December, 2017
No. 102 (12)


Review Articles



Folate dietary insufficiency and folic acid supplementation similarly impair metabolism and compromise hematopoiesis (4951 Online Views)

Curtis J. Henry, Travis Nemkov, Matias Casás-Selves, Ganna Bilousova, Vadym Zaberezhnyy, Kelly C. Higa, Natalie J. Serkova, Kirk C. Hansen, Angelo D’Alessandro, James DeGregori

Red Cell Biology & its Disorders


Molecular and clinical profile of von Willebrand disease in Spain (PCM-EVW-ES): comprehensive genetic analysis by next-generation sequencing of 480 patients (3471 Online Views)

Nina Borràs, Javier Batlle, Almudena Pérez-Rodríguez, María Fernanda López-Fernández, Ángela Rodríguez-Trillo, Esther Lourés, Ana Rosa Cid, Santiago Bonanad, Noelia Cabrera, Andrés Moret, Rafael Parra, María Eva Mingot-Castellano, Ignacia Balda, Carme Altisent, Rocío Pérez-Montes, Rosa María Fisac, Gemma Iruín, Sonia Herrero, Inmaculada Soto, Beatriz de Rueda, Víctor Jiménez-Yuste, Nieves Alonso, Dolores Vilariño, Olga Arija, Rosa Campos, María José Paloma, Nuria Bermejo, Rubén Berrueco, José Mateo, Karmele Arribalzaga, Pascual Marco, Ángeles Palomo, Lizheidy Sarmiento, Belén Iñigo, María del Mar Nieto, Rosa Vidal, María Paz Martínez, Reyes Aguinaco, Jesús María César, María Ferreiro, Javier García-Frade, Ana María Rodríguez-Huerta, Jorge Cuesta, Ramón Rodríguez-González, Faustino García-Candel, Rosa Cornudella, Carlos Aguilar, Francisco Vidal, Irene Corrales

Myelodysplastic Syndromes

Pro-inflammatory proteins S100A9 and tumor necrosis factor-α suppress erythropoietin elaboration in myelodysplastic syndromes (1234 Online Views)

Thomas Cluzeau, Kathy L. McGraw, Brittany Irvine, Erico Masala, Lionel Ades, Ashley A. Basiorka, Jaroslaw Maciejewski, Patrick Auberger, Sheng Wei, Pierre Fenaux, Valeria Santini, Alan List

Red cell alloimmunization is associated with development of autoantibodies and increased red cell transfusion requirements in myelodysplastic syndrome (2250 Online Views)

Deepak Singhal, Monika M. Kutyna, Rakchha Chhetri, Li Yan A. Wee, Sophia Hague, Lakshmi Nath, Shriram V. Nath, Romi Sinha, Nicholas Wickham, Ian D. Lewis, David M. Ross, Peter G. Bardy, Luen Bik To, John Reynolds, Erica M. Wood, David J. Roxby, Devendra K. Hiwase

Favorable impact of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with therapy-related myelodysplasia regardless of TP53 mutational status (2712 Online Views)

Ibrahim Aldoss, Anh Pham, Sierra Min Li, Ketevan Gendzekhadze, Michelle Afkhami, Milhan Telatar, Hao Hong, Abbas Padeganeh, Victoria Bedell, Thai Cao, Samer K Khaled, Monzr M Al Malki, Amandeep Salhotra, Haris Ali, Ahmed Aribi, Joycelynne Palmer, Patricia Aoun, Ricardo Spielberger, Anthony S Stein, David Snyder, Margaret R O’Donnell, Joyce Murata-Collins, David Senitzer, Dennis Weisenburger, Stephen J Forman, Vinod Pullarkat, Guido Marcucci, Raju Pillai, Ryotaro Nakamura

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Circular RNAs of the nucleophosmin (NPM1) gene in acute myeloid leukemia (1591 Online Views)

Susanne Hirsch, Tamara J. Blätte, Sarah Grasedieck, Sibylle Cocciardi, Arefeh Rouhi, Mojca Jongen-Lavrencic, Peter Paschka, Jan Krönke, Verena I. Gaidzik, Hartmut Döhner, Richard F. Schlenk, Florian Kuchenbauer, Konstanze Döhner, Anna Dolnik, Lars Bullinger

Anexelekto/MER tyrosine kinase inhibitor ONO-7475 arrests growth and kills FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3-internal tandem duplication mutant acute myeloid leukemia cells by diverse mechanisms (1351 Online Views)

Peter P. Ruvolo, Huaxian Ma, Vivian R. Ruvolo, Xiaorui Zhang, Hong Mu, Wendy Schober, Ivonne Hernandez, Miguel Gallardo, Joseph D. Khoury, Jorge Cortes, Michael Andreeff, Sean M. Post

Phenotype in combination with genotype improves outcome prediction in acute myeloid leukemia: a report from Children’s Oncology Group protocol AAML0531 (1636 Online Views)

