With reference to the article Nikkilä A, Raitanen J, Lohi O, Auvinen A. Radiation exposure from computerized tomography and risk of childhood leukemia: Finnish register-based case-control study of childhood leukemia (FRECCLE). Haematologica. 2018;103(11):1873-1880, it has come to the authors’ attention that the reported total number of computed tomography (CT) scans in our article was incorrect. The reported numbers were, in fact, the expected numbers prior to the CT scan collection from hospitals. Fortunately, this does not affect the number of CT scans to the study subjects and, thus, all results regarding childhood leukemia remain unchanged.
The errors and their corrections are listed below.
An incorrect sentence appeared in the November 2018 issue, page 1876.
Data on a total of 80,783 pediatric CT scans were obtained and of those, 49 CT scans were performed on the study subjects, excluding the 2-year latency period (Table 1). Half (n=25) were head scans, and 19 were lung scans. Of the CT scans, 36 were performed on 15 (1.4%) cases and 13 scans on 10 (0.3%) controls.
Table 1.The collection and availability of electronically stored computed tomography scans.
The corrected version of the sentence is published below.
Data on a total of 72,673 pediatric CT scans were obtained and of those, 49 CT scans were performed on the study subjects, excluding the 2-year latency period (Table 1). Half (n=25) were head scans, and 19 were lung scans. Of the CT scans, 36 were performed on 15 (1.4%) cases and 13 scans on 10 (0.3%) controls.
An incorrect version of Table 1 appaered in the November 2018 issue, page 1875. The corrected version of Table 1 is published below.
An incorrect version of Figure 2 appeared in the November 2018 issue, page 1875. The corrected version of Figure 2 is published below.
Figure 2.Flow chart linking the collected computed tomography scans to the study subjects The flow of the CT scans is represented on a white background and the CT scans to different body parts on a light gray background. The necessary exclusions are shown in red boxes.
Data Supplements
Figures & Tables
Table 1.The collection and availability of electronically stored computed tomography scans.
Figure 2.Flow chart linking the collected computed tomography scans to the study subjects The flow of the CT scans is represented on a white background and the CT scans to different body parts on a light gray background. The necessary exclusions are shown in red boxes.