January, 1999
No. 84 (1)



Prognostic significance of bone marrow biopsy in essential thrombocythemia (222 Online Views)

C Annaloro, G Lambertenghi Deliliers, A Oriani, E Pozzoli, D Lambertenghi Deliliers, F Radaelli, P Faccini

Bone marrow transplantation for severe aplastic anemia: the Barcelona Hospital Clinic experience (271 Online Views)

JC Hernandez-Boluda, P Marin, E Carreras, JL Aguilar, A Granena, C Rozman, E Montserrat

Treatment of multiple myeloma (582 Online Views)

JF San Miguel, J Blade Creixenti, R Garcia-Sanz

Thrombophilia as a multigenic disease (1027 Online Views)

B Zoller, P Garcia de Frutos, A Hillarp, B Dahlback

Letters to the Editor

Existence of a hypercoagulability state prior to prosthetic hip or knee surgery (222 Online Views)

T Iturbe, R Cornudella, R de Miguel, T Olave, JA Moreno, M Gutierrez


Case Reports

Clinical Trial

Comparative Studies