March, 2013
No. 98 (3)



B-lymphopoiesis is stopped by mobilizing doses of G-CSF and is rescued by overexpression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl2 (1429 Online Views)

Ingrid G. Winkler, Linda J. Bendall, Catherine E. Forristal, Falak Helwani, Bianca Nowlan, Valerie Barbier, Yi Shen, Adam Cisterne, Lisa M. Sedger, Jean-Pierre Levesque

Mutations in the telomere capping complex in bone marrow failure and related syndromes (1292 Online Views)

Amanda J. Walne, Tanya Bhagat, Michael Kirwan, Cyril Gitiaux, Isabelle Desguerre, Norma Leonard, Elena Nogales, Tom Vulliamy, Inderjeet S. Dokal

Ongoing graft-versus-host disease is a risk factor for azoospermia after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a survey of the Late Effects Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (1188 Online Views)

Alicia Rovó, Mahmoud Aljurf, Sandra Chiodi, Simonetta Spinelli, Nina Salooja, Gülsan Sucak, Ann Hunter, Tan Swee Kim, Gérard Socié, Maria Teresa van Lint, Jakob R. Passweg, Mutlu Arat, Manuela Badoglio, André Tichelli

Multicenter phase II study of plitidepsin in patients with relapsed/refractory non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (1259 Online Views)

Vincent Ribrag, Dolores Caballero, Christophe Fermé, Emanuele Zucca, Reyes Arranz, Javier Briones, Christian Gisselbrecht, Gilles Salles, Alessandro M. Gianni, Henry Gomez, Carmen Kahatt, Claudia Corrado, Sergio Szyldergemajn, Sonia Extremera, Bernardo de Miguel, Martin Cullell-Young, Franco Cavalli

Phase II study of central nervous system (CNS)-directed chemotherapy including high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation for CNS relapse of aggressive lymphomas (2828 Online Views)

Agnieszka Korfel, Thomas Elter, Eckhard Thiel, Matthias Hänel, Robert Möhle, Roland Schroers, Marcel Reiser, Martin Dreyling, Jan Eucker, Christian Scholz, Bernd Metzner, Alexander Röth, Josef Birkmann, Uwe Schlegel, Peter Martus, Gerard Illerhaus, Lars Fischer

Identification of molecular and functional patterns of p53 alterations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients in different phases of the disease (1170 Online Views)

Marilisa Marinelli, Nadia Peragine, Valeria Di Maio, Sabina Chiaretti, Maria Stefania De Propris, Sara Raponi, Simona Tavolaro, Francesca Romana Mauro, Ilaria Del Giudice, Anna Guarini, Robin Foà

Diagnosis of autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome caused by FAS deficiency in adults (2187 Online Views)

Olivier Lambotte, Bénédicte Neven, Lionel Galicier, Aude Magerus-Chatinet, Nicolas Schleinitz, Olivier Hermine, Isabelle Meyts, Capucine Picard, Bertrand Godeau, Alain Fischer, Frédéric Rieux-Laucat

Pulmonary hypertension in POEMS syndrome (1272 Online Views)

Jian Li, Zhuang Tian, Hao-Yi Zheng, Wei Zhang, Ming-Hui Duan, Yong-Tai Liu, Xin-Xin Cao, Dao-Bin Zhou

Outcome of 82 chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with nilotinib or dasatinib after failure of two prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors (1583 Online Views)

Antonella Russo Rossi, Massimo Breccia, Elisabetta Abruzzese, Fausto Castagnetti, Luigiana Luciano, Antonella Gozzini, Mario Annunziata, Bruno Martino, Fabio Stagno, Francesco Cavazzini, Mario Tiribelli, Giuseppe Visani, Patrizia Pregno, Pellegrino Musto, Carmen Fava, Nicola Sgherza, Francesco Albano, Gianantonio Rosti, Giuliana Alimena, Giorgina Specchia

Ruxolitinib as potential targeted therapy for patients with JAK2 rearrangements (1046 Online Views)

Andrew Chase, Catherine Bryant, Joannah Score, Claudia Haferlach, Vera Grossmann, Juliana Schwaab, Wolf-Karsten Hofmann, Andreas Reiter, Nicholas C.P. Cross

Correlation of clinical response and response duration with miR-145 induction by lenalidomide in CD34+ cells from patients with del(5q) myelodysplastic syndrome (620 Online Views)

Christopher P. Venner, Joanna Wegrzyn Woltosz, Thomas J. Nevill, H. Joachim Deeg, Gisela Caceres, Uwe Platzbecker, Bart L. Scott, Lubomir Sokol, Sandy Sung, Alan F. List, Aly Karsan

Transcriptional regulation of miR-10a/b by TWIST-1 in myelodysplastic syndromes (848 Online Views)

Xiang Li, Feng Xu, ChunKang Chang, John Byon, Thalia Papayannopoulou, H. Joachim Deeg, A. Mario Marcondes

Inappropriately low hepcidin levels in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome carrying a somatic mutation of SF3B1 (1204 Online Views)

