Genetic information has been crucial to understand the pathogenesis of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) at diagnosis and at relapse, but still nowadays has a limited value in a clinical context. Few genetic markers are associated with the outcome of T-ALL patients, independently of measurable residual disease (MRD) status after therapy. In addition, the prognostic relevance of genetic features may be modulated by the specific treatment used. We analyzed the genetic profile of 145 T-ALL patients by targeted deep sequencing. Genomic information was integrated with the clinicalbiological and survival data of a subset of 116 adult patients enrolled in two consecutive MRD-oriented trials of the Spanish PETHEMA (Programa Español de Tratamientos en Hematología) group. Genetic analysis revealed a mutational profile defined by DNMT3A/ N/KRAS/ MSH2/ U2AF1 gene mutations that identified refractory/resistant patients. Mutations in the DMNT3A gene were also found in the non-leukemic cell fraction of patients with T-ALL, revealing a possible mutational-driven clonal hematopoiesis event to prime T-ALL in elderly. The prognostic impact of this adverse genetic profile was independent of MRD status on day +35 of induction therapy. The combined worse-outcome genetic signature and MRD on day +35 allowed risk stratification of T-ALL into standard or high-risk groups with significantly different 5- year overall survival (OS) of 52% (95% confidence interval: 37-67) and 17% (95% confidence interval: 1-33), respectively. These results confirm the relevance of the tumor genetic profile in predicting patient outcome in adult T-ALL and highlight the need for novel gene-targeted chemotherapeutic schedules to improve the OS of poor-prognosis T-ALL patients.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is an infrequent aggressive cancer being more common in children.1 ALL includes B- and T-cell lineage subtypes. T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) accounts for 10–15% of pediatric and 20–25% of adult cases.2,3 B-cell precursor ALL and T-ALL share some genetic features4 and are considered together for treatment in many trials. The classical prognostic factors such as age, white blood cell (WBC) count, measurable residual disease (MRD) and some genetic features have been used to predict outcome and stratify the therapy in both types of ALL.2,5-7 Although treatment response via MRD monitoring represents a milestone in virtually all ALL trials, MRD is not available at diagnosis and might not finely predict relapse in adult ALL patients,6-8 emphasizing the need for additional prognostic markers that may be readily available for these patients at diagnosis. Studies by the cooperative Group for Research in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (GRAALL) demonstrated the prognostic relevance of some genetic markers in adult T-ALL.7, 9 The combination of mutations in the NOTCH1/FBXW7 signaling pathway, in the absence of N/KRAS gene mutations and alterations in PTEN, together with adequate MRD clearance, identified a group of adult T-ALL patients with a good prognosis, who might not benefit from further intensification treatment by allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT).7 MRD and the oncogenetic pattern were independent prognostic factors used for patient stratification in the current protocols of the GRAALL Group.
It is well established that genetics plays a key role in the development and progression of T-ALL. The disease is sustained by genetic abnormalities that often determine the stage of maturation arrest (e.g., MLL-r, CALM::AFA10, HOXAr, TLX1-r, TLX3-r, SIL::TAL), and/or the proliferation and/or survival rate of leukemic cells (e.g., CDKN2A/B, K/NRAS, NOTCH1/FBXW7, NUP214::ABL1, JAK/STAT).10,11 However, the prognostic relevance of a genetic profile identified in a group of T-ALL patients may be influenced by the treatment protocol used, since several gene mutations generate resistance to treatment.12–17 Therefore, assessment of the genetic profiles associated with patient outcome within specific clinical trials is essential for improved risk stratification and to move towards more personalized medicine. In the study reported here, we screened DNA from 145 TALL patients, based on a custom-built T-ALL-oriented next-generation sequencing panel (NGSp). Of these, 116 were adult patients treated as part of two consecutive high-risk MRD-oriented trials by the Spanish PETHEMA (Programa Español para el Tratamiento de Hemopatías Malignas) group. Our goal was to identify gene-mutational profiles (point mutations, small insertions and deletions and indels) at diagnosis that could help to predict response to therapy and outcome.
