January, 2015
No. 100 (1)


Review Articles


Retrospective matched-pairs analysis of bortezomib plus dexamethasone versus bortezomib monotherapy in relapsed multiple myeloma (1488 Online Views)

Meletios A. Dimopoulos, Robert Z. Orlowski, Thierry Facon, Pieter Sonneveld, Kenneth C. Anderson, Meral Beksac, Lotfi Benboubker, Huw Roddie, Anna Potamianou, Catherine Couturier, Huaibao Feng, Ozlem Ataman, Helgi van de Velde, Paul G. Richardson


Multiple myeloma and infections: a population-based study on 9253 multiple myeloma patients (6673 Online Views)

Cecilie Blimark, Erik Holmberg, Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist, Ola Landgren, Magnus Björkholm, Malin Hultcrantz, Christian Kjellander, Ingemar Turesson, Sigurdur Y. Kristinsson


Cytomegalovirus shapes long-term immune reconstitution after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (1090 Online Views)

Raphael Itzykson, Marie Robin, Helene Moins-Teisserenc, Marc Delord, Marc Busson, Aliénor Xhaard, Flore Sicre de Fontebrune, Régis Peffault de Latour, Antoine Toubert, Gérard Socié


The role of inflammation, iron, and nutritional status in cancer-related anemia: results of a large, prospective, observational study (4440 Online Views)

Antonio Macciò, Clelia Madeddu, Giulia Gramignano, Carlo Mulas, Luciana Tanca, Maria Cristina Cherchi, Carlo Floris, Itaru Omoto, Antonio Barracca, Tomas Ganz


Erythroid differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells is independent of donor cell type of origin (3369 Online Views)

Isabel Dorn, Katharina Klich, Marcos J. Arauzo-Bravo, Martina Radstaak, Simeon Santourlidis, Foued Ghanjati, Teja F. Radke, Olympia E. Psathaki, Gunnar Hargus, Jan Kramer, Martin Einhaus, Jeong Beom Kim, Gesine Kögler, Peter Wernet, Hans R. Schöler, Peter Schlenke, Holm Zaehres


Bone Marrow Failure

Genomic analysis of bone marrow failure and myelodysplastic syndromes reveals phenotypic and diagnostic complexity (2089 Online Views)

Michael Y. Zhang, Siobán B. Keel, Tom Walsh, Ming K. Lee, Suleyman Gulsuner, Amanda C. Watts, Colin C. Pritchard, Stephen J. Salipante, Michael R. Jeng, Inga Hofmann, David A. Williams, Mark D. Fleming, Janis L. Abkowitz, Mary-Claire King, Akiko Shimamura


The negative impact of being underweight and weight loss on survival of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (1707 Online Views)

Marissa A.H. den Hoed, Saskia M.F. Pluijm, Hester A. de Groot-Kruseman, Mariël L. te Winkel, Martha Fiocco, Erica L.T. van den Akker, Peter Hoogerbrugge, Henk van den Berg, Jan A. Leeuw, Marrie C.A. Bruin, Dorine Bresters, Anjo J.P. Veerman, Rob Pieters, Marry M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink


Focused chemical genomics using zebrafish xenotransplantation as a pre-clinical therapeutic platform for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2133 Online Views)

Victoria L. Bentley, Chansey J. Veinotte, Dale P. Corkery, Jordan B. Pinder, Marissa A. LeBlanc, Karen Bedard, Andrew P. Weng, Jason N. Berman, Graham Dellaire


Ibrutinib interferes with the cell-mediated anti-tumor activities of therapeutic CD20 antibodies: implications for combination therapy (2371 Online Views)

Fabio Da Roit, Patrick J. Engelberts, Ronald P. Taylor, Esther C.W. Breij, Giuseppe Gritti, Alessandro Rambaldi, Martino Introna, Paul W.H.I. Parren, Frank J. Beurskens, Josée Golay


Absolute peripheral monocyte count at diagnosis predicts central nervous system relapse in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (11242 Online Views)

Hideaki Nitta, Yasuhito Terui, Masahiro Yokoyama, Yuko Mishima, Noriko Nishimura, Kyoko Ueda, Yoshiharu Kusano, Naoko Tsuyama, Kengo Takeuchi, Yoshinobu Kanda, Kiyohiko Hatake


The analysis of clonal diversity and therapy responses using STAT3 mutations as a molecular marker in large granular lymphocytic leukemia (1823 Online Views)

Hanna L. M. Rajala, Thomas Olson, Michael J. Clemente, Sonja Lagström, Pekka Ellonen, Tuija Lundan, David E. Hamm, Syed Arshi Uz Zaman, Jesus M. Lopez Marti, Emma I. Andersson, Andres Jerez, Kimmo Porkka, Jaroslaw P. Maciejewski, Thomas P. Loughran, Satu Mustjoki



Criteria for evaluating response and outcome in clinical trials for children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (2267 Online Views)

