
Pathology review identifies frequent misdiagnoses in recurrent classic Hodgkin lymphoma in a nationwide cohort: implications for clinical and epidemiological studies

Amsterdam UMC, Department of Pathology, The Netherlands; Reinier Haga MDC, Department of Pathology, Delft
Netherlands Cancer Institute, Department of Epidemiology
Dutch Pathology Registry (PALGA), Houten
Amsterdam UMC, Department of Pathology
Dutch Pathology Registry (PALGA), Houten
Laboratorium Pathologie Oost-Nederland (LABPON), Hengelo
Netherlands Cancer Institute, Department of Epidemiology
Department of Research and Development, Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL), Utrecht, The Netherlands; Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Amsterdam UMC, Department of Hematology, University of Amsterdam, Cancer Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Amsterdam UMC, Department of Pathology
Amsterdam UMC, Department of Pathology
Vol. 108 No. 5 (2023): May, 2023