Targeted deep sequencing
DNA samples or cryopreserved leukemic cells from T-ALL patients (n=145) were collected from different national biobanks (see the Online Supplementary Appendix for information). The mutational profile was obtained employing a custom gene panel (SureSelectXT HS Target Enrichment System for Illumina Multiplexed Sequencing Platforms, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) and sequencing in a MiSeq instrument (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA). Mutations were retrieved applying a home-made standard gold pipeline analysis (see detailed methods section in the Online Supplementary Appendix). Final selected variants were classified as pathogenic, benign or of uncertain significance if the majority (≥6/10), final version of the in silico predictors identified the variant as being in one of the categories. Information about predictors was extracted from dbNSFP18 via ANNOVAR annotation. Benign variants were excluded from further analyses. Information of genes and regions included in the panel has been previously described19 and it is shown in an Excel file in the Online Supplementary Appendix.
Patients and treatment protocols
For clinical and outcome correlations, 29 patients from our initial cohort were excluded (see the Online Supplementary Appendix). Thus, a representative cohort of 116 adult T-ALL patients were studied. The diagnosis of T-ALL was made according to the World Health Organization criteria20 and the cytogenetic classification was based on the Genesca et al.19 study, instead of the classical cut-off of five genetic alteration21 (see the Online Supplementary Appendix). Patients were treated with two consecutive MRD-oriented high-risk adult ALL protocols. Detailed information of both trials is shown in the Online Supplementary Appendix and the Online Supplementary Figure S1. In order to homogenize patient allocation according MRD levels at the end of induction treatment, we established a MRD cut-off of 0.1 to define a patient as good responder (≤ 0.1%) in the ALL-AR [Ph-]-03 trial (clinicaltrials gov. Identifier: NCT00853008), similarly as it was established for the ALL-HR [Ph-]-11 trial (clinicaltrials gov. Identifier: NCT01540812). Informed consent was obtained from all patients. Samples and clinical data were stored in accordance with the declaration of Helsinki. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol.
Statistical analyses
Genes mutated in at least five patients were included in the initial screening for impact on OS and cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR), as individual genes, except for N/KRAs and JAK1/JAK3 mutations that were assessed together since are isoforms, respectively. OS curves were plotted using the Kaplan–Meier method and compared by the log-rank test. CIR was estimated by competing risks analysis using cumulative incidence functions. Gray’s test was used to compare CIR curves. A Cox proportional hazard regression model was used to identify predictive factors for OS. Statistical significance was concluded for two-sided values of P<0.05. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 24 (IBM Corp. Armonk, NY, USA), GraphPad Prism® version 8 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA) and R version 4.1.0.
Combinations of mutations (affecting ≥12 patients) and biological traits at the time of diagnosis were pairwise assessed using Fisher’s exact test. Multiple associations were corrected using a Benjamini-Hochberg q test, with significance concluded for co-existence for values of q<0.05.
Somatic mutational landscape of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
The presence of point mutations and insertions and deletions (indels) was investigated in 145 T-ALL patients by TDS using a customized NGSp. Overall, genetic variants were detected in 136 of 145 patients (94%) for a median of four genetic variants and three mutated genes per patient. No variants were observed in nine (6%) patients (Figure 1A). Of patients with variants, 92% (125/136) carried missense mutations and 32% (44/136) had nonsense mutations. Genes with predominate missense variants were JAK3 (96.3%), FBXW7 (92.3%), FAT 1 (100%), JAK1 (100%) and NRAS (100%). In turn, insertions, deletions, and indels of up to 50 nucleotides, were identified in 67% (91/136) of the cases. Of these, 81% (74/91) presented short insertions (52 frameshift and 38 non-frameshift); 42% (38/91) had short deletions (28 frameshift and 11 non-frameshift); and 12% (11/91) had frameshift indels (small insertions or deletions). PTEN (71·4%) and IL7R (80%) were the two genes with the highest percentage of indels. Globally, combinations of point mutations and indels were observed in 60% (81/136) of patients, whereas isolated indels mutations were detected in 4% (6/136) of cases. According to the functional impact assigned to each variant, 89% (121/136) of patients presented pathogenic variants and 83% (113/136) had variants of uncertain significance, and only 15 of them exclusively presented variants of uncertain significance. Almost all pathogenic variants (98%) were missense mutations, whereas most variants of uncertain significance were nonsense variants (16%) or indels (53%) (Online Supplementary Figure S2).
