January, 2000
No. 85 (1)


Clinical outcome of extramedullary plasmacytoma (890 Online Views)

P Galieni, M Cavo, A Pulsoni, G Avvisati, C Bigazzi, S Neri, U Caliceti, M Benni, S Ronconi, F Lauria

Factor XIII val34leu and the risk of myocardial infarction (404 Online Views)

RF Franco, A Pazin-Filho, MH Tavella, MV Simoes, JA Marin-Neto, MA Zago

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (632 Online Views)

F Fabris, G Luzzatto, PM Stefani, B Girolami, G Cella, A Girolami

Letters to the Editor

Is the alpha(-)(cal) mutation prevalent in central Spain? (202 Online Views)

A Villegas, P Ropero, FA Gonzalez, E Anguita, J Sanchez, E Quevedo, I San Juan


Case Reports

Heavy transfusions and presence of an anti-protein 4.2 antibody in 4. 2(-) hereditary spherocytosis (949delG) (182 Online Views)

A Beauchamp-Nicoud, L Morle, HU Lutz, P Stammler, O Agulles, R Petermann-Khder, A Iolascon, S Perrotta, T Cynober, G Tchernia, J Delaunay, V Baudin-Creuza

Two cases of myeloid disorders and a t(8;12) (q12;p13) (459 Online Views)

JM Hernandez, MB Gonzalez, JL Garcia, MT Ferro, NC Gutierrez, P Marynen, JF San Miguel

Complex chromosome rearrangements may locate the bcr/abl fusion gene sites other than 22q11 (217 Online Views)

M Sessarego, G Fugazza, R Bruzzone, A Ballestrero, M Miglino, A Bacigalupo

Clinical Trial

Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation as first line treatment of multiple myeloma: an Italian Multicenter Study (371 Online Views)

M Tribalto, S Amadori, L Cudillo, T Caravita, G Del Poeta, G Meloni, G Avvisati, MT Petrucci, A Pulsoni, G Leone, S Sica, M Martelli, A Tabilio, G Fioritoni, I Majolino, F Mandelli

Bone marrow transplantation for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (639 Online Views)

AM Raiola, MT Van Lint, T Lamparelli, F Gualandi, F Benvenuto, O Figari, N Mordini, G Berisso, S Bregante, F Frassoni, A Bacigalupo

Interferon treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients cured of pediatric malignancies (199 Online Views)

S Cesaro, F Bortolotti, MG Petris, A Brugiolo, R Cusinato, M Guido, F Rossetti, L Masiero, L Zanesco

Comparative Studies