
Non-genotoxic MDM2 inhibition selectively induces a pro-apoptotic p53 gene signature in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells

Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
Department of Haematology, Freeman Hospital, The Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne
Department of Haematology, Freeman Hospital, The Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne
Department of Haematology, City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Trust, Sunderland
Northern Genetics Service, Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
Vol. 104 No. 12 (2019): December, 2019