April, 2008
No. 93 (4)



Modulation of erythroid adhesion receptor expression by hydroxyurea in children with sickle cell disease (1278 Online Views)

Marie-Hélène Odièvre, Viviane Bony, Malika Benkerrou, Claudine Lapouméroulie, Corinne Alberti, Rolande Ducrocq, Evelyne Jacqz-Aigrain, Jacques Elion, Jean-Pierre Cartron


Epidemiology of aplastic anemia: a prospective multicenter study (8970 Online Views)

Eva Montané, Luisa Ibáñez, Xavier Vidal, Elena Ballarín, Ramon Puig, Nuria García, Joan-Ramon Laporte


Bone marrow stromal cells and the upregulation of interleukin-8 production in human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia through the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis and the NF-κB and JNK/AP-1 pathways (1412 Online Views)

Maria T. Scupoli, Massimo Donadelli, Federica Cioffi, Maria Rossi, Omar Perbellini, Giorgio Malpeli, Silvia Corbioli, Fabrizio Vinante, Mauro Krampera, Marta Palmieri, Aldo Scarpa, Cristina Ariola, Robin Foà, Giovanni Pizzolo


In vitro validation of γ-secretase inhibitors alone or in combination with other anti-cancer drugs for the treatment of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (1564 Online Views)

Kim De Keersmaecker, Idoya Lahortiga, Nicole Mentens, Cedric Folens, Leander Van Neste, Sofie Bekaert, Peter Vandenberghe, Maria D. Odero, Peter Marynen, Jan Cools


Detection of somatic quantitative genetic alterations by multiplex polymerase chain reaction for the prediction of outcome in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (919 Online Views)

Fabrice Jardin, Philippe Ruminy, Jean-Pierre Kerckaert, Françoise Parmentier, Jean-Michel Picquenot, Sabine Quief, Céline Villenet, Gérard Buchonnet, Mario Tosi, Thierry Frebourg, Christian Bastard, Hervé Tilly


Minimal residual disease detection in mantle cell lymphoma: methods and significance of four-color flow cytometry compared to consensus IGH-polymerase chain reaction at initial staging and for follow-up examinations (1316 Online Views)

Sebastian Böttcher, Matthias Ritgen, Sebastian Buske, Stefan Gesk, Wolfram Klapper, Eva Hoster, Wolfgang Hiddemann, Michael Unterhalt, Martin Dreyling, Reiner Siebert, Michael Kneba, Christiane Pott


Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisone in elderly untreated patients with multiple myeloma: updated time-to-events results and prognostic factors for time to progression (1266 Online Views)

María-Victoria Mateos, José M. Hernández, Miguel T. Hernández, Norma C. Gutiérrez, Luis Palomera, Marta Fuertes, Pedro Garcia-Sanchez, Juán J. Lahuerta, Javier de la Rubia, María-José Terol, Ana Sureda, Joan Bargay, Paz Ribas, Adrian Alegre, Felipe de Arriba, Albert Oriol, Dolores Carrera, José García-Laraña, Ramón García-Sanz, Joan Bladé, Felipe Prósper, Gemma Mateo, Dixie-Lee Esseltine, Helgi van de Velde, Jesús F. San Miguel


The effect of platelet activation on the hypercoagulability induced by murine monoclonal antiphospholipid antibodies (1057 Online Views)

Aurelie Membre, Denis Wahl, Veronique Latger-Cannard, Jean-Pierre Max, Patrick Lacolley, Thomas Lecompte, Veronique Regnault


Functional characterization of twelve natural PROS1 mutations associated with anticoagulant protein S deficiency (1064 Online Views)

Begoña Hurtado, Xavier Muñoz, Maria Carme Mulero, Gemma Navarro, Pere Domènech, Pablo García de Frutos, Mercè Pérez-Riba, Núria Sala


Peptide-nucleic acid-mediated enriched polymerase chain reaction as a key point for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of β-thalassemia (884 Online Views)

Silvia Galbiati, Barbara Foglieni, Maurizio Travi, Cristina Curcio, Gabriella Restagno, Luca Sbaiz, Maddalena Smid, Federica Pasi, Augusto Ferrari, Maurizio Ferrari, Laura Cremonesi


A prospective analysis of the genotypic diversity and dynamics of the Candida albicans colonizing flora in neutropenic patients with de novo acute leukemia (548 Online Views)

Frédéric Dalle, Ingrid Lafon, Coralie L’Ollivier, Emmanuelle Ferrant, Pierre Sicard, Catherine Labruère, Ahmed Jebrane, Aline Laubriet, Odile Vagner, Denis Caillot, Alain Bonnin


Brief Reports

Neurodegenerative central nervous system disease as late sequelae of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Report from the Japan LCH Study Group (1739 Online Views)

Shinsaku Imashuku, Yoko Shioda, Ryoji Kobayashi, Gaku Hosoi, Hisanori Fujino, Shiro Seto, Hisashi Wakita, Akira Oka, Nagisa Okazaki, Naoto Fujita, Toshinori Minato, Kenichi Koike, Yukiko Tsunematsu, Akira Morimoto


Hepatocyte growth factor promotes migration of human myeloma cells (967 Online Views)

Randi Utne Holt, Unn-Merete Fagerli, Vadim Baykov, Torstein Baade Rø, Håkon Hov, Anders Waage, Anders Sundan, Magne Børset


Multiple Myeloma

Primary extramedullary plasmacytoma: similarities with and differences from multiple myeloma revealed by interphase cytogenetics (1775 Online Views)

Karin Bink, Eugenia Haralambieva, Marcus Kremer, German Ott, Christine Beham-Schmid, Laurence de Leval, Suat Cheng Peh, Hubert R. Laeng, Uta Jütting, Peter Hutzler, Leticia Quintanilla-Martinez, Falko Fend


Accurate Rh phenotype determination by reticulocyte mRNA typing shortly after multiple transfusions (636 Online Views)

Ingrid Randen, Kirsten Sørensen, Reidun Hauge, Anine B. Dahlberg, Mohammad R. Mirlashari, Keith M. Thompson, Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh


Letters to the Editor

Relapse and death during first remission in acute myeloid leukemia (702 Online Views)

Masamitsu Yanada, Guillermo Garcia-Manero, Gautam Borthakur, Farhad Ravandi, Hagop Kantarjian, Elihu Estey


Platelet Disorders

Endothelial cell activation by immunoglobulins from patients with immune thrombocytopenic purpura or with antiphospholipid syndrome (394 Online Views)

Sylvie Dunoyer-Geindre, Françoise Boehlen, Remi Favier, Denis Wahl, Jacek Musial, Wolfgang Korte, Nathalie Satta, Egbert Kruithof, Philippe de Moerloose



Stem Cell Transplantation

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Quality of life of female caregivers of children with sickle cell disease: a survey (1758 Online Views)

Xandra W. van den Tweel, Janneke Hatzmann, Elske Ensink, Johanna H. van der Lee, Marjolein Peters, Karin Fijnvandraat, Martha Grootenhuis
