May, 2023
No. 108 (5)

Landmark papers in Hematology


Review Articles

Animal models of Diamond-Blackfan anemia: updates and challenges (5639 Online Views)

Y. Lucy Liu, Aya Shibuya, Bert Glader, Mark C. Wilkes, Maria Barna, Kathleen M. Sakamoto


Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

B- and T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias evade chemotherapy at distinct sites in the bone marrow (3143 Online Views)

Malwine J. Barz, Lena Behrmann, Danaëlle Capron, Gabriele Zuchtriegel, Fabio D. Steffen, Leo Kunz, Yang Zhang, Iria Jimenez Vermeerbergen, Blerim Marovca, Moritz Kirschmann, Antonia Zech, César Nombela-Arrieta, Urs Ziegler, Timm Schroeder, Beat Bornhauser, Jean-Pierre Bourquin

TAL1 activation in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a novel oncogenic 3’ neo-enhancer (2516 Online Views)

Charlotte Smith, Ashish Goyal, Dieter Weichenhan, Eric Allemand, Anand Mayakonda, Umut Toprak, Anna Riedel, Estelle Balducci, Manisha Manojkumar, Anastasija Pejkovska, Oliver Mücke, Etienne Sollier, Ali Bakr, Kersten Breuer, Pavlo Lutsik, Olivier Hermine, Salvatore Spicuglia, Vahid Asnafi, Christoph Plass, Aurore Touzart

Venetoclax and dinaciclib elicit synergistic preclinical efficacy against hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia (3173 Online Views)

Holly Pariury, Joshua Fandel, Stefanie Bachl, Kenny K. Ang, Sarine Markossian, Chris G. Wilson, Benjamin S. Braun, Bogdan Popescu, Margo Wohlfeil, Kyle Beckman, Simayijiang Xirenayi, Ritu P. Roy, Adam B. Olshen, Catherine Smith, Michelle R. Arkin, Mignon L. Loh, Ernesto Diaz-Flores

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Signal peptide-CUB-EGF-like repeat-containing protein 1-promoted FLT3 signaling is critical for the initiation and maintenance of MLL-rearranged acute leukemia (2550 Online Views)

Binay K. Sahoo, Yuh-Charn Lin, Cheng-Fen Tu, Chien-Chin Lin, Wei-Ju Liao, Fu-An Li, Ling-Hui Li, Kurt Yun Mou, Steve R. Roffler, Shu-Ping Wang, Chi-Tai Yeh, Chi-Yuan Yao, Hsin-An Hou, Wen-Chien Chou, Hwei-Fang Tien, Ruey-Bing Yang

Bone Marrow Failure

Effects of nandrolone decanoate on telomere length and clinical outcome in patients with telomeropathies: a prospective trial (3237 Online Views)

Diego V. Clé, Luiz Fernando B. Catto, Fernanda Gutierrez-Rodrigues, Flávia S. Donaires, Andre L. Pinto, Barbara A. Santana, Luiz Guilherme Darrigo, Elvis T. Valera, Marcel Koenigkam-Santos, José Baddini-Martinez, Neal S. Young, Edson Z. Martinez, Rodrigo T. Calado

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Coagulation & its Disorders

The IgG-degrading enzyme, Imlifidase, restores the therapeutic activity of FVIII in inhibitor-positive hemophilia A mice (2793 Online Views)

Melissa Bou-Jaoudeh, Sandrine Delignat, Victoria Daventure, Jan Astermark, Hervé Lévesque, Jordan D. Dimitrov, Claire Deligne, Valérie Proulle, Sébastien Lacroix-Desmazes

Iron Metabolism & its Disorders

Duality of Nrf2 in iron-overload cardiomyopathy (2382 Online Views)

Enrica Federti, Francesca Vinchi, Iana Iatcenko, Alessandra Ghigo, Alessandro Matte, Serge Cedrick Mbiandjeu Toya, Angela Siciliano, Deborah Chiabrando, Emanuela Tolosano, Steven Zebulon Vance, Veronica Riccardi, Immacolata Andolfo, Manuela Iezzi, Alessia Lamolinara, Achille Iolascon, Lucia De Franceschi

Hodgkin Lymphoma

Pathology review identifies frequent misdiagnoses in recurrent classic Hodgkin lymphoma in a nationwide cohort: implications for clinical and epidemiological studies (2611 Online Views)

Max V. Boot, Michael Schaapveld, Esther C. van den Broek, Nathalie J. Hijmering, PALGA Group, Kimberly van der Oord, Flora E. van Leeuwen, Avinash G. Dinmohamed, Lianne Koens, Daphne de Jong

Myeloproliferative Disorders

ASXL1 mutations accelerate bone marrow fibrosis via EGR1-TNFA axis-mediated neoplastic fibrocyte generation in myeloproliferative neoplasms (4013 Online Views)

Zhongxun Shi, Jinqin Liu, Yingying Zhao, Lin Yang, Yanan Cai, Peihong Zhang, Zefeng Xu, Tiejun Qin, Shiqiang Qu, Lijuan Pan, Junying Wu, Xin Yan, Zexing Li, Wenjun Zhang, Yiru Yan, Huijun Huang, Gang Huang, Bing Li, Xudong Wu, Zhijian Xiao

