November, 2005
No. 90 (suppl)


Mucormycoses in patients with hematologic malignancies: an emerging fungal infection (377 Online Views)

WA Bethge, M Schmalzing, G Stuhler, U Schumacher, SM Krober, M Horger, H Einsele, L Kanz, H Hebart

Letters to the Editor


Case Reports

Rituximab-induced acute thrombocytopenia: a report of two cases (439 Online Views)

ZK Otrock, RA Mahfouz, GO Oghlakian, ZM Salem, A Bazarbachi

Human herpesvirus 8 and Epstein-Barr virus coinfection in localized Castleman disease during pregnancy (524 Online Views)

JL Hernandez, J Gomez-Roman, C Ramos-Estebanez, D Nan, J Martin-Oviedo, JA Riancho, J Gonzalez-Macias