Recurrently mutated genes found in at least five patients are listed in Figure 1B and all had been previously reported in T-ALL. Mutations were found in: i) transcription factor tumor suppressor genes (PTEN, BCL11B, RUNX1, GATA3, ETV6)23–27; ii) epigenetic regulators (PHF6, DNMT3A, EP300, KMT2C)27–29; iii) DNA mismatch repair genes (MSH2)30; iv) genes expressing ribosomal protein (RPL5)31; v) genes involved in RNA splicing (U2AF1)32; and vi) signaling pathways that regulate T-cell development, such as the RAS/MAPK signaling (NRAS)33 WNT (FAT1, FAT3),34,35 IL7R-JAK-STAT (JAK3, JAK1, IL7R, DNM2)36-39 and the NOTCH1/FBXW7 signalling.40,41 The latter was found in 71% (97/136) of patients (NOTCH1 and FBXW7), confirming the importance of this signaling pathway in the development of T-ALL.
Genetic-biological associations
Major biological features at diagnosis were available for 143/145 patients and their data were used to classify them by: i) age group: <18, 18-35, 36-60 and >60 years; ii) immunophenotype: ETP-ALL, pre-T, cortical, mature T-ALL and not determined immunophenotype (NDI); and iii) cytogenetic groups: 0-2 abnormalities, a complex karyotype with at least three abnormalities (CK ≥3) and non-evaluable (NE) cases.19 Previously reported correlations between genetic variants occurring in genes mutated in ≥12 patients and diagnostic traits included a direct association between the presence of variants in DNMT3A gene and both ETP-ALL (OR=8.56; q= 0.02)42,43 and advanced age.43 In our analysis, however, DNMT3A mutations were restricted to the oldest patients (>60 years [y]) (OR=9.6; q= 0.08) and were not associated to adolescents and young adults (AYA, 18-35 y) (OR=0.09; q=0.07). Other new significant associations included a lower incidence of FBXW7 variants in ETP-ALL (OR=0; q=0.07), higher frequency of FAT1 gene variants in patients with an NE karyotype (OR=6.36; q=0.07) at the expense of a negative association between this gene and patients with 0-2 abnormalities (OR=0.09; q=0.02), and association of NRAS mutations with and ETP-ALL immunophenotype (OR=6.13; q=0.07) that contrasts with the negative association of these mutations with the cortical subtype (OR=0; q=0.07) (Figure 1C).
Figure 1.Genetic profile of T-cell acute lymphoblastic patients at diagnosis. (A) Frequency of variants per patient in the cohort (n=145). (B) Frequency of patients showing recurrently mutated genes (cut-off of ≥5 mutations/gene). (C) Pairwise associations observed between the recurrently mutated genes and the biological characteristics of the disease at presentation. Positive and negative correlations are depicted as magenta and green circles, respectively. Circle diameters indicate the degree of significance. Y: years; ETP-ALL: early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia; NDI: not determined immunophenotype; abn: abnormalities; CK: complex karyotype; NE: non-evaluable karyotype.
Prognostic significance of gene mutations and mutational profiles
The analysis of the clinical impact of the genetic variants and mutational profiles identified by TDS on patient outcome was restricted to 116 patients homogeneously treated in two high-risk consecutive MRD-oriented PETHEMA trials whose clinical, biological and outcome data were complete. Comparison of the outcome of the sequenced (n=116) versus non-sequenced patients (n=116) did not reach significant differences in terms of OS. Thus, our cohort was representative of the patients included in both trials. Like other adult T-ALL cohorts, this was mainly composed of males of median age (37 y). Overall, CR rate (Induction-1 + Induction-2) for the whole series was 88%, being 83% for cases who achieved MRD levels <0.1% at the end of Induction-1. Most patients (72%) were treated according to the chemotherapy schedules proposed in the trials. The remaining patients were assigned to allo-SCT.