Plasma Cell Disorders

Heterogeneity in long-term outcomes for patients with Revised International Staging System stage II, newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (2127 Online Views)

Anais Schavgoulidze, Valerie Lauwers-Cances, Aurore Perrot, Titouan Cazaubiel, Marie-Lorraine Chretien, Philippe Moreau, Thierry Facon, Xavier Leleu, Lionel Karlin, Anne-Marie Stoppa, Olivier Decaux, Karim Belhadj, Bertrand Arnulf, Mohamad Mohty, Clara M ariette, Cecile Fohrer-Sonntag, Pascal Lenain, Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Mourad Tiab, Carla Araujo, Frederique Orsini-Piocelle, Arnaud Jaccard, Murielle Roussel, Lotfi Benboubker, Jean-Richard Eveillard, Mamoun Dib, Marion Divoux, Michel Attal, Herve Avet-Loiseau, Jill Corre

Platelet Biology & its Disorders

Targeting a thrombopoietin-independent strategy in the discovery of a novel inducer of megakaryocytopoiesis, DMAG, for the treatment of thrombocytopenia (2259 Online Views)

Long Wang, Sha Liu, Jiesi Luo, Qi Mo, Mei Ran, Ting Zhang, Xiaoxuan Li, Wenjun Zou, Qibing Mei, Jianping Chen, Jing Yang, Jing Zeng, Feihong Huang, Anguo Wu, Chunxiang Zhang, Jianming Wu

Letters to the Editor

Pirtobrutinib and venetoclax combination overcomes resistance to targeted and chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in aggressive mantle cell lymphoma (1924 Online Views)

Yang Liu, Fangfang Yan, Vivian Changying Jiang, Yijing Li, Yuxuan Che, Joseph McIntosh, Alexa Jordan, Ian Hou, Lei Nie, Jingling Jin, Wei Wang, Heng-Huan Lee, Yixin Yao, Michael Wang

Thrombin formation via the intrinsic coagulation pathway and von Willebrand factor reflect disease severity in COVID-19 (1210 Online Views)

Matthias H. Busch, Sjoerd A.M.E.G. Timmermans, Sander M.J. van Kuijk, Joop P. Aendekerk, Renée Ysermans, Daan P.C. van Doorn, Judith Potjewijd, Marcel C.G. van de Poll, Iwan C.C. van der Horst, Jan G.M.C. Damoiseaux, Henri M.H. Spronk, Hugo ten Cate, Chris P. Reutelingsperger, Magdolna Nagy, Pieter van Paassen

Predictors of response to venetoclax plus hypomethylating agent therapy and survival in blastphase myeloproliferative neoplasm (2519 Online Views)

Naseema Gangat, Rimal Ilyas, Kristen McCullough, Kebede H. Begna, Aref Al-Kali, Mrinal M. Patnaik, Mark R. Litzow, William J. Hogan, Abhishek Mangaonkar, Hassan Alkhateeb, Mithun V. Shah, Michelle A. Elliott, James M. Foran, Talha Badar, Jeanne M. Palmer, Curtis A. Hanson, Animesh Pardanani, Ayalew Tefferi

Pirtobrutinib results in reversible platelet dysfunction compared to ibrutinib and acalabrutinib (2724 Online Views)

Alexander P. Bye, Neline Kriek, Tanya Sage, Suzannah J. Rawlings, Catherine Prodger, Murali Kesavan, Charlotte Lees, Stephen Booth, Louise G. Cowen, Kirsty Shefferd, Michael J. Desborough, Jonathan M. Gibbins, Toby A. Eyre

Sex differences in progression of kidney disease in sickle cell disease (1168 Online Views)

Kenneth I. Ataga, Qingning Zhou, Santosh L. Saraf, Jane S. Hankins, Emily J. Ciccone, Laura R. Loehr, Melanie E. Garrett, Allison E. Ashley-Koch, Jianwen Cai, Marilyn J. Telen, Vimal K. Derebail

Combination therapy with crizotinib and vinblastine for relapsed or refractory pediatric ALK-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma (1690 Online Views)

Fabian Knörr, Kim P.J. Schellekens, Reineke A. Schoot, Judith Landman-Parker, Heiko-Manuel Teltschik, Jan Förster, Amambay Riquelme, Alwin D.R. Huitema, Natasha K.A. van Eijkelenburg, Auke Beishuizen, C. Michel Zwaan, Wilhelm Woessmann, Jasper van der Lugt

Clonal hematopoiesis by DNMT3A mutations as a common finding in idiopathic splanchnic vein thrombosis (1793 Online Views)

Giovanna Carrà, Emilia Giugliano, Sofia Camerlo, Giorgio Rosati, Enrica Branca, Beatrice Maffeo, Isabella Russo, Rocco Piazza, Daniela Cilloni, Alessandro Morotti

Case Reports

Leon's helmet (1150 Online Views)

Hugo Gonzalez, Alice Marceau-Renaut, Marc Spentchian, Maen Hassoun, Geoffroy Guignedoux