February, 2005
No. 90 (2)


Association of UGT1A1 polymorphism with prevalence and age at onset of cholelithiasis in sickle cell anemia (554 Online Views)

V Chaar, L Keclard, JP Diara, C Leturdu, J Elion, R Krishnamoorthy, J Clayton, M Romana

Diagnostic value of fluorescence in situ hybridization for the detection of genomic aberrations in older patients with acute myeloid leukemia (264 Online Views)

S Frohling, S Kayser, C Mayer, S Miller, C Wieland, S Skelin, RF Schlenk, H Dohner, K Dohner, AML Study Group Ulm

Indolent lymphoplasmacytic and marginal zone B-cell lymphomas: absence of both IRF4 and Ki67 expression identifies a better prognosis subgroup (216 Online Views)

B Petit, MP Chaury, C Le Clorennec, A Jaccard, N Gachard, S Moalic-Judge, F Labrousse, M Cogne, D Bordessoule, J Feuillard

Home-treatment of deep vein thrombosis in patients with cancer (302 Online Views)

W Ageno, R Grimwood, S Limbiati, F Dentali, L Steidl, PS Wells

Validation of the EBMT risk score in chronic myeloid leukemia in Brazil and allogeneic transplant outcome (449 Online Views)

CA De Souza, AC Vigorito, MA Ruiz, M Nucci, FL Dulley, V Funcke, D Tabak, AM Azevedo, R Byington, MC Macedo, R Saboya, FJ Penteado Aranha, GB Oliveira, R Zulli, EC Martins Miranda, WM Azevedo, FM Lodi, JC Voltarelli, BP Simoes, V Colturato, MP De Souza, L Silla, H Bittencourt, L Piron-Ruiz, A Maiolino, A Gratwohl, R Pasquini

Letters to the Editor

HbO-Arab mutation originated in the Pomak population of Greek Thrace (310 Online Views)

V Papadopoulos, E Dermitzakis, D Konstantinidou, D Petridis, G Xanthopoulidis, D Loukopoulos

Trisomy 11 in myeloid malignancies is associated with internal tandem duplication of both MLL and FLT3 genes (205 Online Views)

G Rege-Cambrin, E Giugliano, L Michaux, M Stul, P Scaravaglio, A Serra, G Saglio, A Hagemeijer


Case Reports

Primary pancreatic lymphoma. Report of five cases (159 Online Views)

A Arcari, E Anselmi, P Bernuzzi, R Berte, A Lazzaro, CF Moroni, E Trabacchi, D Vallisa, A Vercelli, L Cavanna

Clinical Trial, Phase II

Phase II study of a single pegfilgrastim injection as an adjunct to chemotherapy to mobilize stem cells into the peripheral blood of pretreated lymphoma patients (557 Online Views)

A Isidori, M Tani, F Bonifazi, P Zinzani, A Curti, MR Motta, S Rizzi, V Giudice, O Farese, M Rovito, L Alinari, R Conte, M Baccarani, RM Lemoli

Comparative Studies