Table 1.Prognostic impact of genes found to be recurrently mutated in the PETHEMA T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
The 5-year CIR and OS probabilities for the whole series was 54% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 43%-64%) and 36% (95% CI: 26-46), respectively.
In order to identify mutations in genes affecting patient outcome, we first assessed the impact on OS and CIR of each individual gene mutated in at least five patients. Strikingly, we could not confirm the previously reported association between NOTCH1 mutations and prolonged OS (Online Supplementary Figure S3A), or the lower CIR rate (data not shown).9,44 A more in-depth analysis of the distinct NOTCH1 gene variants identified with respect to their functional impact (pathogenic vs. uncertain significance) (Online Supplementary Figure S3B) and according to the variant allele frequency (VAF) with a cut-off of 25% to define a variant as clonal (Online Supplementary Figure S3C), confirmed the lack of prognostic impact of NOTCH1 variants on OS in our T-ALL patients. In contrast, patients carrying FBXW7 mutations, were associated with a better OS (Table 1). Sixty-five percent of patients carrying mutations in FBXW7 (13/20) also presented a mutation in the NOTCH1 gene, with no differences in OS between both groups (FBXW7 only vs. FBXW7 and NOTCH1) (data not shown), suggesting that the good outcome observed in patients carrying FBXW7 mutations could be attributed to a specific dysfunction of the FBXW7 protein (Online Supplementary Figure S3D). In addition, patients showing DNMT3A, N/KRAS, MSH2 and/or U2AF1 mutations had a lower OS than patients with no mutations in these genes (Table 1). It is of note that only patients with mutations in N/KRAS genes showed a high probability of CIR (Table 1). Based on these results, we grouped mutations in genes associated with a worse outcome according to the same homeostatic processes affected and basal biologic characteristics. Thus, patients with mutations in DNMT3A and U2AF1 were older (median age 54 y, P<0.001) and more frequently showed an ETP-ALL immunophenotype (P<0.001). Mutations in these two genes were consistent with clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP).45–47 We grouped mutations in these two genes into the aginggenes cluster. In turn, N/KRAS, or MSH2 gene mutations have previously been described as being involved in generating resistance to ALL treatment.13,14,16 We named this group of gene mutations as treatment-resistance-gene cluster. Both clusters identified patients with a similarly poor response to treatment (Online Supplementary Table S1). Overall, 25% (29/116) of patients harbored mutations in genes conferring a worse outcome with more frequent slow response to initial treatment, high toxicity and early death (Figure 2). Of note, OS of patients with co-occurrence of more than one worse prognosis mutation was similar to that of patients carrying on only one worse outcome mutation (P=0.750). Therefore, we subsequently assessed the global prognostic impact of all adverse gene mutations collectively as a variable named worse-outcome genetics (WOG) by univariable and multivariable analyses. Similarly, patients carrying mutations in FBXW7 were also included as a variable named good-outcome genetics (GOG). Basal characteristics at the time of diagnosis and treatment response of patients belonging to the WOG- and WOG+ groups are shown in Table 2 (Online Supplementary Table S2 for patients GOG+ and GOG-). Importantly, only one patient presented mutations in FBXW7 (GOG) and U2AF1 (WOG), whose death was associated to transplantrelated mortality. This patient was included in the WOG group, to maintain both variables independent. Age, WBC count, central nervous system (CNS) infiltration, ETP-ALL phenotype, CK ≥3 alterations, MRD level at the 0.1% cutoff, WOG and GOG were included in the univariable analysis (Table 3). The two treatment protocols were also included in the analysis to exclude any possible protocoldependent bias. By multivariable analysis, MRD level ≥0.1% after induction-1 (day +35) and the WOG cluster were independently associated with shorter OS rates with hazard ratios (HR) of 2.187 (range, 1.087-4.400) and 3.040 (range, 1.531-6.035) respectively (Table 3). The multivariable analysis for CIR, did not validate the predictive role of N/KRAS mutations observed in the univariable analysis (Online Supplementary Table S3). In fact, we could not identify any variable to predict CIR risk in our adult T-ALL cohort.
