
Identification of a novel HLA-G+ regulatory population in blood: expansion after allogeneic transplantation and de novo HLA-G expression at graft-versus-host disease sites

1Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology Division, BMT Unit, Patras, Greece
1Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology Division, BMT Unit, Patras, Greece
1Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology Division, BMT Unit, Patras, Greece
1Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology Division, BMT Unit, Patras, Greece
1Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology Division, BMT Unit, Patras, Greece
2Department of Anatomy, Patras University Medical School and Hospital, Patras, Greece
2Department of Anatomy, Patras University Medical School and Hospital, Patras, Greece
1Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology Division, BMT Unit, Patras, Greece
Vol. 97 No. 9 (2012): September, 2012