Andrew P. Voigt, Lisa Eidenschink Brodersen, Todd A. Alonzo, Robert B. Gerbing, Andrew J. Menssen, Elisabeth R. Wilson, Samir Kahwash, Susana C. Raimondi, Betsy A. Hirsch, Alan S. Gamis, Soheil Meshinchi, Denise A. Wells, Michael R. Loken

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

CD40 signaling instructs chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells to attract monocytes via the CCR2 axis (1837 Online Views)

Martijn H.A. van Attekum, Jaco A.C. van Bruggen, Erik Slinger, M. Cristina Lebre, Emilie Reinen, Sabina Kersting, Eric Eldering, Arnon P. Kater

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Pattern of somatic mutations in patients with Waldenström macroglobulinemia or IgM monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (2334 Online Views)

Marzia Varettoni, Silvia Zibellini, Irene Defrancesco, Virginia Valeria Ferretti, Ettore Rizzo, Luca Malcovati, Anna Gallì, Matteo Giovanni Della Porta, Emanuela Boveri, Luca Arcaini, Chiara Candido, Marco Paulli, Mario Cazzola

Results and conclusions of the European Intergroup EURO-LB02 trial in children and adolescents with lymphoblastic lymphoma (2789 Online Views)

Eva Landmann, Birgit Burkhardt, Martin Zimmermann, Ulrike Meyer, Wilhelm Woessmann, Wolfram Klapper, Grazyna Wrobel, Angelo Rosolen, Marta Pillon, Gabriele Escherich, Andishe Attarbaschi, Auke Beishuizen, Karin Mellgren, Robert Wynn, Richard Ratei, Adriana Plesa, Martin Schrappe, Alfred Reiter, Christophe Bergeron, Catherine Patte, Yves Bertrand

Dose-adjusted EPOCH chemotherapy for untreated peripheral T-cell lymphomas: a multicenter phase II trial of West-JHOG PTCL0707 (3621 Online Views)

Yoshinobu Maeda, Hisakazu Nishimori, Isao Yoshida, Yasushi Hiramatsu, Masatoshi Uno, Yasufumi Masaki, Kazutaka Sunami, Taro Masunari, Yuichiro Nawa, Hiromichi Yamane, Hiroshi Gomyo, Tsutomu Takahashi, Tomofumi Yano, Keitaro Matsuo, Koichi Ohshima, Shigeo Nakamura, Tadashi Yoshino, Mitsune Tanimoto

Pan-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibition with buparlisib in patients with relapsed or refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma (1426 Online Views)

Anas Younes, Gilles Salles, Giovanni Martinelli, Robert Gregory Bociek, Dolores Caballero Barrigon, Eva González Barca, Mehmet Turgut, John Gerecitano, Oliver Kong, Chaitali Babanrao Pisal, Ranjana Tavorath, Won Seog Kim

Plasma Cell Disorders

The kinesin spindle protein inhibitor filanesib enhances the activity of pomalidomide and dexamethasone in multiple myeloma (1463 Online Views)

Susana Hernández-García, Laura San-Segundo, Lorena González-Méndez, Luis A. Corchete, Irena Misiewicz-Krzeminska, Montserrat Martín-Sánchez, Ana-Alicia López-Iglesias, Esperanza Macarena Algarín, Pedro Mogollón, Andrea Díaz-Tejedor, Teresa Paíno, Brian Tunquist, María-Victoria Mateos, Norma C Gutiérrez, Elena Díaz-Rodriguez, Mercedes Garayoa, Enrique M Ocio

Cell Therapy & Immunotherapy

Steroid treatment of acute graft-versus-host disease grade I: a randomized trial (2811 Online Views)

Andrea Bacigalupo, Giuseppe Milone, Alessandra Cupri, Antonio Severino, Franca Fagioli, Massimo Berger, Stella Santarone, Patrizia Chiusolo, Simona Sica, Sonia Mammoliti, Roberto Sorasio, Daniela Massi, Maria Teresa Van Lint, Anna Maria Raiola, Francesca Gualandi, Carmine Selleri, Maria Pia Sormani, Alessio Signori, Antonio Risitano, Francesca Bonifazi

Online Only Articles

Clinical relevance of silent red blood cell autoantibodies (1261 Online Views)

Francesca R. Mauro, Fabio Trastulli, Cristiano Alessandri, Guido Valesini, Gianluca Giovannetti, Costantino Riemma, Marika Porrazzo, Sara Pepe, Gioia Colafigli, Maria D. Caputo, Maria S. De Propris, Anna R. Guarini, Gabriella Girelli, Serelina Coluzzi, Robin Foà

Rac1 functions downstream of miR-142 in regulation of erythropoiesis (783 Online Views)