Figure 2.Scheme of the genetic profile of each T-cell acute lymphoblastic patient, its response and evolution during treatment. Only genes recurrently mutated in ≥5 patients are shown. Each mutation is indicated by a square: brown squares correspond to genes contained in the worse-outcome genetics (WOG) signature; dark green squares correspond to mutations in the FBXW7 gene (good-outcome genetics [GOG] signature) and pink squares correspond to other mutated genes. Treatment response and patient evolution data are shown at the bottom. Induction + 14d indicates the percentage of blast cells in bone marrow 14 days after starting induction therapy; induction + 35d corresponds to measurable residual disease (MRD) values at the end of the first induction blocks (induction 1); induction-2 indicates patients that received or not an Induction-2 treatment block. Consolidation corresponds to MRD values at the end of consolidation chemo-block. Post-consolidation indicates treatment choice (allogeneic stem cell transplantation or chemotherapy) based on MRD values at the end of the consolidation treatment. On the right, the percentage of cases mutated in the different genes are indicated. NA: not available.
Based on these results, we re-stratified our patients according to their MRD level on day +35 after induction-1 and the presence or absence of WOG mutations. Two groups of patients were identified: standard-risk patients with MRDlow plus WOG- (5-y OS of 52 %, 95% CI: 37-67, n=65); and high-risk patients that included MRDhigh and WOG- (n=11), MRDlow plus WOG+(n=9) and MRDhigh plus WOG+ (n=4) patients respectively, with a 5-y OS of 17% (95% CI: 1-33) (Figure 3).
Tracking aging cluster mutations in non-leukemic cells
In order to determine whether the DNMT3A and U2AF1 genetic variants associated with the aging-genes cluster identified in our adult T-ALL patient cohort were related to clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP), we investigated those variants in the non-leukemic fraction of peripheral blood cells of the same patients. For this purpose, genomic DNA from purified polymorphonuclear cells of nine patients carrying mutations in these two genes was sequenced. However, no genetic variants of the U2AF1 gene were identified in the polymorphonuclear cell fraction of the two patients with mutations in this gene in their leukemic cells. By contrast, identical DNMT3A mutations were found at lower or similar (VAF) in the polymorphonuclear fraction of seven of seven cases whose leukemic cells had mutations in this gene (Table 4), suggesting that these mutations were already present in a common lympho-myeloid early stem cell precursor and appear before the leukemia arises. Moreover, in two patients, copy number alterations and mutations in the DNMT3 gene were apparent in the blast cells, highlighting the importance of this gene in the development of their leukemia. Further analysis of non-hematopoietic cells would be needed to rule out a germinal basis for these alterations, although the in silico predictors indicated that those variants had an actual or potential impact on the function of the DNMT3A protein, which argues in favor of them being of non-germinal origin (Table 4).
This study describes a gene mutational signature, named WOG, that identifies high-risk T-ALL patients with a slow response to initial chemotherapy treatment and low CR rates. These patients more often needed two induction cycles to achieve a good MRD response which could also account for the higher rate of early deaths, due to toxicity, observed at the end of induction treatment, and thereby their shorter OS. However, our WOG signature did not have an impact on the CIR, since did not identify patients at high versus low risk of relapse. This may be due to the very poor clinical outcome of the patients with a WOG mutational profile, yet observed at early stages of the treatment, that would eliminate the possibility of a higher rate of sub- sequent relapses. Thus, the WOG mutational signature allows to identify at diagnosis those patients who will be resistant and refractory to conventional frontline treatment. The WOG signature was an independent risk factor for OS, together with the end-induction MRD levels (0.1% cut-off) indicating that the two parameters cooperate to confer a poor outcome to T-ALL patients. Thus, we demonstrated that the WOG signature contributes to the improved riskstratification of adult T-ALL patients, confirming the relevance of genetic data in this clinical setting. The lack of co-occurrence observed in the genes included in the WOG signature (Online Supplementary Figure S4) highlights the importance of the contribution of each individual gene in the outcome significance of the WOG signature, although we could not demonstrate its individual contribution in the multivariable analysis except for patients with DNMT3A mutations (data not showed), probably due to the limited number of patients included in each individual gene-group. Here also, the impact of WOG variable was probably underestimated since the MRD threshold employed in the two retrospective trials to discriminate patients with good versus worse response was not sensitive enough. With a more sensitive MRD cut-off, the number of patients with MRDhigh would be higher and therefore the WOG signature could contribute to discriminate an intermediate-risk group (those with MRDhighplus WOG- and MRDlow plus WOG+) within the high-risk group. In addition, other genes that did not reach statistical significance when analyzed individually for OS impact, due to the limited number of mutated patients for the specific gene assessed (i.e., patients with JAK3 and JAK1 mutations), could also impair the selection of a very low-risk group of patients. The assessment of the WOG genetics in the current ALL-PETHEMA trial (ALL19), in which a more sensitive MRD cut-off is employed, will help to corroborate the utility of these genetic marker to stratify adult T-ALL patients within PETHEMA trials.
