May, 2011
No. 96 (5)


Review Articles


New insights into childhood autoimmune hemolytic anemia: a French national observational study of 265 children (4696 Online Views)

Nathalie Aladjidi, Guy Leverger, Thierry Leblanc, Marie Quitterie Picat, Gérard Michel, Yves Bertrand, Brigitte Bader-Meunier, Alain Robert, Brigitte Nelken, Virginie Gandemer, Hélène Savel, Jean Louis Stephan, Fanny Fouyssac, Julien Jeanpetit, Caroline Thomas, Pierre Rohrlich, André Baruchel, Alain Fischer, Geneviève Chêne, Y. Perel

Cartridge-based automated BCR-ABL1 mRNA quantification: solving the issues of standardization, at what cost? (1190 Online Views)

Jean-Michel Cayuela, Elizabeth Macintyre, Meryl Darlington, Raouf Ben Abdelali, Xavier Fund, Patrick Villarese, Michel Tulliez, Emmanuel Raffoux, François Sigaux, Delphine Réa, Valerie Seror

Polo-like kinase-1 as a novel target in neoplastic mast cells: demonstration of growth-inhibitory effects of small interfering RNA and the Polo-like kinase-1 targeting drug BI 2536 (1022 Online Views)

Barbara Peter, Karoline V. Gleixner, Sabine Cerny-Reiterer, Harald Herrmann, Viviane Winter, Emir Hadzijusufovic, Veronika Ferenc, Karina Schuch, Irina Mirkina, Hans-Peter Horny, Winfried F. Pickl, Leonhard Müllauer, Michael Willmann, Peter Valent

FLT3-internal tandem duplication and age are the major prognostic factors in patients with relapsed acute myeloid leukemia with normal karyotype (863 Online Views)

Katharina Wagner, Frederik Damm, Felicitas Thol, Gudrun Göhring, Kerstin Görlich, Michael Heuser, Irina Schäfer, Brigitte Schlegelberger, Gerhard Heil, Arnold Ganser, Jürgen Krauter

Zalypsis has in vitro activity in acute myeloid blasts and leukemic progenitor cells through the induction of a DNA damage response (688 Online Views)

Enrique Colado, Teresa Paíno, Patricia Maiso, Enrique M. Ocio, Xi Chen, Stela Álvarez-Fernández, Norma C. Gutiérrez, Jesús Martín-Sánchez, Juan Flores-Montero, Laura San Segundo, Mercedes Garayoa, Diego Fernández-Lázaro, Maria-Belen Vidriales, Carlos M. Galmarini, Pablo Avilés, Carmen Cuevas, Atanasio Pandiella, Jesús F. San-Miguel

Quality of life in elderly patients with acute myeloid leukemia: patients may be more accurate than physicians (1084 Online Views)

Esther N. Oliva, Francesco Nobile, Giuliana Alimena, Francesca Ronco, Giorgina Specchia, Stefana Impera, Massimo Breccia, Iolanda Vincelli, Ida Carmosino, Patrizia Guglielmo, Domenico Pastore, Caterina Alati, Roberto Latagliata

MicroRNA characterize genetic diversity and drug resistance in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (1687 Online Views)

Diana Schotte, Renée X. De Menezes, Farhad Akbari Moqadam, Leila Mohammadi Khankahdani, Ellen Lange-Turenhout, Caifu Chen, Rob Pieters, Monique L. Den Boer

Overexpression of enhancer of zeste homolog 2 with trimethylation of lysine 27 on histone H3 in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma as a target for epigenetic therapy (1722 Online Views)

Daisuke Sasaki, Yoshitaka Imaizumi, Hiroo Hasegawa, Akemi Osaka, Kunihiro Tsukasaki, Young Lim Choi, Hiroyuki Mano, Victor E. Marquez, Tomayoshi Hayashi, Katsunori Yanagihara, Yuji Moriwaki, Yasushi Miyazaki, Shimeru Kamihira, Yasuaki Yamada

Survival of European patients diagnosed with lymphoid neoplasms in 2000–2002: results of the HAEMACARE project (1151 Online Views)

Rafael Marcos-Gragera, Claudia Allemani, Carmen Tereanu, Roberta De Angelis, Riccardo Capocaccia, Marc Maynadie, Stefano Luminari, Stefano Ferretti, Tom Børge Johannesen, Risto Sankila, Marja-Liisa Karjalainen-Lindsberg, Arianna Simonetti, Maria Carmen Martos, Martine Raphaël, Pilar Giraldo, the HAEMACARE Working Group, Milena Sant

Marriage and parenthood among childhood cancer survivors: a report from the Italian AIEOP Off-Therapy Registry (980 Online Views)

Emanuele Pivetta, Milena M. Maule, Paola Pisani, Daniela Zugna, Riccardo Haupt, Momcilo Jankovic, Maurizio Aricò, Fiorina Casale, Anna Clerico, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Valentina Kiren, Franco Locatelli, Giovanna Palumbo, Andrea Pession, Marta Pillon, Nicola Santoro, Monica Terenziani, Maria Grazia Valsecchi, Elisa Dama, Corrado Magnani, Franco Merletti, Guido Pastore

Extent of hematopoietic involvement by TET2 mutations in JAK2V617F polycythemia vera (921 Online Views)

Sabina I. Swierczek, Donghoon Yoon, Christine Bellanné-Chantelot, Soo Jin Kim, Cécile Saint-Martin, Francois Delhommeau, Albert Najman, Josef T. Prchal

Brief Reports

Compound heterozygosity for KLF1 mutations associated with remarkable increase of fetal hemoglobin and red cell protoporphyrin (1218 Online Views)

Stefania Satta, Lucia Perseu, Paolo Moi, Isadora Asunis, Annalisa Cabriolu, Liliana Maccioni, Franca Rosa Demartis, Laura Manunza, Antonio Cao, Renzo Galanello

Predicting response to immunosuppressive therapy in childhood aplastic anemia (1717 Online Views)

Nao Yoshida, Hiroshi Yagasaki, Asahito Hama, Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Kosaka, Ryoji Kobayashi, Hiromasa Yabe, Takashi Kaneko, Masahiro Tsuchida, Akira Ohara, Tatsutoshi Nakahata, Seiji Kojima

Letters to the Editor

NPM1 gene deletions in myelodysplastic syndromes with 5q- and complex karyotype (522 Online Views)

Emanuele Ammatuna, Paola Panetta, Xabier Agirre, Tiziana Ottone, Serena Lavorgna, Maria José Calasanz, Francesco Lo-Coco