July, 2012
No. 97 (7)


Review Articles


Analysis of outcomes in adolescents and young adults with chronic myelogenous leukemia treated with upfront tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy (1423 Online Views)

Naveen Pemmaraju, Hagop Kantarjian, Jianqin Shan, Elias Jabbour, Alfonso Quintas-Cardama, Srdan Verstovsek, Farhad Ravandi, William Wierda, Susan O’Brien, Jorge Cortes


Clinical features and course of refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts associated with marked thrombocytosis (1395 Online Views)

Julien Broseus, Lourdes Florensa, Esther Zipperer, Susanne Schnittger, Luca Malcovati, Steven Richebourg, Eric Lippert, Jaroslav Cermak, Jyoti Evans, Morgane Mounier, José Maria Raya, François Bailly, Norbert Gattermann, Torsten Haferlach, Richard Garand, Kaoutar Allou, Carlos Besses, Ulrich Germing, Claudia Haferlach, Erica Travaglino, Elisa Luno, Maria Angeles Pinan, Leonor Arenillas, Maria Rozman, Maria Luz Perez Sirvent, Bernardine Favre, Julien Guy, Esther Alonso, Nuhri Ahwij, Andrés Jerez, Sylvie Hermouet, Marc Maynadié, Mario Cazzola, François Girodon


Prediction of outcome by early bone marrow response in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated in the ALL-BFM 95 trial: differential effects in precursor B-cell and T-cell leukemia (2375 Online Views)

Melchior Lauten, Anja Möricke, Rita Beier, Martin Zimmermann, Martin Stanulla, Barbara Meissner, Edelgard Odenwald, Andishe Attarbaschi, Charlotte Niemeyer, Felix Niggli, Hansjörg Riehm, Martin Schrappe


Ubiquitin-proteasome-rich cytoplasmic structures in neutrophils of patients with Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (680 Online Views)

Vittorio Necchi, Antonella Minelli, Patrizia Sommi, Agostina Vitali, Roberta Caruso, Daniela Longoni, Maria Rita Frau, Cristina Nasi, Fabiola De Gregorio, Marco Zecca, Vittorio Ricci, Cesare Danesino, Enrico Solcia


ETV6-PDGFRB and FIP1L1-PDGFRA stimulate human hematopoietic progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation into eosinophils: the role of nuclear factor-κB (1455 Online Views)

Carmen P. Montano-Almendras, Ahmed Essaghir, Hélène Schoemans, Inci Varis, Laura A. Noël, Amélie I. Velghe, Dominique Latinne, Laurent Knoops, Jean-Baptiste Demoulin


Positron emission tomography response at the time of autologous stem cell transplantation predicts outcome of patients with relapsed and/or refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma responding to prior salvage therapy (1103 Online Views)

Raynier Devillier, Diane Coso, Luca Castagna, Isabelle Brenot Rossi, Antonella Anastasia, Arturo Chiti, Vadim Ivanov, Jean Marc Schiano, Armando Santoro, Christian Chabannon, Monica Balzarotti, Didier Blaise, Reda Bouabdallah


Immunohistochemical markers for tumor associated macrophages and survival in advanced classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma (1792 Online Views)

Beatriz Sánchez-Espiridión, Ana M. Martin-Moreno, Carlos Montalbán, L. Jeffrey Medeiros, Francisco Vega, Anas Younes, Miguel A. Piris, Juan F. Garcia


A multicenter phase II trial (SAKK 36/06) of single-agent everolimus (RAD001) in patients with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma (960 Online Views)

Christoph Renner, Pier Luigi Zinzani, Rémy Gressin, Dirk Klingbiel, Pierre-Yves Dietrich, Felicitas Hitz, Mario Bargetzi, Walter Mingrone, Giovanni Martinelli, Andreas Trojan, Krimo Bouabdallah, Andreas Lohri, Emmanuel Gyan, Christine Biaggi, Sergio Cogliatti, Francesco Bertoni, Michele Ghielmini, Peter Brauchli, Nicolas Ketterer


CD20 positive cells are undetectable in the majority of multiple myeloma cell lines and are not associated with a cancer stem cell phenotype (1623 Online Views)

Teresa Paíno, Enrique M. Ocio, Bruno Paiva, Laura San-Segundo, Mercedes Garayoa, Norma C. Gutiérrez, M. Eugenia Sarasquete, Atanasio Pandiella, Alberto Orfao, Jesús F. San Miguel


Endoglin expression level discriminates long-term hematopoietic from short-term clonogenic progenitor cells in the aorta (1037 Online Views)

Marion Roques, Charles Durand, Rodolphe Gautier, Pierre-Yves Canto, Laurence Petit-Cocault, Laurent Yvernogeau, Dominique Dunon, Michèle Souyri, Thierry Jaffredo


Defective erythroid maturation in gelsolin mutant mice (1134 Online Views)

Claudio Cantù, Francesca Bosè, Paola Bianchi, Eva Reali, Maria Teresa Colzani, Ileana Cantù, Gloria Barbarani, Sergio Ottolenghi, Walter Witke, Laura Spinardi, Antonella Ellena Ronchi


Genetic modifiers of β-thalassemia and clinical severity as assessed by age at first transfusion (1164 Online Views)

Fabrice Danjou, Franco Anni, Lucia Perseu, Stefania Satta, Carlo Dessì, Maria Eliana Lai, Paolo Fortina, Marcella Devoto, Renzo Galanello


Physiologically aged red blood cells undergo erythrophagocytosis in vivo but not in vitro (3627 Online Views)

Yehonatan Gottlieb, Orit Topaz, Lyora A. Cohen, Liat David Yakov, Tom Haber, Abigail Morgenstern, Avital Weiss, Karen Chait Berman, Eitan Fibach, Esther G. Meyron-Holtz


Letters to the Editor

Activation state of platelets in experimental severe hemophilia A (550 Online Views)

Maud Teyssandier, Sandrine Delignat, Julie Rayes, Marijke Bryckaert, Martine Jandrot-Perrus, Srini V. Kaveri, Sébastien Lacroix-Desmazes


Hematology News

Online Only Articles

Single versus double-unit transfusion policy in hematology (376 Online Views)

Andrea Tendas, Pasquale Niscola, Luca Cupelli, Laura Scaramucci, Marco Giovannini, Paolo de Fabritiis


Original Articles and Brief Reports

Analysis of non-HLA genomic risk factors in HLA-matched unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia (548 Online Views)

Kim F. Pearce, Stephanie J. Lee, Michael Haagenson, Effie W. Petersdorf, Jean Norden, Matthew P. Collin, John P. Klein, Stephen R. Spellman, Shelagh A. Lowerson, Stella Davies, Anne M. Dickinson


Overexpression of FoxM1 offers a promising therapeutic target in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (1158 Online Views)

Shahab Uddin, Azhar R Hussain, Maqbool Ahmed, Khawar Siddiqui, Fouad Al-Dayel, Prashant Bavi, Khawla S. Al-Kuraya


The human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease inhibitor nelfinavir impairs proteasome activity and inhibits the proliferation of multiple myeloma cells in vitro and in vivo (955 Online Views)

Camille Bono, Lionel Karlin, Stephanie Harel, Enguerran Mouly, Sylvaine Labaume, Lionel Galicier, Sébastien Apcher, Hélène Sauvageon, Jean-Paul Fermand, Jean-Christophe Bories, Bertrand Arnulf