Table 2.Clinical-biological characteristics and response to treatment of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients grouped according to their gene mutational profile.
The WOG signature identified here is defined by the mu-tational status of genes known to be involved in ALL treatment resistance.13-16 These included activating mutations in the N/KRAS genes (n=13). The two G-proteins (N/KRAS) are involved in the RAF/MEK/ERK signaling pathway48 and have been identified as being responsible for steroid re-sistance.12,13 Importantly, these mutations are associated with poor prognosis in both pediatric and adult T-ALL.9,49 The WOG signature described here also included MSH2 gene mutations (n=5) that affected the interaction with MSH3 and MSH6 proteins, respectively, and the formation of MSH3-MSH2 and MSH6-MSH2 heterodimers, two components of the post-replicative DNA mismatch repair sys tem (MMR).50 Under defective MMR function conditions, blasts may lack the capacity to recognize mismatched DNA pairs, leading to the generation of chemoresistance.14,15 Despite the pathogenic role of mutations in this gene, limited information is available about its clinical relevance, probably due to the low frequency of these mutations in adult T-ALL. Nevertheless, leukemic cells from relapsed pediatric cases are enriched in MSH2 gene mutations, suggesting that relapse in these patients may be due to a drug resistance mechanism driven by MSH2 mutations.17,51 The two other genetic components of WOG are the DNMT3A (n=10) and U2AF1 (n=5) genes. U2AF1 gene mutations have been previously identified in adult and childhood T-ALL32,52 and predict poorer prognosis in de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients.53 However, as far as we know, no data are available concerning the consequences of this mutation in T-ALL. DMNT3A mutations have previously been identified in older patients and in immature leukemic subtypes42,54-56 and like other epigen-etic regulators, they are thought to be an early event in leukemogenesis, conferring self-renewal properties on uncommitted hematopoietic progenitors, facilitating the subsequent acquisition of secondary mutations.57,58 Importantly, most DNMT3A mutations observed in the blast cells were also present in the non-leukemic cell fraction of polymorphonucleated cells of the same patients at lower or similar VAF. It is of particular interest that the genetic signature that defines CHIP includes mutations in these two genes at very low VAF.45,46 These genes have also been described in AML at higher VAF.59,60 Together, these observations favor an explanation of a DNMT3A mutation-driven clonal hematopoiesis event in a common lymphoid-myeloid early progenitor that, together with other alterations, could determine the transformation into AML or T-ALL. In contrast, we did not find U2AF1 mutations in non-leukemic cells, although we were able to investigate only a few T-ALL cases.
Table 3.Prognostic factors for overall survival identified in the univariable and multivariable analyses in the PETHEMA adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic cohort.
