
Autologous stem cell transplantation for progressive systemic sclerosis: a prospective non-interventional study from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Autoimmune Disease Working Party

University Hospital Tuebingen; Intenal Medicine II, Tuebingen, Germany;
University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil;
Saint Antoine Hospital, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France;
EBMT Paris Study Office, Hôpital St Antoine, Paris, France;
Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Rheumatology; Leiden, Netherlands;
Scleroderma Clinic, Osp. G. Pini, Department of Rheumatology, Milan, Italy;
University and University Hospital of Basel, Department of Rheumatology, Basel, Switzerland;
University Hospital of Wuerzburg, Department of Rheumatology/Immunology, Wuerzburg, Germany;
University Hospital of Bochum, Med. Klinik, Bochum, Germany;
Service de Medecine Interne et Immunologie Clinique, Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, France;
CHU de Toulouse, Hopital Purpan, Service de Medecine Interne, Toulouse, France;
Dept. of Hematology, Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, Brazil;
Dept. of Hematology, Hopital Saint Louis and Université Paris 7, Denis Diderot, Paris, France;
Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Hematology, Leiden, Netherlands;
Strasbourg University Hospital, Department of Hematology, Strasbourg, France;
CHU de Clermont Ferrand, Department of Hematology, Clermont Ferrand, France;
Dept. of Haematology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK;
Department of Hematology, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;
UCT Oncopole, Department of Haematology, Toulouse, France;
Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, University of Milan, Milano Italy;
University Hospital Tuebingen, Department of Internal Medicine II, Tuebingen, Germany;
Saint Antoine Hospital, Department of Haematology, Paris, France;
Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris, France
Vol. 106 No. 2 (2021): February, 2021