October, 2023
No. 108 (10)

Landmark papers in Hematology


Review Articles

Down syndrome and leukemia: from basic mechanisms to clinical advances (5358 Online Views)

André Baruchel, Jean-Pierre Bourquin, John Crispino, Sergi Cuartero, Henrik Hasle, Johann Hitzler, Jan-Henning Klusmann, Shai Izraeli, Andrew A. Lane, Sébastien Malinge, Karen R. Rabin, Irene Roberts, Sandra Ryeom, Sarah K. Tasian, Elvin Wagenblast


Spotlight Review


Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Higher-dose venetoclax with measurable residual disease-guided azacitidine discontinuation in newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (2930 Online Views)

Jonathan A. Gutman, Amanda Winters, Andrew Kent, Maria Amaya, Christine McMahon, Clayton Smith, Craig T. Jordan, Brett Stevens, Mohammad Minhajuddin, Shanshan Pei, Jeffrey Schowinsky, Jennifer Tobin, Kelly O’Brien, Angela Falco, Elizabeth Taylor, Constance Brecl, Katie Zhou, Phuong Ho, Connor Sohalski, Jessica Dell-Martin, Olivia Ondracek, Diana Abbott, Daniel A. Pollyea


Co-targeting BCL-XL and BCL-2 by PROTAC 753B eliminates leukemia cells and enhances efficacy of chemotherapy by targeting senescent cells (5505 Online Views)

Yannan Jia, Lina Han, Cassandra L. Ramage, Zhe Wang, Connie C. Weng, Lei Yang, Simona Colla, Helen Ma, Weiguo Zhang, Michael Andreeff, Naval Daver, Nitin Jain, Naveen Pemmaraju, Kapil Bhalla, Satu Mustjoki, Peiyi Zhang, Guangrong Zheng, Daohong Zhou, Qi Zhang, Marina Konopleva


Blood Transfusion

Reticulocytes in donor blood units enhance red blood cell alloimmunization (2368 Online Views)

Tiffany A. Thomas, Annie Qiu, Christopher Y. Kim, Dominique E. Gordy, Anabel Miller, Maria Tredicine, Monika Dzieciatkowska, Flavia Dei Zotti, Eldad A. Hod, Angelo D’Alessandro, James C. Zimring, Steven L. Spitalnik, Krystalyn E. Hudson


Bone Marrow Failure

Gene therapy restores the transcriptional program of hematopoietic stem cells in Fanconi anemia (3139 Online Views)

Miren Lasaga, Paula Río, Amaia Vilas-Zornoza, Nuria Planell, Susana Navarro, Diego Alignani, Beatriz Fernández-Varas, Daniel Mouzo, Josune Zubicaray, Roser M. Pujol, Eileen Nicoletti, Jonathan D. Schwartz, Julián Sevilla, Marina Ainciburi, Asier Ullate-Agote, Jordi Surrallés, Rosario Perona, Leandro Sastre, Felipe Prosper, David Gomez-Cabrero, Juan A. Bueren


Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Subgroup-specific gene expression profiles and mixed epistasis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (1910 Online Views)

Almut Lütge, Junyan Lu, Jennifer Hüllein, Tatjana Walther, Leopold Sellner, Bian Wu, Richard Rosenquist, Christopher C. Oakes, Sascha Dietrich, Wolfgang Huber, Thorsten Zenz



Aging-induced pseudouridine synthase 10 impairs hematopoietic stem cells (1589 Online Views)

Yuqian Wang, Zhenzhen Zhang, Hanqing He, Jinghui Song, Yang Cui, Yunan Chen, Yuan Zhuang, Xiaoting Zhang, Mo Li, Xinxiang Zhang, Michael Q. Zhang, Minglei Shi, Chengqi Yi, Jianwei Wang



Platelet phosphatidylserine is the critical mediator of thrombosis in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (2426 Online Views)

Jan Zlamal, Anurag Singh, Karoline Weich, Hisham Jaffal, Günalp Uzun, Lisann Pelzl, Karina Althaus, Tamam Bakchoul


