November, 2011
No. 96 (11)


Review Articles


Oxidative stress modulates heme synthesis and induces peroxiredoxin-2 as a novel cytoprotective response in β-thalassemic erythropoiesis (1182 Online Views)

Lucia De Franceschi, Mariarita Bertoldi, Luigia De Falco, Sara Santos Franco, Luisa Ronzoni, Franco Turrini, Alessandra Colancecco, Clara Camaschella, Maria Domenica Cappellini, Achille Iolascon

The prognostic impact of germline 46/1 haplotype of Janus kinase 2 in cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia (949 Online Views)

Sarolta Nahajevszky, Hajnalka Andrikovics, Arpad Batai, Emma Adam, Andras Bors, Judit Csomor, Laszlo Gopcsa, Magdalena Koszarska, Andras Kozma, Nora Lovas, Sandor Lueff, Zoltan Matrai, Nora Meggyesi, Janos Sinko, Andrea Sipos, Andrea Varkonyi, Sandor Fekete, Attila Tordai, Tamas Masszi

Phase I and pharmacological study of cytarabine and tanespimycin in relapsed and refractory acute leukemia (1000 Online Views)

Scott H. Kaufmann, Judith E. Karp, Mark R. Litzow, Ruben A. Mesa, William Hogan, David P. Steensma, Karen S. Flatten, David A. Loegering, Paula A. Schneider, Kevin L. Peterson, Matthew J. Maurer, B. Douglas Smith, Jacqueline Greer, Yuhong Chen, Joel M. Reid, S. Percy Ivy, Matthew M. Ames, Alex A. Adjei, Charles Erlichman, Larry M. Karnitz

Toll-like receptor signaling pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: distinct gene expression profiles of potential pathogenic significance in specific subsets of patients (1890 Online Views)

Eleni Arvaniti, Stavroula Ntoufa, Nikos Papakonstantinou, Tasoula Touloumenidou, Nikolaos Laoutaris, Achilles Anagnostopoulos, Klea Lamnissou, Federico Caligaris-Cappio, Kostas Stamatopoulos, Paolo Ghia, Marta Muzio, Chrysoula Belessi

N-cadherin-mediated interaction with multiple myeloma cells inhibits osteoblast differentiation (2001 Online Views)

Richard W.J. Groen, Martin F.M. de Rooij, Kinga A. Kocemba, Rogier M. Reijmers, Anneke de Haan-Kramer, Marije B. Overdijk, Linda Aalders, Henk Rozemuller, Anton C.M. Martens, P. Leif Bergsagel, Marie José Kersten, Steven T. Pals, Marcel Spaargaren

Cancer testis antigens in newly diagnosed and relapse multiple myeloma: prognostic markers and potential targets for immunotherapy (1960 Online Views)

Mark van Duin, Annemiek Broyl, Yvonne de Knegt, Hartmut Goldschmidt, Paul G. Richardson, Wim C. J. Hop, Bronno van der Holt, Debora Joseph-Pietras, George Mulligan, Rachel Neuwirth, Surinder S. Sahota, Pieter Sonneveld

Invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematologic malignancies: incidence and description of 127 cases enrolled in a single institution prospective survey from 2004 to 2009 (1245 Online Views)

Marie-Christine Nicolle, Thomas Bénet, Anne Thiebaut, Anne-Lise Bienvenu, Nicolas Voirin, Antoine Duclos, Mohamad Sobh, Giovanna Cannas, Xavier Thomas, Frank-Emmanuel Nicolini, Frédérique De Monbrison, Marie-Antoinette Piens, Stéphane Picot, Mauricette Michallet, Philippe Vanhems

Family-directed umbilical cord blood banking (1434 Online Views)

Eliane Gluckman, Annalisa Ruggeri, Vanderson Rocha, Etienne Baudoux, Michael Boo, Joanne Kurtzberg, Kathy Welte, Cristina Navarrete, Suzanna M. van Walraven

Mutation analysis of the tyrosine phosphatase PTPN2 in Hodgkin’s lymphoma and T-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (2088 Online Views)

Maria Kleppe, Thomas Tousseyn, Eva Geissinger, Zeynep Kalender Atak, Stein Aerts, Andreas Rosenwald, Iwona Wlodarska, Jan Cools

Brief Reports

A pilot trial of deferiprone for neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (1995 Online Views)

Giovanni Abbruzzese, Giovanni Cossu, Manuela Balocco, Roberta Marchese, Daniela Murgia, Maurizio Melis, Renzo Galanello, Susanna Barella, Gildo Matta, Uberto Ruffinengo, Ubaldo Bonuccelli, Gian Luca Forni

Variants in genetic modifiers of β-thalassemia can help to predict the major or intermedia type of the disease (982 Online Views)

Catherine Badens, Philippe Joly, Imane Agouti, Isabelle Thuret, Katia Gonnet, Synda Fattoum, Alain Francina, Marie-Claude Simeoni, Anderson Loundou, Serge Pissard

Genetic factors underlying the risk of bortezomib induced peripheral neuropathy in multiple myeloma patients (1098 Online Views)

Sophie L. Corthals, Rowan Kuiper, David C. Johnson, Pieter Sonneveld, Roman Hajek, Bronno van der Holt, Florence Magrangeas, Hartmut Goldschmidt, Gareth J. Morgan, Hervé Avet-Loiseau

Letters to the Editor

Two atypical forms of HbH disease in Sardinia (556 Online Views)

Maria Elisabetta Paglietti, Maria Carla Sollaino, Daniela Loi, Francesca Sarra, Eleonora Zaccheddu, Renzo Galanello

Online Only Articles

Red Cell Disorders

Atypical autoimmune hemolytic anemia (572 Online Views)

David Telio, David Pi, Nadia Zalunardo, Lori B. Tucker, Luke Y.C. Chen

Original Research

Osteomyelosclerosis, anemia and extramedullary hematopoiesis in mice lacking the transcription factor NFATc2 (1027 Online Views)

Wolfgang Bauer, Martina Rauner, Michael Haase, Satu Kujawski, Laleh S. Arabanian, Ivonne Habermann, Lorenz C. Hofbauer, Gerhard Ehninger, Alexander Kiani

Frequency of pain crises in sickle cell anemia and its relationship with the sympatho-vagal balance, blood viscosity and inflammation (1543 Online Views)

Danitza Nebor, Andre Bowers, Marie-Dominique Hardy-Dessources, Jennifer Knight-Madden, Marc Romana, Harvey Reid, Jean-Claude Barthélémy, Vanessa Cumming, Olivier Hue, Jacques Elion, Marvin Reid, Philippe Connes, CAREST study group

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Cytotoxic molecule-positive classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma: a clinicopathological comparison with cytotoxic molecule-positive peripheral T-cell lymphoma of not otherwise specified type (1395 Online Views)

Naoko Asano, Tomohiro Kinoshita, Jun-Ichi Tamaru, Koichi Ohshima, Tadashi Yoshino, Nozomi Niitsu, Norifumi Tsukamoto, Kaoru Hirabayashi, Koji Izutsu, Masafumi Taniwaki, Yasuo Morishima, Shigeo Nakamura