May, 2004
No. 89 (5)



Acquired potential N-glycosylation sites within the tumor-specific immunoglobulin heavy chains of B-cell malignancies (245 Online Views)

N Zabalegui, AL de Cerio, S Inoges, M Rodriguez-Calvillo, J Perez-Calvo, M Hernandez, J Garcia-Foncillas, S Martin-Algarra, E Rocha, M Bendandi

Levels of minimal residual disease detected by quantitative molecular monitoring herald relapse in patients with multiple myeloma (358 Online Views)

R Fenk, M Ak, G Kobbe, U Steidl, C Arnold, M Korthals, A Hunerliturkoglu, UP Rohr, S Kliszewski, A Bernhardt, R Haas, R Kronenwett

Thromboprophylaxis practice patterns in two Western Australian teaching hospitals (234 Online Views)

JW Eikelboom, A Mazzarol, DJ Quinlan, R Beaver, J Williamson, Q Yi, GJ Hankey, The American College of Chest Physicians

Recommended reporting format for flow cytometry diagnosis of acute leukemia (365 Online Views)

L Del Vecchio, B Brando, F Lanza, C Ortolani, G Pizzolo, G Semenzato, G Basso, Italian Society for Cytometry

Letters to the Editor

Arsenic trioxide in the treatment of advanced acute promyelocytic leukemia (286 Online Views)

I Carmosino, R Latagliata, G Avvisati, M Breccia, E Finolezzi, F Lo Coco, MC Petti

Bcl-6 gene mutations in primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (188 Online Views)

U Gianelli, A Cerri, B Cassani, L Moneghini, PR Raviele, E Berti, S Bosari

Xenobiotic gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to multiple myeloma (439 Online Views)

LF Lincz, I Kerridge, FE Scorgie, M Bailey, A Enno, A Spencer

Unrelated cord blood transplantation for children with high risk myelodysplastic syndromes (94 Online Views)

A Picardi, D Del Principe, L Cudillo, T Dentamaro, S Amadori, P de Fabritiis

Case Reports

Prostatic acid phosphatase: a possible diagnostic marker of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (394 Online Views)

Y Kishi, M Kami, E Kusumi, T Mineyama, D Kato, T Hamaki, J Ueyama, S Miyakoshi, S Morinaga, Y Muto, S Taniguchi

Clinical Trial, Phase II

Adverse effects and benefits of two years of anagrelide treatment for thrombocythemia in chronic myeloproliferative disorders (310 Online Views)

G Birgegard, M Bjorkholm, J Kutti, G Larfars, E Lofvenberg, B Markevarn, M Merup, J Palmblad, N Mauritzson, J Westin, J Samuelsson

Comparative Studies

Controlled Clinical Trial

A low serum level of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor p55 predicts response to thalidomide in advanced multiple myeloma (503 Online Views)

AT Brenne, LH Romstad, P Gimsing, G Juliusson, I Turesson, P Romundstad, M Borset, A Sundan, A Waage

Evaluation Studies