lourdes Barjas-Castro


Brief Reports

Cryptic chromosome 9q34 deletion generates TAF-Iα/CAN and TAF-Iβ/CAN fusion transcripts in acute myeloid leukemia (817 Online Views)

Roberto Rosati, Roberta La Starza, Gianluca Barba, Paolo Gorello, Valentina Pierini, Caterina Matteucci, Giovanni Roti, Barbara Crescenzi, Silvia Romoli, Teresa Aloisi, Franco Aversa, Massimo Fabrizio Martelli, Cristina Mecucci


Lack of evidence of sustained hematopoietic reconstitution after transplantation of unmanipulated adult liver stem cells in monkeys (397 Online Views)

Michel Drouet, Jean-François Mayol, Françoise Norol, André Peinnequin, Jean-Pierre Zarski, Christian Létoublon, Francis Hérodin


Letters to the Editor

Hb Évora [α2-35 (B16), Ser→Pro], a novel hemoglobin variant associated with an α-thalassemia phenotype (597 Online Views)

Susana Gomes, Isabel Picanço, Armandina Miranda, Maria Teresa Seixas, Mafalda Oliveira, Luísa Romão, Paula Faustino


Red Cell Disorders

B-, T-, and NK-cell lineage involvement in JAK2V617F-positive patients with idiopathic myelofibrosis (556 Online Views)

Costanza Bogani, Paola Guglielmelli, Elisabetta Antonioli, Alessandro Pancrazzi, Alberto Bosi, Alessandro Maria Vannucchi


New types of MYST3-CBP and CBP-MYST3 fusion transcripts in t(8;16)(p11;p13) acute myeloid leukemias (539 Online Views)

Anne Murati, José Adélaïde, Benoît Quilichini, Virginie Rémy, Danielle Sainty, Anne-Marie Stoppa, Philippe Bernard, Sylviane Olschwang, Daniel Birnbaum, Max Chaffanet, Marie-Joëlle Mozziconacci


Malignant Lymphomas

Gemcitabine, cisplatin and methylprednisolone for the treatment of patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma: the Royal Marsden Hospital experience (1113 Online Views)

Hendrik-Tobias Arkenau, Geoff Chong, David Cunningham, David Watkins, Bhawna Sirohi, Ian Chau, Andrew Wotherspoon, Andy Norman, Alan Horwich, Estella Matutes


The V617F mutation of JAK2 is very uncommon in patients with thrombosis (484 Online Views)

Angel F. Remacha, Camino Estivill, M. Pilar Sarda, José Mateo, Joan Carles Souto, Carme Canals, Josep Nomdedéu, Jordi Fontcuberta


Elevated factor XIII level and the risk of myocardial infarction in women (1017 Online Views)

Zsuzsanna Bereczky, Emilia Balogh, Éva Katona, István Czuriga, István Édes, László Muszbek


Decision Making and Problem Solving

Mucositis in patients with hematologic malignancies: an overview (7082 Online Views)

Pasquale Niscola, Claudio Romani, Luca Cupelli, Laura Scaramucci, Andrea Tendas, Teresa Dentamaro, Sergio Amadori, Paolo de Fabritiis


Errata Corrige

Online Only Articles

Research Papers

Epigenetic regulation of human cancer/testis antigen gene, HAGE, in chronic myeloid leukemia (823 Online Views)

Jose Roman-Gomez, Antonio Jimenez-Velasco, Xabier Agirre, Juan A. Castillejo, German Navarro, Edurne San Jose-Eneriz, Leire Garate, Lucia Cordeu, Francisco Cervantes, Felipe Prosper, Anabel Heiniger, Antonio Torres


Characterization of three new imatinib-responsive fusion genes in chronic myeloproliferative disorders generated by disruption of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor β gene (1411 Online Views)

Christoph Walz, Georgia Metzgeroth, Claudia Haferlach, Annette Schmitt-Graeff, Alice Fabarius, Volker Hagen, Otto Prümmer, Stefan Rauh, Rüdiger Hehlmann, Andreas Hochhaus, Nicholas C.P. Cross, Andreas Reiter


Plasma RNA as an alternative to cells for monitoring molecular response in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (823 Online Views)

Wanlong Ma, Richard Tseng, Mercedes Gorre, Iman Jilani, Michael Keating, Hagop Kantarjian, Jorge Cortes, Susan O’Brien, Francis Giles, Maher Albitar


Expression of the RNA-binding protein VICKZ in normal hematopoietic tissues and neoplasms (788 Online Views)

Yasodha Natkunam, Gilad Vainer, Jun Chen, Shuchun Zhao, Robert J. Marinelli, Anne S. Hammer, Stephen Hamilton-Dutoit, Eli Pikarsky, Gail Amir, Ronald Levy, Joel K. Yisraeli, Izidore S. Lossos


The prognostic significance of the intra-follicular tumor cell proliferative rate in follicular lymphoma (1471 Online Views)

Ad Koster, Hedwig A. Tromp, John M.M. Raemaekers, George F. Borm, Konnie Hebeda, Marius A. MacKenzie, Joannes H.J.M. van Krieken


Results of treatment with doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine and highly active antiretroviral therapy in advanced stage, human immunodeficiency virus-related Hodgkin’s lymphoma (1060 Online Views)

Blanca Xicoy, Josep-María Ribera, Pilar Miralles, Juan Berenguer, Rafael Rubio, Beatriz Mahillo, María-Eulalia Valencia, Eugenia Abella, Armando López-Guillermo, Ana Sureda, Mireia Morgades, José-Tomás Navarro, Herminia Esteban, GESIDA GELCAB Groups, Spain