Figure 3.Prognostic stratification of adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic patients according to overall survival defined by the presence of worse-outcome genetic mutations and measurable residual disease status 35 days after starting therapy. (A) Overall survival (OS) according to measurable residual disease (MRD) levels at 4 years (y) showed rates of (95% confidence interval [CI]: 35-63) in patients with MRDlow (<0.1%) and 8% (95% CI: 0-23) for those with MRDhigh (.0.1%). (B) OS according to worse-outcome genetics (WOG) mutational status at 5 y showed rates of 13% (95% CI: 0-26) in the WOG-mutated patients (WOG+) and 45% (95% CI: 32-58) in non-mutated patients (WOG-). (C) OS according to WOG mutational status and MRD values (d+35) at 5 y was 52% (95% CI: 37-67) for patients with MRDlow (<0.1%) and WOG- (standard-risk-patients), compared with 17% (95% CI: 1-33) for high-risk patients including MRDhigh plus WOG-, MRDlow plus WOG+ and MRDhigh plus WOG+.
Table 4.DNMT3A genetic variants identified in patients associated with the aging cluster in the non-leukemic and leukemic cell.
The incidence of NOTCH1 and FBXW7 mutations in our patients was similar to that reported in other adult and pediatric cohorts,40,44,61-63 but we found no association between mutations in NOTCH1 gene and patient outcome. In fact, the clinical impact of NOTCH1/FBXW7 mutations in adult T-ALL is still a matter of debate. Here we have shown that patients with mutations in FBXW7, including or not mutations in NOTCH1, have a better outcome comparing with patients carrying on only mutations in NOTCH1 gene, but this association do not reach statistical significance in the multivariable analysis. The GRAALL group showed that mutations in NOTCH1, together with FBXW7, identified patients with better event-free survival and OS, with an independent predictive value.44,61 They also showed that the combination of low-risk genetics (defined by the presence of mutations in the NOTCH1 signaling pathway [NOTCH1 and FBXW7] and wild-type N/KRAS or PTEN) and MRD negativity, allowed identification of a fraction of adult T-ALL patients with a very good outcome7. However, the same cooperative group also showed that the favorable prognostic impact of NOTCH1/FBXW7 mutations was influenced by the treatment protocol used.61 Other studies in adult T-ALL cohorts have not been able to confirm this benefit,62,64 whereas the large differences in the prevalence of NOTCH1/FBXW7 mutations reported in other series may compromise the clinical impact of these mutations in the studied cohort.65 Compared with the GRAALL trials,7,9 patients from the PETHEMA trials6,22 included in this study are older, and were treated slightly different (i.e., they did not receive cyclophosphamide during the induction or late intensification stages of the treatment).
In conclusion, we describe a WOG mutational signature, which identifies older, refractory/resistant high-risk T-ALL patients with a poorer OS due to the suboptimal response to induction therapy. Patients in this group emerge as candidates for novel, personalized frontline therapeutic schedules.
- Received April 4, 2022
- Accepted October 14, 2022
No conflicts of interest to disclose.
CG-G performed the experiments and analyzed the data, produced the figures and contributed to the writing process. MM did the statistical analyses. TL performed library preparations; FF-T analyzed the sequencing data. JG-C developed the initial NGSp design. PM, AT, MD-B, RC, JR, LH, SM, JG-C, LZ, TA, FV-L, MT, CG-C, PB, AN, TB, PLdU, M-PQ, PM-S, AG, TG, AC, JC, RF, MAA, MJV and ÁB provided clinical data. N-LB and AB provided support for the project through the AECC T-ALL consortium. RZ and JM created
Data-sharing statement
The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
This project was supported by the AECC (GC16173697BIGA); ISCIII (PI19/01828 and PI19/01183), co-funded by ERDF/ESF, "A way to make Europe"/"Investing in your future", CERCA/Generalitat de Catalunya SGR 2017 288 (GRC)/ “La Caixa”. C Gon-zález-Gil was supported by AGAUR grant (ref: 2020 FI_B2 00210).
We would like to thank Carmen Benet, Maria Paz Garrastazul, Irene García-Cadenas, Gemma Azaceta, Beatriz Soria, Silvia Monsalvo, María Lourdes Amador, Xavier Ortín, Jesús Feliu, Carlos Rodríguez, Irene Romero, María-Paz Martínez, Mª Jesús Peñarrubia and Alberto Gimenez for providing retrospective clinical data for this study. We would also like to thank to Dr. Dr. Yasunobu Nagata and Dr. Brian P. Hobbs for help with the design of the morphological-genetic associations analysis pipeline.
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