March, 2008
No. 93 (3)



Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from amniotic fluid: solid perspectives for clinical application (1476 Online Views)

Nadia Sessarego, Alessia Parodi, Marina Podestà, Federica Benvenuto, Massimo Mogni, Valentina Raviolo, Mario Lituania, Annalisa Kunkl, Guido Ferlazzo, Franca Dagna Bricarelli, Antonio Uccelli, Francesco Frassoni

Pegylated granulocyte colony-stimulating factor mobilizes CD34+ cells with different stem and progenitor subsets and distinct functional properties in comparison with unconjugated granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (1491 Online Views)

Ingmar Bruns, Ulrich Steidl, Johannes C. Fischer, Akos Czibere, Guido Kobbe, Sascha Raschke, Raminder Singh, Roland Fenk, Michael Rosskopf, Sabrina Pechtel, Arndt von Haeseler, Peter Wernet, Daniel G. Tenen, Rainer Haas, Ralf Kronenwett

A novel transgenic mouse model produced from lentiviral germline integration for the study of β-thalassemia gene therapy (1449 Online Views)

Wei Li, Shuyang Xie, Xinbing Guo, Xiuli Gong, Shu Wang, Dan Lin, Jingzhi Zhang, Zhaorui Ren, Shuzhen Huang, Fanyi Zeng, Yitao Zeng

SBDS-deficient cells undergo accelerated apoptosis through the Fas-pathway (1464 Online Views)

Piya Rujkijyanont, Ken-ichiro Watanabe, Chhaya Ambekar, Hanming Wang, Aaron Schimmer, Joseph Beyene, Yigal Dror

Recurrent thrombosis in patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia: incidence, risk factors, and effect of treatments (5185 Online Views)

Valerio De Stefano, Tommaso Za, Elena Rossi, Alessandro M. Vannucchi, Marco Ruggeri, Elena Elli, Caterina Micò, Alessia Tieghi, Rossella R. Cacciola, Cristina Santoro, Giancarla Gerli, Nicola Vianelli, Paola Guglielmelli, Lisa Pieri, Francesca Scognamiglio, Francesco Rodeghiero, Enrico M. Pogliani, Guido Finazzi, Luigi Gugliotta, Roberto Marchioli, Giuseppe Leone, Tiziano Barbui

Activation of cytotoxic T-cell receptor γδ T lymphocytes in response to specific stimulation in myelodysplastic syndromes (1153 Online Views)

Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, Géraldine Visentin, Emilie Viey, Sylvie Chevret, Virginie Eclache, Jerome Stirnemann, Jean Henri Bourhis, Salem Chouaib, Pierre Fenaux, Anne Caignard

Evaluation of response to fractionated radioimmunotherapy with 90Y-epratuzumab in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma by 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (661 Online Views)

Caroline Bodet-Milin, Françoise Kraeber-Bodéré, Benoît Dupas, Franck Morschhauser, Thomas Gastinne, Steven Le Gouill, Loïc Campion, Jean-Luc Harousseau, William A. Wegener, David M. Goldenberg, Damien Huglo

Secondary malignancies after treatment for indolent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: a 16-year follow-up study (1364 Online Views)

Stefano Sacchi, Luigi Marcheselli, Alessia Bari, Raffaella Marcheselli, Samantha Pozzi, Stefano Luminari, Marco Lombardo, Gabriele Buda, Antonio Lazzaro, Paolo G. Gobbi, Caterina Stelitano, Fortunato Morabito, Giovanni Quarta, Maura Brugiatelli

A phase 2 pilot study of pegfilgrastim and filgrastim for mobilizing peripheral blood progenitor cells in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma receiving chemotherapy (1084 Online Views)

Nigel Russell, Rolf Mesters, Joerg Schubert, Marc Boogaerts, Hans E. Johnsen, Consuelo del Canizo, Nigel Baker, Philippa Barker, Tomas Skacel, Norbert Schmitz

Clonal heterogeneity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells: superior response to surface IgM cross-linking in CD38, ZAP-70-positive cells (569 Online Views)

Giovanna Cutrona, Monica Colombo, Serena Matis, Marina Fabbi, Mauro Spriano, Vincenzo Callea, Ernesto Vigna, Massimo Gentile, Simonetta Zupo, Nicholas Chiorazzi, Fortunato Morabito, Manlio Ferrarini

CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T regulatory cells reconstitute and accumulate in the bone marrow of patients with multiple myeloma following allogeneic stem cell transplantation (1401 Online Views)

