March, 1994
No. 79 (2)



Apoptosis induction with fludarabine on freshly isolated chronic myeloid leukemia cells (145 Online Views)

PL Zinzani, M Buzzi, P Farabegoli, G Martinelli, P Tosi, E Zuffa, G Visani, N Testoni, M Salvucci, M Bendandi, al. et

Oral lesions among HIV-infected hemophiliacs. A study of 54 patients (158 Online Views)

G Ficarra, M Chiodo, M Morfini, G Longo, A Orsi, S Piluso, D Rafanelli

Case Reports

Aplastic anemia after non-A, non-B, and non-C hepatitis (217 Online Views)

A Oriol, JM Ribera, A Hernandez, V Soriano, F Milla, E Feliu

Is the HELLP syndrome due to inherited factors? Report of two cases (521 Online Views)

P Berti, L Contino, P Pesando, M Demicheli, R Santi, D Inverardi, FM Dallavalle, A Canevari

Increased CD10/TdT positive cells in the bone marrow of an infant with immune thrombocytopenia (348 Online Views)

LM Melillo, N Cascavilla, P Musto, MM Minervini, S Ladogana, A La Sala, M Carotenuto

Primary lymphoma of the vagina. A case report (629 Online Views)

F Lonardi, V Ferrari, G Pavanato, G Bonciarelli, A Jirillo, M Balli

Candida esophagitis: an unusual diagnostic sample (166 Online Views)

JF Nomdedeu, R Martino, E Musulen, R Mateu, C Martinez, A Sureda, A Domingo-Albos
