March, 2000
No. 85 (3)


Co-existence of hereditary spherocytosis and a new red cell pyruvate kinase variant: PK mallorca (296 Online Views)

R Zarza, M Moscardo, R Alvarez, J Garcia, M Morey, A Pujades, JL Vives-Corrons

Clotting alterations in primary systemic amyloidosis (416 Online Views)

G Gamba, N Montani, E Anesi, G Palladini, M Capezzera, E Soldavini, G Merlini

The FXIII Val34Leu polymorphism in venous and arterial thromboembolism (274 Online Views)

J Corral, R Gonzalez-Conejero, JA Iniesta, J Rivera, C Martinez, V Vicente

Letters to the Editor


A Caucasian boy with Gilbert's syndrome heterozygous for the (TA)(8) allele (143 Online Views)

A Tsezou, M Tzetis, S Kitsiou, E Kavazarakis, A Galla, E Kanavakis

Case Reports

Late Epstein-Barr virus infection of a hepatosplenic gamma delta T-cell lymphoma arising in a kidney transplant recipient (284 Online Views)

S Roncella, G Cutrona, M Truini, I Airoldi, A Pezzolo, A Valetto, D Di Martino, P Dadati, A De Rossi, M Ulivi, I Fontana, A Nocera, U Valente, M Ferrarini, V Pistoia

Lymphangioma of the spleen in an elderly patient (212 Online Views)

M Vezzoli, E Ottini, M Montagna, A La Fianza, M Paulli, R Rosso, A Mazzone

Clinical Trial

Comparison of two different time interval protocols for central venous catheter dressing in bone marrow transplant patients: results of a randomized, multicenter study. The Italian Nurse Bone Marrow Transplant Group (GITMO) (567 Online Views)

R Laura, M Degl'Innocenti, M Mocali, F Alberani, S Boschi, A Giraudi, MT Arnaud, R Zucchinali, MG Paris, R Dallara, S Thaler, G Perobelli, S Parfazi, T De Lazzer, G Peron

Comparative Studies

Liposome encapsulated daunorubicin (daunoxome) for acute leukemia (160 Online Views)

A Ermacora, M Michieli, F Pea, G Visani, A Bucalossi, D Russo