Natalia Rivkin, Elik Chapnik, Yehudit Birger, Eran Yanowski, Caterina Curato, Alexander Mildner, Ziv Porat, Gail Amir, Shai Izraeli, Steffen Jung, Eran Hornstein

In vitro evidence of complement activation in patients with sickle cell disease (943 Online Views)

Eleni Gavriilaki, Maria Mainou, Ioanna Christodoulou, Eudoxia-Evaggelia Koravou, Aggeliki Paleta, Tasoula Touloumenidou, Apostolia Papalexandri, Anastasia Athanasiadou, Chrysa Apostolou, Philippos Klonizakis, Achilles Anagnostopoulos, Efthymia Vlachaki

Catalytically inactive Gla-domainless factor Xa binds to TFPI and restores ex vivo coagulation in hemophilia plasma (762 Online Views)

Atanur Ersayin, Aline Thomas, Landry Seyve, Nicole Thielens, Mathieu Castellan, Raphaël Marlu, Benoît Polack, Marie-Claire Dagher

Impact of hospital experience on the quality of tyrosine kinase inhibitor response monitoring and consequence for chronic myeloid leukemia patient survival (590 Online Views)

Inge G.P. Geelen, Noortje Thielen, Jeroen J.W.M. Janssen, Mels Hoogendoorn, Tanja J.A. Roosma, Sten P. Willemsen, Peter J.M. Valk, Otto Visser, Jan J. Cornelissen, Peter E. Westerweel

High prevalence of relapse in children with Philadelphia-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia despite risk-adapted treatment (1555 Online Views)

Susan L. Heatley, Teresa Sadras, Chung H. Kok, Eva Nievergall, Kelly Quek, Phuong Dang, Barbara McClure, Nicola Venn, Sarah Moore, Jeffrey Suttle, Tamara Law, Anthea Ng, Walter Muskovic, Murray D. Norris, Tamas Revesz, Michael Osborn, Andrew S. Moore, Ram Suppiah, Chris Fraser, Frank Alvaro, Timothy P. Hughes, Charles G. Mullighan, Glenn M. Marshall, Luciano Dalla Pozza, David T. Yeung, Rosemary Sutton, Deborah L. White

Consolidation treatment with lenalidomide following front-line or salvage chemoimmunotherapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (525 Online Views)

Paolo Strati, Michael J. Keating, Jan A. Burger, Susan M. O’Brien, William G. Wierda, Zeev Estrov, Gracy Zacharian, Alessandra Ferrajoli

Acute myeloid leukemia with mutated nucleophosmin 1: an immunogenic acute myeloid leukemia subtype and potential candidate for immune checkpoint inhibition (1156 Online Views)

Jochen Greiner, Susanne Hofmann, Michael Schmitt, Marlies Götz, Markus Wiesneth, Hubert Schrezenmeier, Donald Bunjes, Hartmut Döhner, Lars Bullinger


In response to the comment by Hechler et al.: Amotosalen/UVA pathogen inactivation technology reduces platelet activatability, induces apoptosis and accelerates clearance. (425 Online Views)

Simona Stivala, Sara Gobbato, Laura Infanti, Martin F. Reiner, Nicole Bonetti, Sara C. Meyer, Giovanni G. Camici, Thomas F. Lüscher, Andreas Buser, Juerg H. Beer

Self-reverting mutations partially correct the blood phenotype in a Diamond Blackfan anemia patient (893 Online Views)

Parvathy Venugopal, Sarah Moore, David M. Lawrence, Amee J. George, Ross D. Hannan, Sarah CE Bray, Luen Bik To, Richard J. D’Andrea, Jinghua Feng, Amanda Tirimacco, Alexandra L Yeoman, Chun Chun Young, Miriam Fine, Andreas W Schreiber, Christopher N. Hahn, Christopher Barnett, Ben Saxon, Hamish S. Scott

A t(1;9) translocation involving CSF3R as a novel mechanism in unclassifiable chronic myeloproliferative neoplasm (738 Online Views)

Jesús Gutiérrez-Abril, Iñigo Santamaría, Ana S. Pitiot, Ana Gutiérrez-Fernández, Ángel Alvarez-Eguiluz, José M. Vicente, Carmen Sanzo, Soledad González-Muñiz, Milagros Balbín, Xose S. Puente

Co-occurrence of CRLF2-rearranged and Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a report of four patients (814 Online Views)

Nitin Jain, Xinyan Lu, Naval Daver, Beenu Thakral, Sa A. Wang, Sergej Konoplev, Keyur Patel, Rashmi Kanagal-Shamanna, Marcus Valentine, Guilin Tang, Naveen Pemmaraju, Jeffrey Jorgensen, Partow Kebriaei, Cesar A. Nunez, William Wierda, Elias Jabbour, Kathryn G. Roberts, Charles G. Mullighan, Hagop Kantarjian, Marina Konopleva