November, 2004
No. 89 (11)



In vivo reduction of erythrocyte oxidant stress in a murine model of beta-thalassemia (494 Online Views)

L de Franceschi, F Turrini, M Honczarenko, K Ayi, A Rivera, MD Fleming, T Law, F Mannu, FA Kuypers, A Bast, WJ van der Vijgh, C Brugnara

Hemochromatosis gene mutations and iron metabolism in celiac disease (1000 Online Views)

D Barisani, S Ceroni, S Del Bianco, R Meneveri, MT Bardella

A long-term study of young patients with essential thrombocythemia treated with anagrelide (403 Online Views)

MG Mazzucconi, R Redi, S Bernasconi, L Bizzoni, F Dragoni, R Latagliata, C Santoro, F Mandelli

Frequent polymorphic changes but not mutations of TRAIL receptors DR4 and DR5 in mantle cell lymphoma and other B-cell lymphoid neoplasms (419 Online Views)

V Fernandez, P Jares, S Bea, I Salaverria, E Guino, S de Sanjose, D Colomer, G Ott, E Montserrat, E Campo

Molecular genetic analysis of severe coagulation factor XI deficiency in six Italian patients (233 Online Views)

G Zadra, R Asselta, M Malcovati, E Santagostino, F Peyvandi, PM Mannucci, ML Tenchini, S Duga

Infliximab treatment for steroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease (804 Online Views)

F Patriarca, A Sperotto, D Damiani, G Morreale, F Bonifazi, A Olivieri, F Ciceri, G Milone, S Cesaro, G Bandini, G Dini, P Corradini, R Fanin

Letters to the Editor


Case Reports

Crystalline inclusions in B monoclonal lymphocytes (284 Online Views)

F Girodon, N Poillot, I Martin, PM Carli, M Maynadie

Clinical Trial, Phase II

Evaluation of gemcitabine in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (236 Online Views)

X Leleu, J Troncy, F Bouafia, M Michallet, T Facon, C Dumontet