Charlotte M. Niemeyer, Mignon L. Loh, Annamaria Cseh, Todd Cooper, Christopher C. Dvorak, Rebecca Chan, Blanca Xicoy, Ulrich Germing, Seiji Kojima, Atsushi Manabe, Michael Dworzak, Barbara De Moerloose, Jan Starý, Owen P. Smith, Riccardo Masetti, Albert Catala, Eva Bergstraesser, Marek Ussowicz, Oskana Fabri, André Baruchel, Hélène Cavé, Michel Zwaan, Franco Locatelli, Henrik Hasle, Marry M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink, Christian Flotho, Ayami Yoshimi


Online Only Articles

Clinical features and outcome of SIL/TAL1-positive T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children and adolescents: a 10-year experience of the AIEOP group (1475 Online Views)

Mariella D’Angiò, Maria G. Valsecchi, Anna M. Testi, Valentino Conter, Vittorio Nunes, Rosanna Parasole, Antonella Colombini, Nicola Santoro, Stefania Varotto, Maurizio Caniglia, Daniela Silvestri, Caterina Consarino, Laura Levati, Elisa Magrin, Franco Locatelli, Giuseppe Basso, Robin Foà, Andrea Biondi, Gianni Cazzaniga


Three novel fusion transcripts of the paired box 5 gene in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (944 Online Views)

Grazia Fazio, Giulia Daniele, Valeria Cazzaniga, Luciana Impera, Marco Severgnini, Ilaria Iacobucci, Marta Galbiati, Anna Leszl, Ingrid Cifola, Gianluca De Bellis, Paola Bresciani, Giovanni Martinelli, Giuseppe Basso, Andrea Biondi, Clelia Tiziana Storlazzi, Giovanni Cazzaniga


Reduced dose pentostatin for initial management of hairy cell leukemia patients who have active infection or risk of hemorrhage is safe and effective (956 Online Views)

Leslie A. Andritsos, Neil Dunavin, Gerard Lozanski, Jeffrey A. Jones, James S. Blachly, David M. Lucas, John C. Byrd, Eric Kraut, Michael R. Grever


Paradoxical central nervous system immune reconstitution syndrome in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related primary central nervous system lymphoma (690 Online Views)

Sarah M. Kranick, Priscila H. Goncalves, Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson, Karen Aleman, Mark N. Polizzotto, Richard F. Little, Robert Yarchoan, Thomas S. Uldrick


Recurrent presence of the PLCG1 S345F mutation in nodal peripheral T-cell lymphomas (948 Online Views)

Rebeca Manso, Socorro M. Rodríguez-Pinilla, Julia González-Rincón, Sagrario Gómez, Silvia Monsalvo, Pilar Llamas, Federico Rojo, David Pérez-Callejo, Laura Cereceda, Miguel A. Limeres, Carmen Maeso, Lucía Ferrando, Carlos Pérez-Seoane, Guillermo Rodríguez, José M. Arrinda, Federico García-Bragado, Renato Franco, José L. Rodriguez-Peralto, Joaquin González-Carreró, Francisco Martín-Dávila, Miguel A. Piris, Margarita Sánchez-Beato


Invasive fungal infections in patients with multiple myeloma: a multi-center study in the era of novel myeloma therapies (1566 Online Views)

Benjamin W. Teh, Jasmine C. Teng, Karin Urbancic, Andrew Grigg, Simon J. Harrison, Leon J. Worth, Monica A. Slavin, Karin A. Thursky


Circadian and circannual variations in cord blood hematopoietic cell composition (753 Online Views)

Sophie Servais, Etienne Baudoux, Bénédicte Brichard, Dominique Bron, Cécile Debruyn, Didier De Hemptinne, Véronique Deneys, Jean-Michel Paulus, Jean-Pierre Schaaps, Jean-Remy Van Cauwenberge, Laurence Seidel, Alain Delforge, Yves Beguin


Incidence and risk factors for venous thromboembolism after laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer (881 Online Views)

Cecilia Becattini, Fabio Rondelli, Maria C. Vedovati, Giuseppe Camporese, Michela Giustozzi, Michela Boncompagni, Salvatore Pucciarelli, Ruben Balzarotti, Enrico Mariani, Esmeralda Filippucci, Annibale Donini, Giancarlo Agnelli


Biomodulatory therapy induces complete molecular remission in chemorefractory acute myeloid leukemia (934 Online Views)

Simone Thomas, Roland Schelker, Sebastian Klobuch, Sascha Zaiss, Martina Troppmann, Michael Rehli, Torsten Haferlach, Wolfgang Herr, Albrecht Reichle


A phase I trial of ribavirin and low-dose cytarabine for the treatment of relapsed and refractory acute myeloid leukemia with elevated eIF4E (983 Online Views)

Sarit Assouline, Biljana Culjkovic-Kraljacic, Julie Bergeron, Stephen Caplan, Eftihia Cocolakis, Caroline Lambert, Cara J. Lau, Hiba Ahmad Zahreddine, Wilson H. Miller, Katherine L. B. Borden