Iron Metabolism & its Disorders

Ferroportin inhibitor vamifeport ameliorates ineffective erythropoiesis in a mouse model of β-thalassemia with blood transfusions (1216 Online Views)

Natarajaswamy Kalleda, Anna Flace, Patrick Altermatt, Giada Ingoglia, Cédric Doucerain, Naja Nyffenegger, Franz Dürrenberger, Vania Manolova


Myelodysplastic Syndromes

Inactivation of p53 provides a competitive advantage to del(5q) myelodysplastic syndrome hematopoietic stem cells during inflammation (2651 Online Views)

Tomoya Muto, Callum S. Walker, Puneet Agarwal, Eric Vick, Avery Sampson, Kwangmin Choi, Madeline Niederkorn, Chiharu Ishikawa, Kathleen Hueneman, Melinda Varney, Daniel T. Starczynowski


Myeloproliferative Disorders

Safety and efficacy of zinpentraxin alfa as monotherapy or in combination with ruxolitinib in myelofibrosis: stage I of a phase II trial (2262 Online Views)

Srdan Verstovsek, Lynda Foltz, Vikas Gupta, Robert Hasserjian, Taghi Manshouri, John Mascarenhas, Ruben Mesa, Olga Pozdnyakova, Ellen Ritchie, Ivo Veletic, Katia Gamel, Habib Hamidi, Lyrialle Han, Brian Higgins, Kerstin Trunzer, Marianne Uguen, Dao Wang, Tarec Christoffer El-Galaly, Boyan Todorov, Jason Gotlib


Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Germline HAVCR2 mutations and their relation to the clinical spectrum of subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: results from a multicenter study and meta-analysis (2888 Online Views)

Chatphatai Moonla, Chantana Polprasert, Patcharee Komvilaisak, Thanawat Rattanathammethee, Sunisa Kongkiatkamon, Kitsada Wudhikarn, Sirorat Kobbuaklee, Pitchayut Boonyabaramee, Nuanrat Tangcheewinsirikul, Samart Pakakasama, Piya Rujkijyanont, Chane Choed-Amphai, Kamon Phuakpet, Saranya Pongudom, Udomsak Bunworasate, Narittee Sukswai, Darintr Sosothikul, Ponlapat Rojnuckarin


Plasma Cell Disorders

Randomized phase II study of weekly carfilzomib 70 mg/m2 and dexamethasone with or without cyclophosphamide in relapsed and/or refractory multiple myeloma patients (3133 Online Views)

Borja Puertas, Verónica González-Calle, Anna Sureda, María José Moreno, Albert Oriol, Esther González, Laura Rosiñol, Jordi López, Fernando Escalante, Joaquín Martínez-Lopez, Estrella Carrillo, Esther Clavero, Rafael Ríos-Tamayo, Beatriz Rey-Bua, Ana Pilar González-Rodríguez, Victoria Dourdil, Felipe de Arriba, Sonia González, Jaime Pérez-de-Oteyza, Miguel T. Hernández, Aránzazu García-Mateo, Joan Bargay, Joan Bladé, Juan José Lahuerta, Jesús F. San Miguel, Enrique M. Ocio, María-Victoria Mateos


Real-world study of the efficacy and safety of belantamab mafodotin (GSK2857916) in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma based on data from the nominative ATU in France: the IFM 2020-04 study (2704 Online Views)

Alexis Talbot, Arthur Bobin, Léa Tabone, Jérôme Lambert, Catherine Boccaccio, Cécile Deal, Marie-Odile Petillon, Olivier Allangba, Philippe Agape, Pierre Arnautou, Rakiba Belkhir, Sylvie Cailleres, Driss Chaoui, Marie-Lorraine Chrétien, Olivier Decaux, Samantha Schulmann, Laurent Frenzel, Lauris Gastaud, Antoine Huart, Cyrille Hulin, Lionel Karlin, Kamel Laribi, Ronan Le Calloch, Pascal Lenain, Margaret Macro, Salomon Manier, Lydia Montes, Stéphane Moreau, Philippe Moreau, Véronique Morel, James Norwood, Frédérique Orsini Piocelle, Aurore Perrot, Gian Matteo Pica, Philippe Rey, Anna Schmitt, Anne-Marie Stoppa, Mourad Tiab, Cyrille Touzeau, Valérie Vidal, Marguerite Vignon, Laure Vincent, Zoé Van De Wyngaert, Charles Zarnitsky, Naima Kerbouche, Prani Paka, Xavier Leleu, Bertrand Arnulf, Hervé Avet-Loiseau; IFM: Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome (Collaborative Group)


