May, 2002
No. 87 (5)



High prevalence of a screening-detected, HFE-unrelated, mild idiopathic iron overload in Northern Italy (122 Online Views)

G Barosi, L Salvaneschi, M Grasso, M Martinetti, M Marchetti, U Bodini, A Reggiani, F D'Agostino, G Nalli, A Degiuli, A De Silvestri, E Arbustini

Dose intensification with autologous stem cell transplantation in relapsed and resistant Hodgkin's disease (96 Online Views)

AP Anselmo, E Cavalieri, G Meloni, G Alimena, M Cantonetti, R Maurizi Enrici, ME Tosti, M Falchetto Osti, V Gianfelici, F Mandelli

Chronic disseminated candidiasis in patients with hematologic malignancies. Clinical features and outcome of 29 episodes (409 Online Views)

L Pagano, L Mele, L Fianchi, L Melillo, B Martino, D D'Antonio, ME Tosti, B Posteraro, M Sanguinetti, G Trape, F Equitani, M Carotenuto, G Leone

Update on chronic hepatitis C in hemophiliacs (352 Online Views)

M Franchini, F Capra, A Tagliaferri, G Rossetti, M De Gironcoli, P Rocca, G Aprili, G Gandini

Letters to the Editor

Case Reports

A further case of acute myeloid leukaemia with inv(8)(p11q13) and MOZ-TIF2 fusion (190 Online Views)

A Billio, EJ Steer, G Pianezze, M Svaldi, M Casin, B Amato, P Coser, NC Cross

Elevated levels of factor VIII:C, oral contraceptives and thrombosis: report of a case (195 Online Views)

A Faricciotti, P Bucciarelli, A Vismara, T Porro, A Guariglia, R Castelli

Secondary acute monocytic leukemia with a translocation t(8;22)(p11;q13) (229 Online Views)

T Tasaka, M Nagai, Y Matsuhashi, E Uehara, T Tamura, T Ishida, N Kakazu, T Abe

Clinical Trial

Arsenic trioxide therapy for relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia: a bridge to transplantation (150 Online Views)

F Leoni, G Gianfaldoni, M Annunziata, R Fanci, S Ciolli, C Nozzoli, F Ferrara

Downstaging Rai stage III B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with the administration of recombinant human erythropoietin (204 Online Views)

GA Pangalis, MP Siakantaris, MK Angelopoulou, TP Vassilakopoulos, MN Dimopoulou, MC Kyrtsonis, K Konstantopoulos, P Tsaftaridis, GA Vaiopoulos, FN Kontopidou

Comparative Studies