September, 1995
No. 80 (5)


Epidemiology of acute promyelocytic leukemia (281 Online Views)

A Mele, MA Stazi, A Pulsoni, G Visani, B Monarca, G Castelli, L Rocchi, G Avvisati, F Mandelli

Diagnostic approach to and follow-up of difficult cases of AL amyloidosis (412 Online Views)

V Perfetti, P Garini, MC Vignarelli, MG Marinone, I Zorzoli, G Merlini

5q- in a case of chronic myelogenous leukemia relapsed after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (145 Online Views)

D Soligo, L Romitti, V Bertolli, A Della Volpe, C Annaloro, G Lambertenghi Deliliers

Central venous catheterization in pediatric patients affected by hematological malignancies (156 Online Views)

AA Cogliati, D Dell'Utri, A Picardi, AM Testi, A Micozzi, E Pasotti, G Rosa

Letters to the Editor

High prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus in patients with lymphoproliferative disorders (121 Online Views)

L Cavanna, G Sbolli, E Tanzi, L Romano, G Civardi, E Buscarini, D Vallisa, R Berte, A Rossi

Case Reports

Familial occurrence of IgMk gammapathy: no involvement of HCV infection (144 Online Views)

P Custodi, A Cerutti, P Cassani, C Perazzi, P Ravanini, G Fortina

Clinical Trial

Prostaglandin E2 bladder instillation for the treatment of hemorrhagic cystitis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (237 Online Views)

D Laszlo, A Bosi, S Guidi, R Saccardi, AM Vannucchi, L Lombardini, G Longo, R Fanci, A Azzi, R De Santis, al. et

Comparative Studies

Iron overload in thalassemia: comparative analysis of magnetic resonance imaging, serum ferritin and iron content of the liver (503 Online Views)

P Mazza, R Giua, S De Marco, MG Bonetti, B Amurri, C Masi, G Lazzari, C Rizzo, M Cervellera, A Peluso, al. et