March, 2009
No. 94 (3)


Review Articles


Green fluorescent protein transgene driven by Kit regulatory sequences is expressed in hematopoietic stem cells (319 Online Views)

Francesco Cerisoli, Letizia Cassinelli, Giuseppe Lamorte, Stefania Citterio, Francesca Bertolotti, Maria Cristina Magli, Sergio Ottolenghi

A new missense mutation in the L ferritin coding sequence associated with elevated levels of glycosylated ferritin in serum and absence of iron overload (1526 Online Views)

Caroline Kannengiesser, Anne-Marie Jouanolle, Gilles Hetet, Annick Mosser, Françoise Muzeau, Dominique Henry, Edouard Bardou-Jacquet, Martine Mornet, Pierre Brissot, Yves Deugnier, Bernard Grandchamp, Carole Beaumont

Elevated tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease: association with hemolysis and hemoglobin oxygen desaturation (1235 Online Views)

Caterina P. Minniti, Craig Sable, Andrew Campbell, Sohail Rana, Gregory Ensing, Niti Dham, Onyinye Onyekwere, Mehdi Nouraie, Gregory J. Kato, Mark T. Gladwin, Oswaldo L. Castro, Victor R. Gordeuk

Original Article

Cystatin-C is an independent prognostic factor for survival in multiple myeloma and is reduced by bortezomib administration (1621 Online Views)

Evangelos Terpos, Eirini Katodritou, Evangelos Tsiftsakis, Efstathios Kastritis, Dimitrios Christoulas, Anastasia Pouli, Eurydiki Michalis, Evgenia Verrou, Konstantinos Anargyrou, Konstantinos Tsionos, Meletios A. Dimopoulos, Konstantinos Zervas

Translocation t(11;14) and survival of patients with light chain (AL) amyloidosis (3316 Online Views)

Alan H. Bryce, Rhett P. Ketterling, Morie A. Gertz, Martha Lacy, Ryan A. Knudson, Steven Zeldenrust, Shaji Kumar, Suzanne Hayman, Francis Buadi, Robert A. Kyle, Philip R. Greipp, John A. Lust, Stephen Russell, S. Vincent Rajkumar, Rafael Fonseca, Angela Dispenzieri


Detection of JAK2 exon 12 mutations in 15 patients with JAK2V617F negative polycythemia vera (2961 Online Views)

Susanne Schnittger, Ulrike Bacher, Claudia Haferlach, Thomas Geer, Peter Müller, Johann Mittermüller, Petro Petrides, Rudolf Schlag, Reiner Sandner, Johannes Selbach, Hans Rainer Slawik, Hans Werner Tessen, Jürgen Wehmeyer, Wolfgang Kern, Torsten Haferlach

Malignant Lymphomas

Expression pattern of XBP1(S) in human B-cell lymphomas (1302 Online Views)

Lorena Maestre, Reuben Tooze, Marta Cañamero, Santiago Montes-Moreno, Rocio Ramos, Gina Doody, May Boll, Sharon Barrans, Sara Baena, Miguel Angel Piris, Giovanna Roncador

CD20 mutations involving the rituximab epitope are rare in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and are not a significant cause of R-CHOP failure (2017 Online Views)

Nathalie A. Johnson, Stephen Leach, Bruce Woolcock, Ronald J. deLeeuw, Ali Bashashati, Laurie H. Sehn, Joseph M. Connors, Mukesh Chhanabhai, Angela Brooks-Wilson, Randy D. Gascoyne

Aplastic Anemia

Brief Reports

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

A high number of losses in 13q14 chromosome band is associated with a worse outcome and biological differences in patients with B-cell chronic lymphoid leukemia (889 Online Views)

José Ángel Hernández, Ana Eugenia Rodríguez, Marcos González, Rocío Benito, Celia Fontanillo, Virgilio Sandoval, Mercedes Romero, Guillermo Martín-Núñez, Alfonso García de Coca, Rosa Fisac, Josefina Galende, Isabel Recio, Francisco Ortuño, Juan Luis García, Javier de las Rivas, Norma Carmen Gutiérrez, Jesús F. San Miguel, Jesús María Hernández

Letters to the Editor


A father and his son with systemic AL amyloidosis (505 Online Views)

Stina Enqvist, Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist, Johan Mölne, Knut Sletten, Charles Murphy, Alan Solomon, Fred J Stevens, Per Westermark

Platelet Disorders


Antonio López Borrasca (1926–2008) (281 Online Views)

Jesús F. San Miguel, Vicente Vicente Garcia, Javier Batlle, Eduardo Rocha