November, 2003
No. 88 (11)


Circulating hematopoietic progenitor cells predict survival in patients with myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (194 Online Views)

V Sagaster, E Jager, A Weltermann, I Schwarzinger, H Gisslinger, K Lechner, K Geissler, L Oehler

Association of 3q21q26 syndrome with different RPN1/EVI1 fusion transcripts (224 Online Views)

G Martinelli, E Ottaviani, S Buonamici, A Isidori, G Borsaru, G Visani, PP Piccaluga, M Malagola, N Testoni, M Rondoni, G Nucifora, S Tura, M Baccarani

Thymic epithelial cells promote survival of human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts: the role of interleukin-7 (208 Online Views)

MT Scupoli, F Vinante, M Krampera, C Vincenzi, G Nadali, F Zampieri, MA Ritter, E Eren, F Santini, G Pizzolo

Long-term disease-free survival in patients with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation (859 Online Views)

J Schetelig, S Fetscher, A Reichle, WE Berdel, Y Beguin, S Brunet, D Caballero, I Majolino, H Hagberg, HE Johnsen, E Kimby, E Montserrat, D Stewart, A Copplestone, W Rosler, J Pavel, D Kingreen, W Siegert

Detection of myelodysplastic syndrome/ acute myeloid leukemia evolving from aplastic anemia in children, treated with recombinant human G-CSF (209 Online Views)

S Imashuku, S Hibi, F Bessho, M Tsuchida, T Nakahata, S Miyazaki, I Tsukimoto, N Hamajima, Pediatric AA Follow-up Study Group in Japan

Letters to the Editor

Case Reports

Clinical Trial

Comparative Studies

V(H) gene usage differs in germline and mutated B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (275 Online Views)

VM Duke, D Gandini, PD Sherrington, K Lin, B Heelan, P Amlot, AB Mehta, AV Hoffbrand, L Foroni

Hepatitis B virus reactivation after fludarabine-based regimens for indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphomas: high prevalence of acquired viral genomic mutations (192 Online Views)

M Picardi, F Pane, C Quintarelli, A De Renzo, A Del Giudice, B De Divitiis, M Persico, R Ciancia, F Salvatore, B Rotoli

Evaluation Studies