Djordje Atanackovic, Yanran Cao, Tim Luetkens, Jens Panse, Christiane Faltz, Julia Arfsten, Katrin Bartels, Christine Wolschke, Thomas Eiermann, Axel R. Zander, Boris Fehse, Carsten Bokemeyer, Nicolaus Kroger

Evaluation of the serum-free light chain test in untreated patients with AL amyloidosis (2388 Online Views)

Tilmann Bochtler, Ute Hegenbart, Christiane Heiss, Axel Benner, Friedrich Cremer, Martin Volkmann, Jochen Ludwig, Jolanta B. Perz, Anthony D. Ho, Hartmut Goldschmidt, Stefan O. Schonland

Brief Reports

NPM1 mutations and cytoplasmic nucleophosmin are mutually exclusive of recurrent genetic abnormalities: a comparative analysis of 2562 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (1595 Online Views)

Brunangelo Falini, Cristina Mecucci, Giuseppe Saglio, Francesco Lo Coco, Daniela Diverio, Patrick Brown, Fabrizio Pane, Marco Mancini, Maria Paola Martelli, Stefano Pileri, Torsten Haferlach, Claudia Haferlach, Susanne Schnittger

Autoimmune thrombocytopenia in non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (11575 Online Views)

Alexander W. Hauswirth, Cathrin Skrabs, Christian Schützinger, Markus Raderer, Andreas Chott, Peter Valent, Klaus Lechner, Ulrich Jäger

Normalization of the serum angiopoietin-1 to angiopoietin-2 ratio reflects response in refractory/resistant multiple myeloma patients treated with bortezomib (734 Online Views)

Konstantinos Anargyrou, Evangelos Terpos, Theodoros P. Vassilakopoulos, Anastasia Pouli, Sotirios Sachanas, Tatiana Tzenou, Stavroula Masouridis, Dimitrios Christoulas, Maria K. Angelopoulou, Evangelia M. Dimitriadou, Christina Kalpadakis, Konstantinos Tsionos, Panayiotis Panayiotidis, Meletios A. Dimopoulos, Gerassimos A. Pangalis, Marie-Christine Kyrtsonis

High response rate and improved graft-versus-host disease following bortezomib as salvage therapy after reduced intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma (825 Online Views)

Jean El-Cheikh, Mauricette Michallet, Arnon Nagler, Hugues de Lavallade, Franck E. Nicolini, Avichai Shimoni, Catherine Faucher, Mohamad Sobh, Daniela Revesz, Izhar Hardan, Sabine Fürst, Didier Blaise, Mohamad Mohty

Letters to the Editor

Hospitalization of children with sickle cell disease in a region with increasing immigration rates (784 Online Views)

Raffaella Colombatti, Laura Visonà Dalla Pozza, Monica Mazzucato, Laura Sainati, Marta Pierobon, Paola Facchin

ETV6/GOT1 fusion in a case of t(10;12)(q24;p13)-positive myelodysplastic syndrome (479 Online Views)

Stephanie Struski, Laurent Mauvieux, Carine Gervais, Catherine Hélias, Kun Lun Liu, Michel Lessard

Thrombophilia as a predictor of persistent residual vein thrombosis (815 Online Views)

Luca Spiezia, Daniela Tormene, Raffaele Pesavento, Laura Salmaso, Paolo Simioni, Paolo Prandoni

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Report of the European Myeloma Network on multiparametric flow cytometry in multiple myeloma and related disorders (7562 Online Views)

Andy C. Rawstron, Alberto Orfao, Meral Beksac, Ludmila Bezdickova, Rik A. Brooimans, Horia Bumbea, Klara Dalva, Gwenny Fuhler, Jan Gratama, Dirk Hose, Lucie Kovarova, Michael Lioznov, Gema Mateo, Ricardo Morilla, Anne K. Mylin, Paola Omedé, Catherine Pellat-Deceunynck, Martin Perez Andres, Maria Petrucci, Marina Ruggeri, Grzegorz Rymkiewicz, Alexander Schmitz, Martin Schreder, Carine Seynaeve, Martin Spacek, Ruth M. de Tute, Els Van Valckenborgh, Nicky Weston-Bell, Roger G. Owen, Jesús F. San Miguel, Pieter Sonneveld, Hans E. Johnsen

Errata Corrige

Online Only Articles

Successful heart transplantation following melphalan plus dexamethasone therapy in systemic AL amyloidosis (397 Online Views)

Aude Mignot, Frank Bridoux, Antoine Thierry, Shaida Varnous, Myriam Pujo, Annick Delcourt, Jean Marc Gombert, Jean-Michel Goujon, Fréderic Favreau, Guy Touchard, Daniel Herpin, Arnaud Jaccard