July, 2004
No. 89 (7)



Gene expression profiles and risk stratification in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (128 Online Views)

O Teuffel, M Dettling, G Cario, M Stanulla, M Schrappe, P Buhlmann, FK Niggli, BW Schafer

Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for patients (223 Online Views)

B Labar, S Suciu, R Zittoun, P Muus, JP Marie, G Fillet, M Peetermans, P Stryckmans, R Willemze, W Feremans, B Jaksic, JH Bourhis, JP Burghouts, T de Witte, EORTC Leukemia Group

Extramedullary multiple myeloma escapes the effect of thalidomide (719 Online Views)

L Rosinol, MT Cibeira, J Blade, J Esteve, M Aymerich, M Rozman, M Segarra, MC Cid, X Filella, E Montserrat

Cryptococcosis in patients with hematologic malignancies. A report from GIMEMA-infection (214 Online Views)

L Pagano, L Fianchi, C Caramatti, D D'Antonio, L Melillo, M Caira, L Masini, G Todeschini, C Girmenia, B Martino, S Cinieri, P Martino, A Del Favero, Gruppo Italiano Malattie EMatologiche dell'Adulto Infection Program

Letters to the Editor

Childhood sickle cell crises: clinical severity, inflammatory markers and the role of interleukin-8 (165 Online Views)

M Etienne-Julan, MS Belloy, M Decastel, S Dougaparsad, S Ravion, MD Hardy-Dessources

NRAS, FLT3 and TP53 mutations in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome and a del(5q) (314 Online Views)

C Fidler, F Watkins, DT Bowen, TJ Littlewood, JS Wainscoat, J Boultwood

TP53 codon 72 polymorphism in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (248 Online Views)

G Bergamaschi, S Merante, E Orlandi, A Galli, P Bernasconi, M Cazzola

Detection of bcl-2 rearrangement in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas from patients with hepatitis C virus infection (193 Online Views)

M Libra, V De Re, A Gloghini, D Gasparotto, L Gragnani, PM Navolanic, S De Vita, MC Mazzarino, AL Zignego, A Carbone, M Boiocchi

Reduced intensity conditioning allogeneic transplant for advanced chronic lymphocytic leukemia (120 Online Views)

D Soligo, M Motta, C Borsotti, A Ibatici, A Cortelezzi, G Lambertenghi Deliliers

Graft-versus-leukemia effect of allogeneic stem cell transplantation; a Japanese single center study (176 Online Views)

K Ishiyama, A Takami, S Shiobara, S Koizumi, S Nakao, Kanazawa University Hospital Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation group


Survival in elderly acute myeloid leukemia patients (104 Online Views)

A Cucuianu, M Patiu, C Basarab, A Bojan, A Vasilache, L Petrov

Case Reports

Traumatic left shoulder fracture masking aggressive granuloblastic sarcoma in a CML patient (109 Online Views)

P Cozzi, A Nosari, S Cantoni, S Ribera, E Pungolino, G Lizzadro, P Oreste, D Asnaghi, E Morra

Chemotherapy-induced leukonychia (161 Online Views)

C Benatti, M Gnocchi, E Travaglino, R Invernizzi, E Ascari

Clinical Trial, Phase I

Clinical effects and P-glycoprotein inhibition in patients with acute myeloid leukemia treated with zosuquidar trihydrochloride, daunorubicin and cytarabine (371 Online Views)

G Gerrard, E Payne, RJ Baker, DT Jones, M Potter, HG Prentice, M Ethell, H McCullough, M Burgess, AB Mehta, K Ganeshaguru

Clinical Trial, Phase II

First-line therapy with thalidomide and dexamethasone in preparation for autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma (523 Online Views)

M Cavo, E Zamagni, P Tosi, C Cellini, D Cangini, P Tacchetti, N Testoni, M Tonelli, A de Vivo, G Palareti, S Tura, M Baccarani

Controlled Clinical Trial

Feasibility and results of autologous stem cell transplantation in de novo acute myeloid leukemia in patients over 60 years old. Results of the CETLAM AML-99 protocol (337 Online Views)

A Oriol, JM Ribera, J Esteve, R Guardia, S Brunet, J Bueno, C Pedro, A Llorente, M Tormo, J Besalduch, JM Sanchez, M Batlle, P Vivancos, E Carreras, JM Vila, A Julia, J Sierra, E Montserrat, E Feliu, CETLAM AML-99