May, 1996
No. 81 (3)



Preferential release of high amounts of interleukin-8 by myeloid blasts showing monocytic differentiation (175 Online Views)

F Vinante, A Rigo, C Tecchio, C Patuzzo, MM Ricetti, L Morosato, MA Cassatella, M Chilosi, G Pizzolo

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia during alpha interferon treatment in nine patients with hematological diseases (213 Online Views)

A Andriani, M Bibas, V Callea, A De Renzo, F Chiurazzi, R Marceno, P Musto, B Rotoli

Letters to the Editor

Case Reports

Beyond Bayes (227 Online Views)

M Marchetti, NL Liberato, G Barosi

Clinical Trial

Plasma cell P170 expression and response to treatment in multiple myeloma (290 Online Views)

F Patriarca, C Melli, D Damiani, M Michieli, A Michelutti, M Cavo, M Baccarani

Multiple myeloma in the elderly: clinical features and response to treatment in 113 patients (335 Online Views)

M Clavio, S Casciaro, AM Gatti, M Spriano, F Bonanni, A Poggi, E Vallebella, D Pietrasanta, E Prencipe, R Goretti, R Vimercati, E Rossi, B Masoudi, R Ghio, P Boccaccio, S Ricciardi, E Damasio, M Gobbi

Comparative Studies

Circulating progenitor cell collection: experience from 275 leukaphereses in various malignancies and in healthy donors (200 Online Views)

L Torretta, C Perotti, G Dornini, M Danova, F Locatelli, P Pedrazzoli, P Preti, GA Da Prada, L Pavesi, G Robustelli della Cuna, L Salvaneschi