Ilaria Ambaglio, Luca Malcovati, Elli Papaemmanuil, Coby M. Laarakkers, Matteo G. Della Porta, Anna Gallì, Matteo C. Da Vià, Elisa Bono, Marta Ubezio, Erica Travaglino, Riccardo Albertini, Peter J. Campbell, Dorine W. Swinkels, Mario Cazzola

PML-RARα co-operates with Sox4 in acute myeloid leukemia development in mice (944 Online Views)

Nader Omidvar, Mei Lin Maunakea, Letetia Jones, Sabina Sevcikova, Bin Yin, Karen L. Himmel, Thelma R. Tennant, Michelle M. Le Beau, David A. Largaespada, Scott C. Kogan

IKZF1 deletion is an independent predictor of outcome in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated according to the ALL-BFM 2000 protocol (1435 Online Views)

Petra Dörge, Barbara Meissner, Martin Zimmermann, Anja Möricke, André Schrauder, Jean-Pierre Bouquin, Denis Schewe, Jochen Harbott, Andrea Teigler-Schlegel, Richard Ratei, Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, Rolf Koehler, Claus R. Bartram, Martin Schrappe, Martin Stanulla, Gunnar Cario

A phase II trial of cyclophosphamide, lenalidomide and dexamethasone in previously treated patients with AL amyloidosis (819 Online Views)

Giovanni Palladini, Paola Russo, Paolo Milani, Andrea Foli, Francesca Lavatelli, Mario Nuvolone, Stefano Perlini, Giampaolo Merlini

Analysis of incidence, risk factors and clinical outcome of thromboembolic and bleeding events in 431 allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients (1445 Online Views)

Jorge Labrador, Lucia Lopez-Anglada, Estefania Perez-Lopez, Francisco S. Lozano, Lucia Lopez-Corral, Fermin M. Sanchez-Guijo, Lourdes Vazquez, Jose Angel Perez Rivera, Francisco Martin-Herrero, Mercedes Sanchez-Barba, Carmen Guerrero, Maria Consuelo del Cañizo, Maria Dolores Caballero, Jesus Fernando San Miguel, Ignacio Alberca, Jose Ramon Gonzalez-Porras

The murine growth differentiation factor 15 is not essential for systemic iron homeostasis in phlebotomized mice (1937 Online Views)

Guillem Casanovas, Maja Vujić Spasić, Carla Casu, Stefano Rivella, Jens Strelau, Klaus Unsicker, Martina U. Muckenthaler

Plasma hepcidin levels and anemia in old age. The Leiden 85-Plus Study (1465 Online Views)

Wendy P.J. den Elzen, Anton J.M. de Craen, Erwin T. Wiegerinck, Rudi G.J. Westendorp, Dorine W. Swinkels, Jacobijn Gussekloo

Reduced sensitivity of the ferroportin Q248H mutant to physiological concentrations of hepcidin (896 Online Views)

Sergei Nekhai, Min Xu, Altreisha Foster, Ishmael Kasvosve, Sharmin Diaz, Roberto F. Machado, Oswaldo L. Castro, Gregory J. Kato, James G. Taylor, Victor R. Gordeuk

The relationship between the severity of hemolysis, clinical manifestations and risk of death in 415 patients with sickle cell anemia in the US and Europe (5758 Online Views)

Mehdi Nouraie, Janet S. Lee, Yingze Zhang, Tamir Kanias, Xuejun Zhao, Zeyu Xiong, Timothy B. Oriss, Qilu Zeng, Gregory J. Kato, J. Simon R. Gibbs, Mariana E. Hildesheim, Vandana Sachdev, Robyn J. Barst, Roberto F. Machado, Kathryn L. Hassell, Jane A. Little, Dean E. Schraufnagel, Lakshmanan Krishnamurti, Enrico Novelli, Reda E. Girgis, Claudia R. Morris, Erika Berman Rosenzweig, David B. Badesch, Sophie Lanzkron, Oswaldo L. Castro, Jonathan C. Goldsmith, Victor R. Gordeuk, Mark T. Gladwin

Combined immunodeficiency with life-threatening EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disorder in patients lacking functional CD27 (2031 Online Views)

Elisabeth Salzer, Svenja Daschkey, Sharon Choo, Michael Gombert, Elisangela Santos-Valente, Sebastian Ginzel, Martina Schwendinger, Oskar A. Haas, Gerhard Fritsch, Winfried F. Pickl, Elisabeth Förster-Waldl, Arndt Borkhardt, Kaan Boztug, Kirsten Bienemann, Markus G. Seidel

A high level of fatigue among long-term survivors of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: results from the longitudinal population-based PROFILES registry in the south of the Netherlands (1700 Online Views)

Simone Oerlemans, Floortje Mols, Djamila E. Issa, J. H. F. M. Pruijt, Wim G. Peters, Marnix Lybeert, Wobbe Zijlstra, Jan Willem W. Coebergh, Lonneke V. van de Poll-Franse

Letters to the Editor

Bone metabolism, growth rate and pubertal development in children with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with imatinib during puberty (917 Online Views)

Fiorina Giona, Stefania Mariani, Lucio Gnessi, Maria Luisa Moleti, Massimiliano Rea, Annalisa De Vellis, Deborah Marzella, Anna Maria Testi, Robin Foà