Platelet Biology & its Disorders

Adolescents and young adults with newly diagnosed primary immune thrombocytopenia (2140 Online Views)

Alexandra Schifferli, Guillaume Moulis, Bertrand Godeau, Thierry Leblanc, Nathalie Aladjidi, Marc Michel, Guy Leverger, Mohsen Elalfy, John Grainger, Meera Chitlur, Andrea Heiri, Susanne Holzhauer, Gautier le Gavrian, Paul Imbach, Thomas Kühne


Letters to the Editor

Measurable residual disease-guided therapy in intermediate-risk acute myeloid leukemia patients is a valuable strategy in reducing allogeneic transplantation without negatively affecting survival (2139 Online Views)

Jesse M. Tettero, Lok Lam Ngai, Costa Bachas, Dimitri A. Breems, Thomas Fischer, Bjorn T. Gjertsen, Patrycja Gradowska, Laimonas Griskevicius, Jeroen J.W.M. Janssen, Gunnar Juliusson, Johan Maertens, Markus G. Manz, Thomas Pabst, Jakob Passweg, Kimmo Porkka, Peter J.M. Valk, Bob Löwenberg, Gert J. Ossenkoppele, Jacqueline Cloos


Functional, biochemical, molecular and clinical characterization of antithrombin c.1157T>C (p.Ile386Thr), a recurrent Polish variant with a founder effect (1386 Online Views)

Anna Weronska, Belen de la Morena-Barrio, Sarah Goldman-Mazur, Maria Eugenia de la Morena-Barrio, José Padilla, Antonia Miñano, Pedro Garrido, Jacek Treliński, Daniel Piotr Potaczek, Anita Szczepanek, Anetta Undas, Javier Corral, Ewa Wypasek


Clinical and laboratory diversity of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas in children with Nijmegen breakage syndrome (1161 Online Views)

Agata Pastorczak, Bartosz Szmyd, Marcin Braun, Joanna Madzio, Kamila Wypyszczak, Pawel Sztromwasser, Wojciech Fendler, Marzena Wojtaszewska, Jedrzej Chrzanowski, Wieslawa Grajkowska, Hanna Gregorek, Anna Wakulinska, Bernarda Kazanowska, Zdenka Krenova, Dilys D. Weijers, Roland P. Kuiper, Wojciech Mlynarski


Post-transplantation Burkitt lymphoma: a retrospective study of 55 patients (1269 Online Views)

Pierre Walczak, Sylvain Choquet, Jacques Dantal, David Boutboul, Felipe Suarez, Marine Baron, Veronique Morel, Thomas Cluzeau, Mohamed Touati, Michelle Elias, Emmanuel Bachy, Emmanuelle Nicolas-Virelizier, Roch Houot, Geoffroy Venton, Caroline Jacquet, Marie-Pierre Moles-Moreau, Fabrice Jardin, Eric Durot, Noureddine Balegroune, Laure Ecotiere, Romain Guieze, Nassim Kamar, Loic Ysebaert, Lionel Couzi, Hugo Gonzalez, Louise Roulin, Kevin Ou, Sophie Caillard, Heiner Zimmermann, Ralf Ulrich Trappe, Damien Roos-Weil


Survival outcomes with oral azacitidine maintenance in patients with acute myeloid leukemia in remission by receipt of initial chemotherapy: subgroup analyses from the phase III QUAZAR AML-001 trial (2312 Online Views)

