August, 1998
No. 83 (8)


Low number of DNA copy number changes in small lymphocytic lymphoma (318 Online Views)

K Autio, Y Aalto, K Franssila, E Elonen, H Joensuu, S Knuutila

Management of acute promyelocytic leukemia relapse in the ATRA era (255 Online Views)

C Castagnola, M Lunghi, A Corso, M Tajana, P Zappasodi, M Dabusti, M Lazzarino, C Bernasconi

Autologous platelet transfusion in patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy and circulating progenitor cell transplantation for stage II/III breast cancer (258 Online Views)

P Pedrazzoli, C Perotti, P Noris, GA Da Prada, C Zibera, M Battaglia, N Gibelli, P Preti, L Pavesi, L Torretta, CL Balduini, L Salvaneschi, G Robustelli della Cuna

Letters to the Editor


Case Reports

Familial hairy cell leukemia: a HLA-linked disease or farmers-linked disease? (174 Online Views)

LF Casado, P Mouleon, B Villarrubia, MC Toledo, MC Martinez-Frejo

Acute leukemias after treatment with radioiodine for thyroid cancer (495 Online Views)

V Roldan Schilling, P Fernandez Abellan, Escribano Dominguez, C Rivas Gonzalez, E Mut Barbera, R Calatayud Cendra

Clinical Trial

Comparative Studies

Rapid and simple immunophenotypic characterization of lymphocytes using a new test (213 Online Views)

M Bellido, E Rubiol, J Ubeda, C Estivill, O Lopez, R Manteiga, JF Nomdedeu