November, 1996
No. 81 (6)



ABO genotyping in Italian blood donors (253 Online Views)

A Villa, F Drago, R Misto, F Morelati, F Poli, G Sirchia

Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II: molecular basis and clinical aspects (988 Online Views)

A Iolascon, G D'Agostaro, S Perrotta, P Izzo, R Tavano, B Miraglia del Giudice


Case Reports

Clinical Trial

High efficacy of fludarabine-containing therapy (FLAG-FLANG) in poor risk acute myeloid leukemia (343 Online Views)

M Clavio, P Carrara, M Miglino, I Pierri, L Canepa, E Balleari, AM Gatti, R Cerri, L Celesti, E Vallebella, M Sessarego, F Patrone, R Ghio, E Damasio, M Gobbi

The F-MACHOP regimen in the treatment of aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphomas: a single center experience in 72 patients (274 Online Views)

L Infanti, F Silvestri, R Fanin, F Salmaso, F Zaja, G Barillari, F Patriarca, A Geromin, M Cerno, D Damiani, M Baccarani
