March, 1997
No. 82 (2)



Early hemopoietic progenitors in the peripheral blood of patients with severe aplastic anemia (SAA) after treatment with antilymphocyte globulin (ALG), cyclosporin-A and G-CSF (306 Online Views)

A Bacigalupo, G Piaggio, M Podesta, J Tong, A Pitto, O Figari, F Benvenuto, F Vassallo, E Tedone, L Grassia, MT Van Lint, F Gualandi, R Hoffman

Effect of fludarabine and arabinosylcytosine on multidrug resistant cells (535 Online Views)

A Michelutti, M Michieli, D Damiani, C Melli, A Ermacora, S Grimaz, A Candoni, D Russo, R Fanin, M Baccarani

Hairy-cell leukemia and alpha-interferon treatment: long-term responders (169 Online Views)

PL Zinzani, F Lauria, M Salvucci, D Rondelli, D Raspadori, M Bendandi, M Magagnoli, S Tura

Early detection of bone marrow engraftment by amplification of hypervariable DNA regions (182 Online Views)

G Martinelli, E Trabetti, P Farabegoli, N Testoni, G Bandini, MR Motta, A Vittone, C Terragna, PF Pignatti, S Tura

Retrospective analysis of 23 cases with peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecified: clinical characteristics and outcome (204 Online Views)

F Zaja, D Russo, F Silvestri, R Fanin, D Damiani, L Infanti, F Salmaso, L Mariuzzi, C Di Loreto, M Baccarani

Hyperhomocysteinemia and venous thromboembolic disease (175 Online Views)

A D'Angelo, G Mazzola, L Crippa, I Fermo, S Vigano D'Angelo

Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells from sources other than bone marrow: biological and technical aspects (206 Online Views)

F Bertolini, A de Vincentiis, L Lanata, RM Lemoli, R Maccario, I Majolino, L Ponchio, D Rondelli, A Tabilio, P Zanon, S Tura

Methodological aspects of total plasma homocysteine measurement (147 Online Views)

I Fermo, E De Vecchi, C Arcelloni, A D'Angelo, R Paroni

Case Reports

Small bowel infarction by Aspergillus (205 Online Views)

L Catalano, M Picardi, D Anzivino, L Insabato, R Notaro, B Rotoli