Andrew H. Wei, Gail J. Roboz, Herve Dombret, Hartmut Dohner, Andre C. Schuh, Pau Montesinos, Dominik Selleslag, Sergey N. Bondarenko, Thomas Prebet, Yinzhi Lai, Barry Skikne, C.L. Beach, Farhad Ravandi


KIR3DL2 may represent a novel therapeutic target in aggressive systemic peripheral T-cell lymphoma (1654 Online Views)

Amandine Decroos, Morgane Cheminant, Julie Bruneau, Sylvain Carras, Vincent Parinet, Laura Pelletier, Laetitia Lacroix, Nadine Martin, Jérôme Giustiniani, Ludovic Lhermitte, Vahid Asnafi, Maxime Battistella, François Lemonnier, Laurence de Leval, Hélène Sicard, Cécile Bonnafous, Laurent Gauthier, Laurent Genestier, Stefano Caruso, Philippe Gaulard, Olivier Hermine, Nicolas Ortonne


Menin inhibitor ziftomenib (KO-539) synergizes with drugs targeting chromatin regulation or apoptosis and sensitizes acute myeloid leukemia with MLL rearrangement or NPM1 mutation to venetoclax (4290 Online Views)

Johanna Rausch, Margarita M. Dzama, Nadezda Dolgikh, Hanna L. Stiller, Stephan R. Bohl, Catharina Lahrmann, Kerstin Kunz, Linda Kessler, Hakim Echchannaoui, Chun-Wei Chen, Thomas Kindler, Konstanze Döhner, Francis Burrows, Matthias Theobald, Daniel Sasca, Michael W.M. Kühn


Impact of vincristine dose reduction on outcomes of patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma treated with (R)-CHOP (1737 Online Views)

Moritz Bewarder, Dominic Kaddu-Mulindwa, Igor Age Kos, Vadim Lesan, Gerhard Held, Viola Poeschel, Lorenz Thurner, Joerg Thomas Bittenbring, Norbert Schmitz, Lorenz Truemper, Michael Pfreundschuh, Konstantinos Christofyllakis, Markus Loeffler, Bettina Altmann, Marita Ziepert


Subcutaneous azacitidine maintenance in transplantineligible patients with acute myeloid leukemia: a single-center retrospective study (1329 Online Views)

Natacha Johnson, Marie Templé, Chloe Friedrich, Lise Willems, Rudy Birsen, Marguerite Vignon, Paul Deschamps, Patricia Franchi, Johanna Mondesir, Benedicte Deau-Fischer, Elsa Miekoutima, Ismaël Boussaid, Nicolas Chapuis, Olivier Kosmider, Didier Bouscary, Jerome Tamburini, Justine Decroocq


Characterization of a novel MEF2D-BCL9 fusion-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (1507 Online Views)

Inge van Outersterp, Femke M. Hormann, Alex Q. Hoogkamer, Aurélie Boeree, Stijn A. van den Broek, Monique L. den Boer, Judith M. Boer


KMT2A partner genes in infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia have prognostic significance and correlate with age, white blood cell count, sex, and central nervous system involvement: a Children’s Oncology Group P9407 trial study (1284 Online Views)

Blaine W. Robinson, John A. Kairalla, Meenakshi Devidas, Andrew J. Carroll, Richard C. Harvey, Nyla A. Heerema, Cheryl L. Willman, Amanda R. Ball, Elliot C. Woods, Nancy C. Ballantyne, Karen A. Urtishak, Frederick G. Behm, Gregory H. Reaman, Joanne M. Hilden, Bruce M. Camitta, Naomi J. Winick, Jeanette Pullen, William L. Carroll, Stephen P. Hunger, ZoAnn E. Dreyer, Carolyn A. Felix


Case Reports

One gene, two opposite phenotypes: a case report of hereditary anemia due to a loss-of-function variant in the EPAS1 gene (1231 Online Views)

Barbara Eleni Rosato, Roberta Marra, Federica Del Giudice, Antonella Nostroso, Simona Gobbi, Barbara Bruschi, Paola Coccia, Vittoria Monaco, Maria Monti, Achille Iolascon, Immacolata Andolfo, Roberta Russo


Errata Corrige