In an article published during 2004, an author name was erroneously written (V. LeCam-Duchez, instead of V. Le Cam-Duchez); correct citation becomes:
Giansily-Blaizot M, Verdier R, Biron-Adreani C, Schved JF, Bertrand MA, Borg JY, Le Cam-Duchez V, Briquel ME, Chambost H, Pouymayou K, Dutrillaux F, Favier R, Martin-Toutain I, Verdy E, Gay V, Goudemand J, Navarro R, Durin A, d’Oiron R, Lambert T, Pernod G, Barrot C, Peynet J, Bastenaire B, Sie P, Stieltjes N, Torchet MF, de Moerloose P. Analysis of biological phenotypes from 42 patients with inherited factor VII deficiency: can biological tests predict the bleeding risk? Haematologica 2004;89:704–9.