May, 2006
No. 91 (5)


The involvement of stromal derived factor 1alpha in homing and progression of multiple myeloma in the 5TMM model (343 Online Views)

E Menu, K Asosingh, S Indraccolo, H De Raeve, I Van Riet, E Van Valckenborgh, I Van de Broek, N Fujii, H Tamamura, B Van Camp, K Vanderkerken

The mechanisms of vitamin K2-induced apoptosis of myeloma cells (916 Online Views)

T Tsujioka, Y Miura, T Otsuki, Y Nishimura, F Hyodoh, H Wada, T Sugihara

Mutations in telomerase catalytic protein in Japanese children with aplastic anemia (367 Online Views)

J Liang, H Yagasaki, Y Kamachi, A Hama, K Matsumoto, K Kato, K Kudo, S Kojima

Minimal residual disease analysis in children with t(12;21)-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia: comparison of Ig/TCR rearrangements and the genomic fusion gene (278 Online Views)

M Metzler, G Mann, U Monschein, M Lodzinski, C Gall, T Flohr, S Viehmann, T Langer, M Schrappe, H Gadner, OA Haas, ER Panzer-Grumayer


Letters to the Editor

The effects of saquinavir on imatinib-resistant chronic myelogenous leukemia cell lines (183 Online Views)

F Timeus, N Crescenzio, E Ricotti, A Doria, D Bertin, G Saglio, PA Tovo

Estimating the impact of rituximab on bcl-2-associated resistance to CHOP in elderly patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (140 Online Views)

N Mounier, J Briere, C Gisselbrecht, F Reyes, P Gaulard, B Coiffier, Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte


Case Reports

Fibrinogen Mumbai: intracellular retention due to a novel G434D mutation in the Bbeta-chain gene (202 Online Views)

L Monaldini, R Asselta, S Duga, F Peyvandi, K Ghosh, M Malcovati, ML Tenchini

TERC mutations in children with refractory cytopenia (230 Online Views)

CA Ortmann, CM Niemeyer, A Wawer, W Ebell, I Baumann, CP Kratz

Clinical Trial

Effect of chemotherapy with alkylating agents on the yield of CD34+ cells in patients with multiple myeloma. Results of the Spanish Myeloma Group (GEM) Study (492 Online Views)

J de la Rubia, J Blade, JJ Lahuerta, JM Ribera, R Martinez, A Alegre, J Garcia-Larana, P Fernandez, A Sureda, F de Arriba, D Carrera, J Besalduch, R Garcia Boyero, L Palomera Bernal, MT Hernandez, PR Garcia, J Perez-Calvo, A Alcala, LF Casado, J San Miguel

Short-term effect of miglustat in every day clinical use in treatment-naive or previously treated patients with type 1 Gaucher's disease (223 Online Views)

P Giraldo, P Latre, P Alfonso, A Acedo, D Alonso, A Barez, A Corrales, R Franco, V Roldan, S Serrano, M Pocovi

Clinical Trial, Phase II

Early hematopoietic recovery after single unit unrelated cord blood transplantation in adults supported by co-infusion of mobilized stem cells from a third party donor (300 Online Views)

E Magro, C Regidor, R Cabrera, I Sanjuan, R Fores, JA Garcia-Marco, E Ruiz, S Gil, G Bautista, I Millan, A Madrigal, MN Fernandez

Antithymocyte globulin and cyclosporine A as combination therapy for low-risk non-sideroblastic myelodysplastic syndromes (252 Online Views)

PA Broliden, IM Dahl, R Hast, B Johansson, E Juvonen, L Kjeldsen, A Porwit-MacDonald, M Sjoo, JM Tangen, B Uggla, G Oberg, E Hellstrom-Lindberg

Comparative Studies

Evaluation Studies