Call for papers

Why publish in Haematologica

Much cited Journal. Bibliometric indicators and ranking among hematology journals


  • Impact Factor (JCR): 9.941 (8th of 76 - 3rd open access journals)
  • Eigenfactor Score: 0.03385 (4th of 76 - 1th open access)
  • Google Scholar h5-index: 66 (4th of top journals - 2nd open access)


  • CiteScore (Scopus): 11.7 (8th of 218 - 2nd open access)
  • Nº of Highly cited papers (Web of Science): 25 (2nd - 1th open access)

Free access to all content. Everything published in Haematologica is immediately available, free, for everyone 

High visibility of the published articles. 891,471 Haematologica articles were downloaded in 2021

Fast review process and publication

  • Average days from submission to first decision in 2021: 12 days
  • Average days from submission to acceptance in 2021: 80 days
  • Articles published as early view a few days after acceptance 

Low publication cost The publisher of Haematologica is a non-profit foundation that keeps the publication charge as low as possible