June, 2005
No. 90 (6)



Screening for NUP98 rearrangements in hematopoietic malignancies by fluorescence in situ hybridization (250 Online Views)

K Nebral, M Konig, HH Schmidt, D Lutz, WR Sperr, K Kalwak, S Brugger, MN Dworzak, OA Haas, S Strehl

High dose sequential chemotherapy with autologous transplantation versus dose-dense chemotherapy MegaCEOP as first line treatment in poor-prognosis diffuse large cell lymphoma: an "Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi" randomized trial (481 Online Views)

U Vitolo, AM Liberati, MG Cabras, M Federico, E Angelucci, L Baldini, C Boccomini, M Brugiatelli, R Calvi, G Ciccone, A Genua, GL Deliliers, A Levis, G Parvis, E Pavone, F Salvi, M Sborgia, E Gallo, Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi

Role of the hypoxic bone marrow microenvironment in 5T2MM murine myeloma tumor progression (399 Online Views)

K Asosingh, H De Raeve, M de Ridder, GA Storme, A Willems, I Van Riet, B Van Camp, K Vanderkerken

Hepatitis C and health-related quality of life among patients with hemophilia (307 Online Views)

D Posthouwer, I Plug, JG van der Bom, K Fischer, FR Rosendaal, EP Mauser-Bunschoten

Letters to the Editor

Thrombotic and bleeding complications in four subpopulations of patients with essential thrombocythemia defined by c-Mpl protein expression and PRV-1 mRNA levels (187 Online Views)

PL Goerttler, E Marz, PL Johansson, B Andreasson, J Kutti, AR Moliterno, R Marchioli, JL Spivak, HL Pahl, MPD Research Consortium

Mutations of PTPN11 are rare in adult myeloid malignancies (449 Online Views)

L Hugues, H Cave, N Philippe, S Pereira, P Fenaux, C Preudhomme

Rituximab monotherapy for splenic marginal zone lymphoma (676 Online Views)

M Bennett, K Sharma, S Yegena, I Gavish, HP Dave, GP Schechter

Correlation between fatigue and hemoglobin level in multiple myeloma patients: results of a cross-sectional study (297 Online Views)

A Palumbo, MT Petrucci, VM Lauta, P Musto, T Caravita, AM Barbui, M Nunzi, M Boccadoro, Italian Multiple Myeloma Study Group

Case Reports

Clinical Trial

Long-term outcome of localized high-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with high dose CHOP regimen and involved field radiotherapy: results of a GOELAMS study (231 Online Views)

M Bernard, G Cartron, P Rachieru, A LeMevel, B Branger, C Le Maignan, C Berthou, C Ghandour, V Delwail, N Milpied, P Cassasus, PS Celigny, D Guyotat, T Lamy, B Desablens, French GOELAMS Group

In Vitro