In the paper by Odièvre MH, Bony V, Benkerrou M, Lapouméroulie C, Alberti C, Ducrocq R, Jacqz-Aigrain E, Elion J, and Cartron JP. Modulation of erythroid adhesion receptors expression by hydroxyurea in children with sickle cell disease, Haematologica 2008 Apr; 93(4):502–510, has been published a wrong version of Figure 3. The correct version is now published in the right column.
Figure 3.CD47 and CD147 expression on red blood cells (RBC) and on reticulocytes. For each group under study (Control, hydroxyurea-treated [HU], VOC and Non-VOC), the number of receptors/RBC (A, C) or reticulocytes (B, D) are indicated. Values are given as median, lower quartile, upper quartile, minimum and maximum for each group of patients and controls.