November, 2006
No. 91 (11)



Translational efficiency in patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia (490 Online Views)

J Cmejlova, L Dolezalova, D Pospisilova, K Petrtylova, J Petrak, R Cmejla

Risk of second cancer after treatment of aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; an EORTC cohort study (391 Online Views)

EC Moser, EM Noordijk, FE van Leeuwen, JW Baars, J Thomas, P Carde, JH Meerwaldt, M van Glabbeke, HC Kluin-Nelemans

Home care management of patients affected by hematologic malignancies: a review (213 Online Views)

P Niscola, P de Fabritiis, C Cartoni, C Romani, F Sorrentino, T Dentamaro, D Piccioni, L Scaramucci, M Giovannini, S Amadori, F Mandelli

Treatment-related myelodysplasia following fludarabine combination chemotherapy (491 Online Views)

CS Tam, JF Seymour, HM Prince, M Kenealy, M Wolf, EH Januszewicz, D Westerman

Letters to the Editor

Identification of risk factors in atypical chronic myeloid leukemia (839 Online Views)

M Breccia, F Biondo, R Latagliata, I Carmosino, F Mandelli, G Alimena

Case Reports

Clinical Trial, Phase II

Bortezomib plus dexamethasone as induction treatment prior to autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: results of an IFM phase II study (1326 Online Views)

JL Harousseau, M Attal, X Leleu, J Troncy, B Pegourie, AM Stoppa, C Hulin, L Benboubker, JG Fuzibet, M Renaud, P Moreau, H Avet-Loiseau

Comparative Studies

Hematopoietic and endothelial progenitor cell trafficking in patients with myeloproliferative diseases (170 Online Views)

E Oppliger Leibundgut, MP Horn, C Brunold, B Pfanner-Meyer, D Marti, H Hirsiger, A Tobler, C Zwicky

CXCR3 and its binding chemokines in myeloma cells: expression of isoforms and potential relationships with myeloma cell proliferation and survival (460 Online Views)

N Giuliani, S Bonomini, P Romagnani, M Lazzaretti, F Morandi, S Colla, S Tagliaferri, L Lasagni, F Annunziato, M Crugnola, V Rizzoli

The association of increased p14ARF/p16INK4a and p15INK4a gene expression with proliferative activity and the clinical course of multiple myeloma (271 Online Views)

ME Sarasquete, R Garcia-Sanz, A Armellini, M Fuertes, P Martin-Jimenez, M Sierra, M Del Carmen Chillon, M Alcoceba, A Balanzategui, F Ortega, JM Hernandez, A Sureda, L Palomera, M Gonzalez, JF San Miguel

The outcome of autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with plasma cell disorders and dialysis-dependent renal failure (313 Online Views)

MS Raab, I Breitkreutz, M Hundemer, A Benner, J Klaus, U Hegenbart, T Moehler, AD Ho, M Zeier, H Goldschmidt

Outcomes after myeloablative unrelated donor stem cell transplantation using both in vitro and in vivo T-cell depletion with alemtuzumab (162 Online Views)

PA von dem Borne, F Beaumont, CW Starrenburg, M Oudshoorn, G Hale, JH Falkenburg, WE Fibbe, R Willemze, RM Barge

CD52 expression patterns in myeloma and the applicability of alemtuzumab therapy (546 Online Views)

AC Rawstron, G Laycock-Brown, G Hale, FE Davies, GJ Morgan, JA Child, P Hillmen, RG Owen

The expression of PRDI-BF1 beta isoform in multiple myeloma plasma cells (321 Online Views)

E Ocana, I Gonzalez-Garcia, NC Gutierrez, F Mora-Lopez, JA Brieva, A Campos-Caro